
Note: Italic page numbers refer to figures.

  • Absolute and Comparative Advantage theories 186, 211

  • accounting system 249, 250252, 253

    • audit trail 249–250, 250

    • back-up, recovery, and fall-back and archival options 259

    • customs routines 258, 258

    • flow of goods 255257

    • information security 259262

    • internal control system 253254

  • Ackoff, Russell 83

  • action limits 222, 223

  • active DSS 72

  • actuality concepts 44

  • “adaptation” 83–84

  • agricultural production systems 75

  • ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Possible) 138

  • Alcmaion of Croton 21

  • algedonic alerts 33, 37

  • algedonic feedback 196, 209

  • algedonic loop 232

  • “algedonic” metric 126

  • Allende, Salvador 22, 24, 27, 28, 112, 123, 126, 158, 271

  • American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS) 192

  • American ...

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