Chapter 7. Sprites and Text

My god, it’s full of stars.

Dave Bowman, 2001: A Space Odyssey

Even though OpenGL ES is designed for 3D graphics, you’ll often find the need to render visual elements that are 2D. OpenGL is actually quite well-suited to rendering a flat world; several popular 2D libraries, such as cocos2d, use OpenGL as their rendering engines.

The most common type of 2D rendering is text rendering. The OpenGL API lives too close to the metal to treat text as a first-class citizen, but it’s easy to render a pregenerated glyph (a character’s shape in a given font) using a textured quad, and that’s the approach we’ll take in this chapter.


Computing the points along the outline of a glyph can be surprisingly complex. For example, the TrueType file format specifies a unique programming language—complete with loops and if statements—solely for the purpose of tweaking the curves in a glyph.

In this chapter, we won’t attempt to go over kerning algorithms, ligatures, or line wrapping; simple text layout is good enough for our purposes. (Check out the popular pango library if you need a full-featured layout engine.)

Another common 2D concept is the sprite, which is a rather generic term for any bitmap that gets composited into a scene. Sprites often contain transparent regions, so their texture format contains alpha. Sprites are often animated in some way. There are two ways of animating a sprite: its screen position can change (imagine a bouncing ball), or its source image can change (imagine a ball that’s spinning in place).

The iPhone supports two extensions to OpenGL ES 1.1 that make it easy to render sprites: GL_OES_draw_texture and GL_OES_point_sprite. We’ll make good use of both these extensions throughout the chapter, and we’ll wrap up the chapter with a fun sample application that renders a spring system with sprites.

Text Rendering 101: Drawing an FPS Counter

Rather than demonstrating text rendering with yet another goofy toy application, let’s do something useful for a change. Overlaying a frames-per-second counter in one corner of the iPhone screen provides a quick and easy way of evaluating graphics performance; see Figure 7-1.

FPS counter
Figure 7-1. FPS counter


For more sophisticated runtime analysis of graphics performance, Apple provides an excellent free tool called Instruments, which we’ll cover in a subsequent chapter.

Before writing any application code, you’d need to generate an image that contains bitmaps for the numbers zero through nine, as depicted in Figure 7-2. (Don’t bother trying to create this yet; you’ll see a way to automate this shortly.)

Numerals in a 128x32 luminance texture
Figure 7-2. Numerals in a 128x32 luminance texture

You probably already guessed that you need to store off the bounding box of each glyph in order to compute the appropriate texture coordinates. Thinking about this a bit more, you’ll realize a mere bounding box is not enough. When you’re writing a sentence on ruled paper, some parts of letters extend below the baseline, like the descender of the lowercase p. And, in the case of the rather artsy font shown in Figure 7-3, the type designer wants the 9 numeral to be vertically offset from the other letters. Further complicating matters is the fact that the bounding boxes of glyphs can overlap in the destination image. In Figure 7-3, observe how the descender of the letter p extends right below the letter i.

Simple text layout with baseline
Figure 7-3. Simple text layout with baseline

It turns out that associating a specific set of glyph metrics with each character supplies enough information to achieve the simple text layout shown in Figure 7-3. A popular naming convention for these metrics is described in Figure 7-4; in this diagram, the origin represents the current pen position.

Glyph metrics: bearing and advance vectors; width and height lengths
Figure 7-4. Glyph metrics: bearing and advance vectors; width and height lengths

To summarize, the four glyph metrics are as follows:

Bearing vector

2D vector describing the offset from the pen position.

Advance vector

2D vector describing how to advance the pen to the next position after rendering the current glyph. The y component is always zero for Latin-based alphabets.


The horizontal length of the glyph.


The vertical length of the glyph.

Using these metrics, Example 7-1 the pseudocode for a simple text layout algorithm.

Example 7-1. Simple text layout algorithm
void RenderText(string s, vec2 p)
    for each character c in s
        metrics m = GlyphTable[c].Metrics
        vec2 topLeft = GlyphTable[c].Position
        box source = box(topLeft, m.Width, m.Height)
        box dest = box(p + m.BearingVector, m.Width, m.Height)
        Blit(source, dest)
        p += m.AdvanceVector

Generating a Glyphs Texture with Python

Before writing any application code, we need to choose a way of generating a glyphs texture and a set of metrics for each glyph.

Leveraging Quartz is perhaps the most obvious way of generating a glyphs texture (see Generating and Transforming OpenGL Textures with Quartz). This can be done at runtime when your application first starts up. This might slow down your startup time by a tiny amount, but it has the benefit of shrinking the size of the application bundle.

My preference is to generate the glyphs texture as a build step, mostly because it simplifies my application code. Build steps take place in Xcode rather than the iPhone execution environment, which brings a much richer tool set to the table. This is a perfect use case for a scripting language, and Python comes to mind first.


There are many ways of generating a glyphs texture; here I’m giving an overview of my favorite. Take it only as a high-level example.

Given that we’re using Python in a build step, we need to find some useful Python modules for image manipulation and image generation. At the time of this writing, the Python Imaging Library (PIL) is the most popular imaging manipulation module, and it provides excellent support for manipulating PNG images at a low level. However, it’s not quite enough on its own because it doesn’t provide direct access to the glyph metrics that we need. Another popular library is Cairo, which has a well-maintained Python binding called pycairo. Cairo is robust and fast, and it’s used as the rendering backend in Firefox, Mono, and GTK. So, let’s go with PIL ( and pycairo (

Rather than packaging the glyphs texture as a PNG or PVR file, let’s serialize the data to a C header file. Since it’s a single-channel texture, the amount of data is relatively small. The header file will also provide a convenient place to store the glyph metrics. We’ll simply have our Python script spawn PVRTexTool (see the section entitled The PowerVR SDK and Low-Precision Textures) for generating the header file from the image. We’ll still generate a PNG file for preview purposes, but we won’t include it in the application bundle. See Example 7-2 for the complete Python script that generates Figure 7-2.

