The Negotiation Matrix

1. Three-level preparation:

(a) You (self-preparation)

(b) Internal (your team)

(c) External (you, your team, and your negotiation partner)

2. Objective—what do you want to achieve?

3. Target—measurable result -> define maximum and minimum

4. Information gathering and profiling of your partner (+ verification of accuracy)

5. Choice of strategy:

(a) Competition

(b) Compromise

(c) Avoidance

(d) Accommodation

(e) Collaboration

(f) Hybrid

6. Team management—distribution of roles within the team

7. Stage setting: room design, virtual space design

8. Agenda design and presentation:

(a) Welcome to the negotiation

(b) Items on the agenda

(c) Common action plan

(d) Timeframe

9. Opening offer (ZOPA, anchoring)

10. Demands (hierarchy ...

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