

  • Ability to fail fast, 169
  • Access to smartphones and other technologies, 56
  • Accountable care organizations (ACO), 91
  • Active listening, 167168
  • Active/real-time monitoring, 7, 35
  • Acute care, 1516, 41
  • ADKAR model, 340341
  • Agile, 22, 127128, 245246
  • Agile renovation project management, 320321
  • Aging population, 8
  • AI vendors, 40
  • Alzheimer's disease, 9
  • Amazon AWS®, 127
  • American Hospital Association, 10
  • Analytics, use of, 17
  • Anticipated changes, 67
  • Application architecture, 81
  • Artificial intelligence (AI), 6, 9, 17, 19, 20, 136; see also ChatGPT
    • digital transformation and, 3334
    • generative, 3233
    • operations and, 3233
  • Assessment
    • architecture, 215220
    • business continuity ...

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