Example 7-2.
import cairo
import os
from PIL import Image

# Create a Cairo image surface:
imagesize = (256,32)
surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, *imagesize) 1
cr = cairo.Context(surface)
padding = 3

# Choose a font (look in /Library/Fonts) and set up the transforms.
cr.select_font_face("Apple Chancery", 
                    cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) 2

# Create a string for appending the glyph metrics to the texture file:
glyphs = '''4
struct GlyphPosition {
    int X;
    int Y;
struct GlyphMetrics {
    int XBearing;
    int YBearing;
    int Width;
    int Height;
    int XAdvance;
    int YAdvance;
struct Glyph {
    GlyphPosition Position;
    GlyphMetrics Metrics;
static const Glyph NumeralGlyphs[] = {\n'''

# Render glyphs '0' through '9' and write out their extents:
x, y = 0, 0 5
for character in '0123456789': 6
    extents = cr.text_extents(character) 7
    x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height, x_advance, y_advance = extents
    glyphs += '    {{ %d, %d }, ' % (x, y) 8
    glyphs += '{ %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d }},\n' % extents 9
    cr.translate(x, -y_bearing)
    cr.fill() 10
    x += width + padding 11
glyphs += '};\n'

# Extract the alpha channel and open it up for a quick preview:
surface.write_to_png("NumeralsTexture.png") 12
image ="NumeralsTexture.png") 13
image.split()[3].save("NumeralsTexture.png") 14
os.system("open NumeralsTexture.png")

# Serialize the image data to a C header file:
os.system('PVRTexTool -h -yflip1 -fOGL8 -iNumeralsTexture.png') 15

# Write to the header file:            
headerFile = open('NumeralsTexture.h', 'a') (16)


For this to work, you must either put the location of PVRTexTool (The PowerVR SDK and Low-Precision Textures) into your shell’s PATH environment variable or copy PVRTexTool into one of your PATH entries, such as /usr/local/bin. If you’ve extracted the Khronos SDK into your current directory, you could copy the file and mark it executable with these commands:

cd SDKPackage/Utilities/PVRTexTool/PVRTexToolCL/MacOS
sudo cp PVRTexTool /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/PVRTexTool
cd -

Cairo is a fairly extensive library and is beyond the scope of this book, but here’s a brief explanation of Example 7-2:


Create a 256×32 image surface with Cairo, and then create a context associated with the surface.


Select a TrueType font file, and then choose its size. In this case, I’m selecting the Apple Chancery font found in /Library/Fonts.


Set Cairo’s current draw color to white.


Initialize a string that we’ll later append to the header file. For starters, define some structs for the glyphs table.


Initialize the pen position to (0, 0).


Iterate over glyphs 0 through 9.


Obtain the metrics for the glyph.


Populate the GlyphPosition structure that we’re defining in the generated header file.


Populate the GlyphMetrics structure that we’re defining in the generated header file.


Tell Cairo to fill in the glyph shape.


Advance the pen position with some padding.


Save the Cairo surface to a PNG file.


Load the PNG image into PIL.


Use PIL to extract only the alpha channel, and then overwrite the PNG file.


Use PVRTexTool to serialize the image data to a C header file. (At this point, the PNG is no longer needed.)


Append the metrics data to the same header file that defines the image data.

If you’d like, you can add the number-generation script to your Xcode project and make it into a build step, similar to what we did for texture compression (Texture Compression with PVRTC). For simplicity’s sake, I chose not to do this in the sample project that you can download from this book’s website.

Rendering the FPS Text

Now that we’re past the grunt work of generating the glyphs texture, we can move on to the actual rendering code. A frames-per-second counter is much more useful than our other toy demos, so this time let’s strive to make the rendering code very self-contained and easy to integrate into any project. We can do this by creating a C++ class wholly implemented within a single header file. Example 7-3 shows the basic outline for this class.

Example 7-3. FpsRenderer.h skeleton
#include <OpenGLES/ES1/gl.h>
#include <OpenGLES/ES1/glext.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#include "../Textures/NumeralsTexture.h"

typedef unsigned int PVRTuint32;

struct PVR_Texture_Header {
    // ...see PVRTTexture.h in the PowerVR SDK...

class FpsRenderer {
    FpsRenderer(vec2 windowSize)
    void RenderFps()

    static const int MaxNumDigits = 3;
    static const int VertsPerDigit = 6;
    static const int FloatsPerVert = 4;
    static const int FloatsPerDigit = VertsPerDigit * FloatsPerVert;
    static const int TexCoordOffset = sizeof(float) * 2;
    static const int BytesPerVert = sizeof(float) * FloatsPerVert;
    static const int BytesPerDigit = sizeof(float) * FloatsPerDigit;
    uint64_t GetElapsedNanoseconds()
        uint64_t current = mach_absolute_time();
        uint64_t duration = current - m_previousTime;
        m_previousTime = current;
        mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
        duration *= info.numer;
        duration /= info.denom;
        return duration;

    float* WriteGlyphVertex(const Glyph& glyph, vec2 pos, int corner, float* vertex)1
    double m_filterConstant;2
    double m_fps;3
    uint64_t m_previousTime;4
    vec2 m_windowSize;5
    vec2 m_textureSize;6
    GLuint m_textureHandle;7
    GLuint m_vbo;8

Private method that generates the vertex and texture coordinates for one of the corners in a glyph rectangle.


Smoothing factor for the low-pass filter; this is explained further in the next section.


Exponentially weighted moving average of the frame rate (again, this is explained in the next section).


Timestamp in nanoseconds of the most recent call to RenderFps().


Width and height of the viewport (usually 320×480).


Width and height of the glyphs texture.


The OpenGL ID of the glyphs texture object.


The OpenGL ID of the vertex buffer object used for rendering the glyphs.

Stabilizing the counter with a low-pass filter

To prevent the FPS counter from fluctuating wildly, we’ll using a low-pass filter similar to the one we used for the accelerometer (see Adding accelerometer support). The application can compute a constant called the smoothing factor, which is always between zero and one. Here’s one way of doing so:

double ComputeSmoothingFactor(double sampleRate, double cutoffFrequency)
   double dt = 1.0 / sampleRate;
   double RC = 1.0 / cutoffFrequency;
   return dt / (dt + RC);

In the previous listing, cutoffFrequency and sampleRate help define what constitutes “noise” in the signal. However, for our purposes, computing a smoothing factor like this is a bit pedantic; pragmatically speaking, it’s perfectly fine to come up with a reasonable number through experimentation. I find that a value of 0.1 works well for a frame rate counter. A higher smoothing factor would result in a more spastic counter.

Fleshing out the FpsRenderer class

Let’s go ahead and implement the constructor of the FpsRenderer class; see Example 7-4. It’s responsible for loading up the glyphs texture and creating the empty VBO for rendering up to three digits.

