
Accountability, 8890

fearful, 89

flounder, 89

flourish, 89

fragile, 89

Agile manifesto, 36, 40

Agility, importance, 3949

achieving, 3949

flexibility, 42

step-by-step methodology, 4244

defining goals, 43

downside flexibility, 44

establishing the capabilities, 43

high- and low-impact matrix, 47

measuring strategy’s success, 43

redrawing the roadmap, 4649

upside flexibility, 44

tolerance for ambiguity, 42

Ambiguity, tolerance for, 42

Beginning, 8591

accountability, 8890

Eisenhower Matrix, 87

key to start, 8586

prioritizing, 8688

Best teams behaviors, 20

Blind spots, 1819

Bumper cars, 3949. See also Agility, importance

Cain, A., 83n10

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), 19

Cohesive teamwork, 7

Collaborative decision making, 7

Consistency, ...

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