
Letter ‘f’ after page number indicates figures.

ABC, 81

Abrahams, Leo, 53

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Scientific and Engineering Award (Oscar), 16

acceptance sound, 109

The Accidental Tourist, 7

Addicted to Love, 43

Adobe Systems, Inc., 16

The Adventures of Tintin, 7

AdWeek, 104

Afrobeat, 55

aggressive music, 53

A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, 6

Alexa, xi, 89

“Always Coca-Cola”, 83, 84

Amblin Entertainment, 8

“Ambient 1: Music for Airports”, 52

“ambient music”, 52, 56

American Marketing Association, the, xi

Amistad, 6

Andy Williams Show, 25, 33

Angela’s Ashes, 7

“Another Green World” (1975), 49, 52

Another Green World (Dayal, Geeta), 50

anthem, xiii, 97, 110

Antilles Records, 51

“Anywhere in the World”, 78

Ascott, Roy,

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