Example 7-4. FpsRenderer constructor
FpsRenderer(vec2 windowSize)
    m_filterConstant = 0.1;
    m_fps = 0;
    m_windowSize = windowSize;
    m_previousTime = mach_absolute_time();
    glGenTextures(1, &m_textureHandle);
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureHandle);
    PVR_Texture_Header* header = (PVR_Texture_Header*) NumeralsTexture;
    const unsigned char* bytes = (unsigned char*) NumeralsTexture;
    const unsigned char* imageData = bytes + header->dwHeaderSize;
    GLenum type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
    GLenum format = GL_ALPHA;
    int w = header->dwWidth;
    int h = header->dwHeight;
    m_textureSize = vec2(w, h);
    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, w, h,
                 0, format, type, imageData);
    glGenBuffers(1, &m_vbo);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vbo);
    int totalSize = BytesPerDigit * MaxNumDigits;
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, totalSize, 0, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

The FpsRenderer class has only one public method; see Example 7-5. This method is responsible for updating the moving average and rendering the digits. Note that updating the VBO is quite a hassle; we’ll demonstrate a much simpler way of rendering textured rectangles in the next section.

Example 7-5. RenderFps() method
void RenderFps()
    uint64_t deltaTime = GetElapsedNanoseconds();
    double fps = 1000000000.0 / deltaTime;
    double alpha = m_filterConstant;
    m_fps = fps * alpha + m_fps * (1.0 - alpha);
    fps = round(m_fps);
    char digits[MaxNumDigits + 1] = {0};
    sprintf(digits, "%d", (int) fps);
    int numDigits = strlen(digits);
    vec2 pos(5, 10);
    vector<float> vbo(numDigits * FloatsPerDigit);
    float* vertex = &vbo[0];
    for (char* digit = &digits[0]; *digit; ++digit) {
        int glyphIndex = *digit - '0';
        const Glyph& glyph = NumeralGlyphs[glyphIndex];
        vertex = WriteGlyphVertex(glyph, pos, 0, vertex);
        vertex = WriteGlyphVertex(glyph, pos, 1, vertex);
        vertex = WriteGlyphVertex(glyph, pos, 2, vertex);
        vertex = WriteGlyphVertex(glyph, pos, 2, vertex);
        vertex = WriteGlyphVertex(glyph, pos, 3, vertex);
        vertex = WriteGlyphVertex(glyph, pos, 1, vertex);
        pos.x += glyph.Metrics.XAdvance;
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vbo);
    glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, 
                    BytesPerDigit * numDigits, &vbo[0]);
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureHandle);
    glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, BytesPerVert, 0);
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, BytesPerVert, 
                      (GLvoid*) TexCoordOffset);
    glOrthof(0, m_windowSize.x, 0, m_windowSize.y, 0, 1);
    glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, numDigits * VertsPerDigit);

Next we need to implement the private WriteGlyphVertex method, which generates the VBO data for a given corner of a glyph rectangle. It takes a pointer-to-float for input, advances it after writing out each value, and then returns it to the caller (see Example 7-6).

Example 7-6. WriteGlyphVertex() method
float* WriteGlyphVertex(const Glyph& glyph, vec2 position, 
                        int corner, float* vertex)
    vec2 texcoord;
    texcoord.x = glyph.Position.X;
    texcoord.y = glyph.Position.Y + glyph.Metrics.Height;
    position.y -= glyph.Metrics.Height + glyph.Metrics.YBearing;
    if (corner % 2) {
        position.x += glyph.Metrics.Width;
        texcoord.x += glyph.Metrics.Width;
    if (corner / 2) {
        position.y += glyph.Metrics.Height;
        texcoord.y -= glyph.Metrics.Height;
    *vertex++ = position.x;
    *vertex++ = position.y;
    *vertex++ = (1 + texcoord.x) / m_textureSize.x;
    *vertex++ = 1 - (1 + texcoord.y) / m_textureSize.y;
    return vertex;

That’s it for the frame rate counter! It’s pretty easy to use the class from within the rendering engine class; see Example 7-7.

Example 7-7. Using the FpsRenderer class
#include "FpsRenderer.h"

class RenderingEngine : public IRenderingEngine {
    RenderingEngine(IResourceManager* resourceManager);
    void Initialize();
    void Render(float objectTheta, float fboTheta) const;
    FpsRenderer* m_fpsRenderer;

void RenderingEngine::Initialize()
    m_fpsRenderer = new FpsRenderer(m_screenSize);

void RenderingEngine::Render(float objectTheta, float fboTheta) const


Simplify with glDrawTexOES

Recall that updating the VBO at every frame and computing texture coordinates was a bit of a pain; it turns out the iPhone supports an easier way to render pixel rectangles when you’re using OpenGL ES 1.1.


This extension is not supported under OpenGL ES 2.0.

The GL_OES_draw_texture extension (supported on all iPhone models at the time of this writing) adds two new functions to OpenGL’s repertoire:

void glDrawTexfOES(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, 
                   GLfloat width, GLfloat height);
void glDrawTexfvOES(const GLfloat *destRectangle);

These two functions are basically equivalent; either can be used to render a rectangle. The second function takes a pointer to the same five floats described in the first function.


The GL_OES_draw_texture extension actually introduces eight functions in all because of the variants for GLshort, GLint, and GLfixed. I tend to use the GLfloat variants.

This extension also introduces a new texture parameter called GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, which can be used liked this:

int sourceRectangle[] = { x, y, width, height };
glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, sourceRectangle);

When used together, the new glDrawTex* functions and the new texture parameter make it easy to draw rectangles of pixels; there’s no need to mess with cumbersome VBOs and triangles.

To summarize, use glDrawTex* to set the destination rectangle on the screen; use the new crop rectangle parameter to set up the rectangle in the source texture.

Let’s walk through the process of converting the FpsRenderer sample to use the draw_texture extension. First we can remove several fields from the class, including m_vbo, m_windowSize, and all constants except MaxNumDigits.

We can also replace the cumbersome WriteGlyphVertex method with a new streamlined method called RenderGlyph. See Example 7-8. For brevity, sections of code that remain unchanged are replaced with ellipses.

