
Letter ‘f ’ and ‘t’ after page number indicate figure and table, respectively.

accommodation, 48, 73, 134

anchoring, 13, 14, 107, 134

anticipatory emotions, 910, 97

attribution trap, 3739

avoidance, 48, 73, 134

bargaining power, 49, 75, 92, 93, 97, 117, 120, 126, 127, 133

alternatives, 119120

gender stereotypes, 75

legitimate negotiator, 80

positional bargaining, 49, 116

best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA), 3, 19, 2022, 21f, 32, 119120, 127, 134


building, processes in, 69f

bonding, 70

emotion, 70

empathy, 70

perception, 70

storytelling, 6970

trust, 70

importance in negotiation, 69, 129

boomerang effect, 13, 108

chilling effect, 13, 107

cognitive dissonance, 5556, 121

collaboration, 49, 73, 134

communication, ...

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