
ABI Research, 42

Abundant Robotics, 51

administrative roles, 2728

Ahold Delhaize, 46

AlphaZero, 20

Amara’s Law, 5

Amazon, 2829, 36, 4446, 63, 88

American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) F42 Committee, 63

Aoun, J., 150, 151

Apple, 35

Aptiv, 35, 34

Arizona State University, 133

artificial intelligence (AI), 17

adoption, 33

analytics, 102

careers, 3638

centers, 37

jobs, 2224

narrow, 1819

robots and, 4243, 50, 136140

Ashton, K., 85

augmented reality, 93, 96

Aurora, 34

automation, 3, 612, 47, 153, 161

levels, 3132

robot process automation, 1718

Automato Robotics, 51

autonomous driving vehicles, 3334

AUTOX, 4344

Axie Infinity Token, 72

Baby Boomers, 154

Ball, M., 9394

Berkeley campus, 133

Bernstein, J., 160

Bertie ...

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