Example 7-8. Simplified FpsRenderer skeleton

class FpsRenderer {
    FpsRenderer(vec2 windowSize)
    void RenderFps()
        uint64_t deltaTime = GetElapsedNanoseconds();
        double fps = 1000000000.0 / deltaTime;
        double alpha = m_filterConstant;
        m_fps = fps * alpha + m_fps * (1.0 - alpha);
        fps = round(m_fps);
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureHandle);
        glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
        char digits[MaxNumDigits + 1] = {0};
        sprintf(digits, "%d", (int) fps);
        vec2 pos(5, 10);

        for (char* digit = &digits[0]; *digit; ++digit) {
            int glyphIndex = *digit - '0';
            const Glyph& glyph = NumeralGlyphs[glyphIndex];
            RenderGlyph(glyph, pos);
            pos.x += glyph.Metrics.XAdvance;

    static const int MaxNumDigits = 3;
    uint64_t GetElapsedNanoseconds()

    void RenderGlyph(const Glyph& glyph, vec2 position)
        position.y -= glyph.Metrics.Height + glyph.Metrics.YBearing;

        int box[] = { glyph.Position.X,
                      m_textureSize.y - 1 
                        + glyph.Position.Y - glyph.Metrics.Height,
                      glyph.Metrics.Width + 1,
                      glyph.Metrics.Height + 1 };

        glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, box);
        glDrawTexfOES(position.x, position.y, 0,
                      glyph.Metrics.Width + 1, glyph.Metrics.Height + 1);
    double m_filterConstant;
    double m_fps;
    uint64_t m_previousTime;
    vec2 m_textureSize;
    GLuint m_textureHandle;

Crisper Text with Distance Fields

Chris Green of Valve Software wrote a very cool graphics paper in 2007 that I think deserves more attention.[5] The paper describes a simple way to preserve high-quality edges in vector art (typically text) when storing the art in a relatively low-resolution texture. If you’d like to minimize distraction while coming up to speed with OpenGL, go ahead and skip this section; distance fields are a somewhat advanced concept, and they are not required in simple applications. However, I find them fascinating!

Let’s review the standard way of rendering text in OpenGL. Normally you’d store the glyphs in a texture whose format is GL_ALPHA, and you’d set up a fairly standard blending configuration, which would probably look like this:


If you’re using ES 1.1, you can then set the color of the text using glColor4f. With ES 2.0, you can store the color in a uniform variable and apply it in your fragment shader.

That’s a perfectly reasonable approach, but if you zoom in far enough on your texture, you’ll see some fuzzy stair-stepping as shown in the leftmost panel in Figure 7-5. The fuzziness can be alleviated by replacing blending with alpha testing (Alpha Testing), but the stair-stepping remains; see the middle panel.

You’ll almost always see stair-stepping when zooming in with bilinear filtering. Third-order texture filtering (also known as cubic filtering) would mitigate this, but it’s not easy to implement with OpenGL ES.

Left to right: alpha blending, alpha testing, and alpha testing with distance field
Figure 7-5. Left to right: alpha blending, alpha testing, and alpha testing with distance field

It turns out there’s a way to use bilinear filtering and achieve higher-quality results. The trick is to generate a signed distance field for your glyphs. A distance field is a grid of values, where each value represents the shortest distance from that grid cell to the glyph boundary. Cells that lie inside the glyph have negative values; cells that lie outside have positive values. If a grid cell lies exactly on the boundary of the glyph, it has a distance value of zero.

To represent a distance field in an OpenGL texture, we need a way to map from the signed distance values to grayscale. One approach is to represent a distance of zero as half-black (0.5) and then to choose maximum and minimum distances, which get mapped to 1.0 and 0. (This effectively clamps large distances, which is fine.) Figure 7-6 shows a distance field for the mystical Aum symbol. Figure 7-7 zooms in on a portion of the Aum distance field with the original glyph boundary represented as a black line.

Signed distance field for the Aum symbol
Figure 7-6. Signed distance field for the Aum symbol
Zoomed distance field
Figure 7-7. Zoomed distance field

The concept of a distance field may seem obscure, but it’s useful in many surprising ways. Not only does it provide a way to preserve quality of edges (with both ES 1.1 and ES 2.0), but it also makes it easy to apply a bevy of text effects, such as shadows and outlines (these are ES 2.0 only).

Generating Distance Fields with Python

Before diving in to the application of distance fields, let’s take a look at how to generate them. The most popular way of doing this is actually quite simple to implement, despite having a ridiculously complex name: “the eight-points signed sequential Euclidean distance transform algorithm,” or 8SSEDT for short. The basic idea is to store a pair of integers at each grid cell (dx and dy), which represents the number of cells between it and the nearest cell on the opposite side of the vector boundary. Each cell is initialized to either (0, 0) or (+∞, +∞), depending on whether the cell is inside the vector. The algorithm itself consists of “propagating” the distances by having each cell compare its dx:dy pair to its neighbor and then adding it to the current cell if it’s closer. To achieve a signed distance, the algorithm is run on two separate grids and then merges the results.

Let’s momentarily go back to using Python and the PIL library since they provide a convenient environment for implementing the algorithm; see Example 7-9.

Example 7-9. Distance field generation with Python
import os
import math
from PIL import Image

inside, outside = (0,0), (9999, 9999)

def invert(c):
    return 255 - c
def initCell(pixel):
    if pixel == 0: return inside
    return outside

def distSq(cell):
    return cell[0] * cell[0] + cell[1] * cell[1]

def getCell(grid, x, y):
    if y < 0 or y >= len(grid): return outside
    if x < 0 or x >= len(grid[y]): return outside
    return grid[y][x]

def compare(grid, cell, x, y, ox, oy):
    other = getCell(grid, x + ox, y + oy)
    other = (other[0] + ox, other[1] + oy)
    if distSq(other) < distSq(cell): return other
    return cell

def propagate(grid):
    height = len(grid)
    width = len(grid[0])
    for y in xrange(0, height):
        for x in xrange(0, width):
            cell = grid[y][x]
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y, -1,  0)
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y,  0, -1)
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y, -1, -1)
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y, +1, -1)
            grid[y][x] = cell
        for x in xrange(width - 1, -1, -1):
            cell = grid[y][x]
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y, 1, 0)
            grid[y][x] = cell
    for y in xrange(height - 1, -1, -1):
        for x in xrange(width - 1, -1, -1):
            cell = grid[y][x]
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y, +1,  0)
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y,  0, +1)
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y, -1, +1)
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y, +1, +1)
            grid[y][x] = cell
        for x in xrange(0, width):
            cell = grid[y][x]
            cell = compare(grid, cell, x, y, -1,  0)
            grid[y][x] = cell

def GenerateDistanceField(inFile, outFile, spread):
    print "Allocating the destination image..."
    image =
    channels = image.split()
    if len(channels) == 4: alphaChannel = channels[3]
    else: alphaChannel = channels[0]
    w = alphaChannel.size[0] + spread * 2
    h = alphaChannel.size[1] + spread * 2
    img ="L", (w, h), 0)
    img.paste(alphaChannel, (spread, spread))
    width, height = img.size

    print "Creating the two grids..."
    pixels = img.load()
    grid0 = [[initCell(pixels[x, y]) \
              for x in xrange(width)] \
              for y in xrange(height)] 
    grid1 = [[initCell(invert(pixels[x, y])) \
              for x in xrange(width)] \
              for y in xrange(height)] 

    print "Propagating grids..."

