ABC model, 231

Acaroglu, Leyla, 46–47

Accelio, 39–40

Accenture, 4

Ackoff, Russell, 37

Adobe Systems:

Accelio acquisition by, 39–40

changes at, 105–108

culture of, 4–5, 107–108

employee ratings at, 142

values of, 5, 106–108, 112–113

Agile methodology, 87–88

Agile strategizing, 150–151


change, 233

emotional, 227–233

Airbnb, 85

Alignment, 58–59, 68

Allamano, Cara Brennan, 198

Alumni groups, 146–147

Amazon, 57–58

American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), 201

Andreessen Horowitz, 31, 109

Apple, 152

Aspirational behaviors, 58, 117

“Assimilation,” 136

Association of Talent Development (ATD), 201–202


in decision-making, 153–154

practices based on, 160

ASTD (American Society of Training and Development), 201

Asynchronous ...

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