
Account-based marketing (ABM), xii

Account management, xv, 8687, 92, 93

Ad hoc activities, xiiixiv

Administration, 76

Åkerlund, H., 94, 102

American Express Members Project, 20

AstraZeneca, 68

Awareness, 76

Baseline behaviour, 61

Bertuzzi, T., 5

Best alternative to negotiated agreement (BATNA), 6970

Best practices, 8

Bow-tie relationship, 98

Broader groups, 21

Burns, B., 5

Business development, xv

Business-to-business, 5, 19, 62, 66, 67, 94, 97

Career advice, 103104

Carnegie, D., 41

Communication, 7577, 85

clear, 6, 31

with confidence, 2325

nonverbal, 6061, 64

patterns, 8081

script to, 32

verbal, 75

written, 75, 7980

Competition, 3839

Core product/service, 96

COVID-19 pandemic, 1517, 68

Credibility, 3, 30, 3233, 44, 78

CRM systems, ...

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