    print "Subtracting grids..."
    signedDistance = [[0 for x in xrange(width)] for y in xrange(height)]
    for y in xrange(height):
        for x in xrange(width):
            dist1 = math.sqrt(distSq(grid0[y][x]))
            dist0 = math.sqrt(distSq(grid1[y][x]))
            signedDistance[y][x] = dist0 - dist1

    print "Normalizing..."
    maxDist, minDist = spread, -spread
    for y in xrange(height):
        for x in xrange(width):
            dist = signedDistance[y][x]
            if dist < 0: dist = -128 * (dist - minDist) / minDist
            else: dist = 128 + 128 * dist / maxDist
            if dist < 0: dist = 0
            elif dist > 255: dist = 255
            signedDistance[y][x] = int(dist)
            pixels[x, y] = signedDistance[y][x]

    print "Saving %s..." % outFile

if __name__ == "__main__":
    inFile, outFile = 'Aum.png', 'DistanceFieldAum.png'
    GenerateDistanceField(inFile, outFile, spread = 15)

Don’t let Example 7-9 scare you! You’re in good shape if you simply grok the concept of a distance field. The formal proof of the generation algorithm is beyond the scope of this book, but you can always flip back to Generating Distance Fields with Python to review it at a high level.

Use Distance Fields Under ES 1.1 with Alpha Testing

To make use of a distance field with iPhone models that support only OpenGL ES 1.1, simply bind the distance field texture and enable alpha testing with a threshold value of 0.5:

glAlphaFunc(GL_LESS, 0.5);

Remember, blending applies an equation at every pixel to determine the final color, while alpha testing compares the source alpha with a given value and leaves the framebuffer unchanged if the comparison fails.

Adding Text Effects with Fragment Shaders

One of the reasons I love distance fields is that they enable more than quality enhancements. On iPhone models that support OpenGL ES 2.0, distance fields can be used in conjunction with a fragment shader to achieve a variety of special effects, all using the same source bitmap. See Figure 7-8.

Left to right: smooth, outline, glow, shadow
Figure 7-8. Left to right: smooth, outline, glow, shadow

Smoothing and Derivatives

The first distance field effect that I want to cover is smoothing, as shown in the leftmost panel in Figure 7-8.

Go back and take another look at the big stair steps in the left-most panel in Figure 7-5; they correspond to the texels in the source image. Alpha testing with a distance field fixed this up (rightmost panel), but it still exhibits pixel-level aliasing. This is because the rasterized pixels are always either fully lit or discarded; there are no shades of gray. We can fix this up with a fragment shader.

Before diving into the shader code, let’s take a look at GLSL’s smoothstep function. Here’s the declaration:

float smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, float x)

smoothstep returns 0.0 if x is less than or equal to edge0 and returns 1.0 if x is greater than or equal to edge1. If x is between these two values, then it interpolates between 0 and 1. Calling smoothstep is equivalent to the following:

float t = clamp ((x – edge0) / (edge1 – edge0), 0.0, 1.0);
return t * t * (3.0 – 2.0 * t);

To see how smoothstep comes in handy for smoothing, visualize two new boundary lines in the distance field: one at edge0 (a deflated version of the glyph), the other at edge1 (an inflated version of the glyph). See Figure 7-9; the middle line is the region where distance = 0.

Distance field with edge0 (inner line) and edge1 (outer line)
Figure 7-9. Distance field with edge0 (inner line) and edge1 (outer line)

Alpha should be opaque at edge0 and transparent at edge1. To achieve smoothing, the fragment shader needs to create an alpha ramp between these two boundaries. Example 7-10 shows an implementation.

Example 7-10. Naive fragment shader for distance field smoothing
varying mediump vec2 TextureCoord;

uniform sampler2D DistanceField;
uniform mediump vec3 GlyphColor;

const mediump float SmoothCenter = 0.5;
const mediump float SmoothWidth = 0.04;

void main(void)
    mediump vec4 color = texture2D(DistanceField, TextureCoord);
    mediump float distance = color.a;
    mediump float alpha = smoothstep(SmoothCenter - SmoothWidth,
                                     SmoothCenter + SmoothWidth,
    gl_FragColor = vec4(GlyphColor, alpha);

The fragment shader in Example 7-10 is fairly easy to understand, but unfortunately it suffers from a fundamental flaw. The value of SmoothWidth is always the same, regardless of how much the glyph is magnified. As a result, anti-aliasing is too blurry when the camera is near the texture (Figure 7-10), and it’s ineffective when the camera is very far away.

Naive smoothing with large magnification
Figure 7-10. Naive smoothing with large magnification

Fortunately, the iPhone supports a fragment shader extension to help out with this. Unfortunately, it’s not supported in the simulator at the time of this writing.


It’s easy to deal with this disparity. At runtime, check for extension support using the method described in Dealing with Size Constraints. Compile fragment shader A if it’s supported; otherwise, compile fragment shader B.

The name of this extension is OES_standard_derivatives. That’s right, “derivatives.” Don’t run in fear if this conjures up images of a brutal calculus professor! It’s not as bad as it sounds. The extension simply adds three new functions to GLSL:

float dFdx(float f);
float dFdy(float f);
float fwidth(float f)

These functions are available only to the fragment shader. They return a value proportional to the rate of change of the argument when compared to neighboring pixels. The dFdx function returns a rate of change along the x-axis; the dFdy function returns a rate of change along the y-axis. The fwidth function provides a convenient way of combining the two values:

fwidth(f) = abs(dFdx(f)) + abs(dFdy(f))

In our case, when the camera is far away, the rate of change in the on-screen distance field is greater than when the camera is close-up. To achieve consistent anti-aliasing, we’ll simply use a larger filter width when the camera is far away. See Example 7-11 for a new version of the fragment shader that uses derivatives.

Example 7-11. Corrected fragment shader for distance field smoothing
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable

varying mediump vec2 TextureCoord;

uniform sampler2D DistanceField;
uniform mediump vec3 GlyphColor;

const mediump float SmoothCenter = 0.5;

void main(void)
    mediump vec4 color = texture2D(DistanceField, TextureCoord);
    mediump float distance = color.a;
    mediump float smoothWidth = fwidth(distance);
    mediump float alpha = smoothstep(SmoothCenter - smoothWidth,
                                     SmoothCenter + smoothWidth, distance);
    gl_FragColor = vec4(GlyphColor, alpha);

Implementing Outline, Glow, and Shadow Effects

Using shaders with distance fields can also achieve a variety of special effects, as shown in Figure 7-8. In the interest of brevity, I won’t go into too much detail here; much like the smoothing example from the previous section, all these effects rely on using smoothstep and various offsets from the distance=0 boundary. They also make use of a GLSL function called mix; here’s its declaration:

float mix(float x, float y, float a)

You probably already guessed that this function performs linear interpolation between its first two arguments:

mix(x, y, a) = x * (1 - a) + y * a

See Example 7-12 for an “übershader” that can produce any of the aforementioned distance field effects, depending on how the application sets up the uniforms. If you’re trying to run this shader on the simulator, you’ll need to remove the top line and replace the fwidth function with a constant.


As always, you can obtain the complete source for an app that demonstrates this technique from this book’s website. The sample in this case is simply called “DistanceField,” and it uses #ifdef to automatically avoid derivatives when running in the simulator.

Example 7-12. Distance field übershader
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable

varying mediump vec2 TextureCoord;

uniform sampler2D DistanceField;
uniform mediump vec3 OutlineColor;
uniform mediump vec3 GlyphColor;
uniform mediump vec3 GlowColor;

uniform bool Outline;1
uniform bool Glow;
uniform bool Shadow;

const mediump vec2 ShadowOffset = vec2(0.005, 0.01);2
const mediump vec3 ShadowColor = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.125);3
const mediump float SmoothCenter = 0.5;4
const mediump float OutlineCenter = 0.4;5
const mediump float GlowBoundary = 1.0;6

void main(void)
    mediump vec4 color = texture2D(DistanceField, TextureCoord);
    mediump float distance = color.a;
    mediump float smoothWidth = fwidth(distance);
    mediump float alpha;
    mediump vec3 rgb;

    if (Outline) {
        mediump float mu = smoothstep(OutlineCenter - smoothWidth,
                                      OutlineCenter + smoothWidth,
        alpha = smoothstep(SmoothCenter - smoothWidth,
                           SmoothCenter + smoothWidth, distance)
        rgb = mix(GlyphColor, OutlineColor, mu);

    if (Glow) {
        mediump float mu = smoothstep(SmoothCenter - smoothWidth,
                                      SmoothCenter + smoothWidth, 
        rgb = mix(GlyphColor, GlowColor, mu);
        alpha = smoothstep(SmoothCenter, GlowBoundary, sqrt(distance));

    if (Shadow) {
        mediump float distance2 = texture2D(DistanceField, 
                                            TextureCoord + ShadowOffset).a;
        mediump float s = smoothstep(SmoothCenter - smoothWidth,
                                     SmoothCenter + smoothWidth, 
        mediump float v = smoothstep(SmoothCenter - smoothWidth,
                                     SmoothCenter + smoothWidth, 
        // If s is 0, then we're inside the shadow; 
        // if it's 1, then we're outside the shadow.
        // If v is 0, then we're inside the vector; 
        // if it's 1, then we're outside the vector.
        // Totally inside the vector (i.e., inside the glyph):
        if (v == 0.0) {
            rgb = GlyphColor;
            alpha = 0.0;
        // On a nonshadowed vector edge:
        else if (s == 1.0 && v != 1.0) {
            rgb = GlyphColor;
            alpha = v;

        // Totally inside the shadow:
        else if (s == 0.0 && v == 1.0) {
            rgb = ShadowColor;
            alpha = 0.0;

        // On a shadowed vector edge:
        else if (s == 0.0) {
            rgb = mix(GlyphColor, ShadowColor, v);
            alpha = 0.0;

        // On the shadow's outside edge:
        else {
            rgb = mix(GlyphColor, ShadowColor, v);
            alpha = s;

    gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, alpha);

The Outline, Glow, and Shadow booleans are set from the application to choose which effect to apply. (An alternative strategy would be splitting this into three separate shaders.)


This is the offset of the shadow from the glyph. In this case, the aspect ratio of the texture is 2:1, so the X offset is half the size the Y offset. Note that you may need to negate the X or Y value, depending on how your distance field is oriented.


These are the R G B values of the shadow color.


SmoothCenter is the alpha value that represents the distance = 0 boundary.


OutlineCenter tells the shader how far from the glyph edge to render the outline. For an outline that is just inside the glyph, this value should be less than 0.5.


GlowBoundary tells the shader how far out to extend the glow. To create a pulsing glow, change this into a uniform, and cycle its value from within the application code.

The shadow effect in Example 7-12 deserves further explanation. It applies anti-aliasing to the transition not only between the vector and the background but also between the shadow and the background and between the vector and the shadow. The shader pulls this off by deciding which of the following five regions the pixel falls into (see Figure 7-11):

  1. Completely within the vector

  2. On a vector edge that’s not shadowed

  3. Completely within the shadow

  4. On a vector edge that’s shadowed

  5. On the shadow’s outside edge

Shadow regions
Figure 7-11. Shadow regions

Animation with Sprite Sheets

Let’s set aside glyph rendering and visit another topic common to 2D graphics: sprites. The iPhone is an ideal platform for casual gaming, and many popular iPhone games rely heavily on sprites for frame composition. To recap, a sprite is simply a bitmap that gets applied to a rectangular region of the screen. Sprites often use alpha to allow the background (and possibly other sprites) to show through. I like to think of sprite rendering as using an overhead projector, where each sprite is a plastic sheet with a cartoon drawing.

For efficiency, it’s common to pack a slew of sprites into a single texture; this is called a sprite sheet. In general, a texture that contains multiple disparate images is known as a texture atlas. The numerals texture presented in Text Rendering 101: Drawing an FPS Counter was an example of a texture atlas.


There are tools out there to help you build sprite sheets. One such tool is a web-based application called zwopple by Robert Payne. You can find it at

Recall that there are two ways of animating a sprite: the screen position can change (for example, a bouncing ball), or the source image can change (for example, a spinning ball). In the former case, the application code updates the vertex positions at every frame; in the latter case, the application updates the texture coordinates at every frame.

For an example of a sprite with multiple animation frames, see Figure 7-12, a sprite sheet from a game that I created in my college days. (The game’s protagonist is named Noop, a blobby fellow who moves horizontally by repeatedly squishing his legs together in wormlike fashion.)

Sprite sheet for the Noop character
Figure 7-12. Sprite sheet for the Noop character

Image Composition and a Taste of Multitexturing

Sometimes it’s desirable to split a sprite sheet into multiple layers, as shown in Figure 7-13. The left sheet has the animation frames for Noop’s body; the right sheet has his eyes and shiny highlights. This allows the application to vary the colors of the layers independently. For example, my game can draw Noop using a yellowish hue most of the time but sometimes renders him in orange to convey that he’s hurt. In both cases, the eyes and highlights are white.

Noop layers
Figure 7-13. Noop layers

We discussed how to shift the apparent color of a texture in Shifting Texture Color with Per-Vertex Color. You can use a luminance or luminance-alpha texture rather than a full-blown RGBA texture and then modulate the texture’s color using per-vertex color (for example, by calling glColor4f).

The obvious way of composing Noop’s eyes with his body is to render the same quad in two passes with blending enabled. The first pass uses texture coordinates for the body; the second pass uses coordinates for the eyes and highlights. Example 7-13 shows an example of this procedure.

Example 7-13. Rendering Noop in two passes
// Enable Blending:

// Draw Noop's body in a yellowish hue:
glColor4f(1, 0.83f, 0.33f, 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, bodyTexture);
glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, sourceRectangle);
glDrawTexfOES(x, y, 0, width, height);

// Draw Noop's eyes in white:
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, eyesTexture);
glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, sourceRectangle);
glDrawTexfOES(x, y, 0, width, height);

Note that Example 7-13 is valid only for ES 1.1; under ES 2.0, we need to replace the DrawTex-related lines with calls to glDrawArrays or glDrawElements, and we need to replace glColor4f with glVertexAttrib4f. See Example 7-14.

Example 7-14. Two-pass Noop with ES 2.0
// Enable Blending:

// Draw Noop's body in a yellowish hue:
glVertexAttrib4f(MyColorAttribute, 1, 0.83f, 0.33f, 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, bodyTexture);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); // draw a rectangle with two triangles

// Draw Noop's eyes in white:
glVertexAttrib4f(MyColorAttribute, 1, 1, 1, 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, eyesTexture);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); // draw a rectangle with two triangles

Both OpenGL ES 1.1 and ES 2.0 provide a way to combine simple two-pass operations like this into a single draw call. It’s called multitexturing. Multitexturing allows you to set up more than one texture stage. Example 7-15 shows the sample code for rendering Noop with multitexturing; note there’s only one call to glDrawTexfOES.

Example 7-15. One-pass Noop with multitexturing
glColor4f(1, 0.83f, 0.33f, 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, bodyTexture);
glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, sourceRectangle);

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, eyesTexture);
glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, sourceRectangle);
glDrawTexfOES(x, y, 0, width, height);

The key lines in Example 7-15 are the calls to glActiveTexture, which sets the current texture stage and affects all subsequent texture-related calls, including glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D). This allows individual stages to be independently turned on or off.

I should warn you that Example 7-15 alone is not quite enough; you also need to tell OpenGL how to combine the color values from the two texture stages. With ES 1.1, this is quite a hassle; see Example 7-16. This sets up the second texture stage so that it works in a way similar to typical alpha blending. Thankfully, you can often perform this type of configuration only once, when your application first starts up.

Example 7-16. Horrific texture stage configuration with ES 1.1

OpenGL ES 2.0 simplifies this by allowing you to combine colors from within your fragment shader. We’ll discuss this further in the next chapter, and I’ll explain glTexEnv in greater detail—I just wanted to whet your appetite!

Mixing OpenGL ES and UIKit

Sprites are often used for rendering interactive widgets in a HUD (see Handling the Heads-Up Display). Handling mouse interaction can be a chore when you don’t have a UI framework to stand upon. If you’re developing a 3D application and find yourself yearning for UIKit, don’t dismiss it right away. It’s true that mixing UIKit and OpenGL ES is generally ill-advised for performance reasons, but in many situations, it’s the right way to go. This is especially true with 3D applications that aren’t as graphically demanding as huge, professionally produced games. Figure 7-14 depicts an application that overlays a UISegmentedControl widget with a 3D scene.

The full source code for the application depicted in Figure 7-14 is available from this book’s site under the name CocoaMix. You might also want to check out the PVRTextureLoader sample from Apple’s SDK, which includes a slick sliding animation for a panel of UIKit controls.


The performance of “mixed” rendering has been improving as Apple rolls out new devices and new revisions to the iPhone OS. By the time you read this, using nonanimated UIKit controls in conjunction with OpenGL might be a perfectly acceptable practice.

Mixing UIKit with OpenGL ES
Figure 7-14. Mixing UIKit with OpenGL ES

Recall that all OpenGL rendering takes place in a UIView-derived class; every sample in this book defines a class called GLView for this purpose. Adding a few simple controls to GLView is fairly painless, so let’s try adding a UISegmentedControl that selects a texture minification filter.

First we need to add a field to the GLView class declaration for the new control. See the bold line in Example 7-17.

Example 7-17. Adding a UIKit control to GLView.h
#import "Interfaces.hpp"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>

@interface GLView : UIView {
    IRenderingEngine* m_renderingEngine;
    IResourceManager* m_resourceManager;
    EAGLContext* m_context;
    float m_timestamp;
    UISegmentedControl* m_filterChooser;

- (void) drawView: (CADisplayLink*) displayLink;


Next, we need to instance the control and create a method for event handling; see Example 7-18.

Example 7-18. Adding a UIKit control to

- (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame
    if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame])
        CAEAGLLayer* eaglLayer = (CAEAGLLayer*) self.layer;
        eaglLayer.opaque = YES;

        EAGLRenderingAPI api = kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES1;
        m_context = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:api];
        // Create and configure the UIKit control:
        NSArray* labels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Nearest",
                                                    @"Trilinear", nil];
        m_filterChooser = 
          [[[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:labels] autorelease];
        m_filterChooser.segmentedControlStyle = UISegmentedControlStyleBar;
        m_filterChooser.selectedSegmentIndex = 0;
        [m_filterChooser addTarget:self

        // Add the control to GLView's children:
        [self addSubview:m_filterChooser];
        // Position the UIKit control:
        const int ScreenWidth = CGRectGetWidth(frame);
        const int ScreenHeight = CGRectGetHeight(frame);
        const int Margin = 10;

        CGRect controlFrame = m_filterChooser.frame;
        controlFrame.origin.x = ScreenWidth / 2 - controlFrame.size.width / 2;
        controlFrame.origin.y = ScreenHeight - controlFrame.size.height - Margin;
        m_filterChooser.frame = controlFrame;
    return self;

- (void) changeFilter: (id) sender
    TextureFilter filter = (TextureFilter) [sender selectedSegmentIndex];


Example 7-18 includes some UIKit and Objective-C mechanisms that we haven’t seen before (such as @selector), but it will be familiar to iPhone developers. Check out Jonathan Zdziarski’s iPhone SDK Application Development (O’Reilly) to learn more about UIKit.

Note that you can also use UIKit to render “look-alike” controls, rather than using the actual UIKit controls. For example, you can render some buttons into a CGImage at launch time and then create an OpenGL texture from that (see Generating and Transforming OpenGL Textures with Quartz). This would give your buttons the look and feel of the iPhone’s native UI, plus it wouldn’t suffer from the potential performance issues inherent in mixing the actual UIKit control with OpenGL. The downside is that you’d need to implement the interactivity by hand.

Rendering Confetti, Fireworks, and More: Point Sprites

You may find yourself wanting to render a system of particles that need a bit more pizzazz than mere single-pixel points of light. The first thing that might come to mind is rendering a small alpha-blended quad for each particle. This is a perfectly reasonable approach, but it requires you to come up with the coordinates for two textured triangles at each point.

It turns out the iPhone supports an extension to make this much easier by enabling point sprites. Point sprites are small screen-aligned quads that get drawn at each vertex in a vertex array or VBO. For simplicity, a point sprite uses an entire texture; there’s no need to provide texture coordinates. This makes it a breeze to render particle systems such as the one depicted in Figure 7-15.

Point sprites
Figure 7-15. Point sprites

For OpenGL ES 1.1, the name of the extension is GL_OES_point_sprite, and it allows you to make the following function calls:


With OpenGL ES 2.0, point sprites are supported in the core specification rather than an extension. There’s no need to call any of these functions because point sprite functionality is implicit. You’ll see how to use point sprites in both ES 1.1 and ES 2.0 in the upcoming SpringyStars sample.

Chapter Finale: SpringyStars

To show off point sprites in action, let’s wrap up the chapter with a mass-spring simulation that renders a network of little white stars, as shown in Figure 7-16. The “star net” droops down in the direction of gravity according to how you’re holding the iPhone. You can find the complete source for this example from this book’s web page.

The SpringyStars sample app
Figure 7-16. The SpringyStars sample app

Physics Diversion: Mass-Spring System

Before we dive into the code, let’s take a brief detour from graphics and review some physics. The easiest way to create a simple physics simulation to call an Update() method on every object in the simulation. The update method has an argument for the time step, which represents elapsed time since the previous call. (This isn’t much different from the UpdateAnimation() method presented way back in Chapter 1.) For our SpringyStars app, the pseudocode for the update method looks like this:

void Update(float dt)
    Acceleration = TotalForces / Mass;
    Velocity += Acceleration * dt;
    Position += Velocity * dt;

The previous code snippet should make sense if you remember your high-school physics. Perhaps a bit foggier in your memory is Hooke’s law, which we’ll need for modeling the spring forces between the star sprites; see Equation 7-1.

Equation 7-1. Hooke’s law of elasticity
Hooke’s law of elasticity

F is the restoring force of the spring, so called because it represents the effort to restore the spring’s length to its rest position. You can think of the k constant as being the stiffness of the spring. x is the displacement between the current end of the spring and its rest position.


To learn physics from a much more authoritative source, take a look at Physics for Game Developers (O’Reilly) by David Bourg.

Hooke’s law deals with only a single spring, but in our case we have a network of springs. Our simulation needs to maintain a list of “nodes” (rigid bodies), each of which is connected to a set of neighboring nodes. Here’s a code snippet that applies Hooke’s law to a node and its neighbor:

vec2 v = neighbor->position - this->position;
float length = v.Length();
vec2 direction = v.Normalized();
vec2 restoringForce = direction * StiffnessContant * (length - RestLength);

In the previous snippet, the restoringForce vector applies to the this node, while an equal and opposite force (that is, -restoringForce) applies to the neighbor node.

Taken alone, Hooke’s law can produce oscillations that last forever. To be more realistic, the simulation needs to include a damping force to subdue the spring’s effect. The damping force between two nodes is proportional to their relative velocity:

Hooke’s law of elasticity

In this case, kd is a damping constant. Much like the stiffness constant in Hooke’s law, I find that the best way to come up with a reasonable value is through experimentation. (More rigorous mass-spring systems include a global damping force, but this is good enough for our purposes.)

The C++ code snippet for computing damping force looks like this:

vec2 relativeVelocity = neighbor->velocity - this->m_velocity;
vec2 dampingForce = relativeVelocity * DampingConstant;

At this point, we’re ready to design a C++ class to represent a star sprite in a simple mass-spring system. See Example 7-19.

Example 7-19. SpringNode.hpp
#include <list>

class SpringNode;

typedef std::list<SpringNode*> NeighborList;

class SpringNode {
        m_position = vec2(0, 0);
        m_velocity = vec2(0, 0);
        m_mass = 1;
        m_pinned = false;
    void Pin()
        m_pinned = true;
    void SetPosition(const vec2& p)
        m_position = p;
    vec2 GetPosition() const
        return m_position;
    void AddNeighbor(SpringNode* node)
    void ResetForce(vec2 force)
        m_force = force;
    void ComputeForce()
        const float StiffnessContant = 3.0f;
        const float RestLength = 0.075f;
        const float DampingConstant = 2.0f;
        NeighborList::const_iterator n = m_neighbors.begin();
        for (; n != m_neighbors.end(); ++n) {

            // Compute the spring force:
            vec2 v = (*n)->m_position - m_position;
            float length = v.Length();
            vec2 direction = v.Normalized();
            vec2 restoringForce = direction * StiffnessContant 
              * (length - RestLength);

            // Compute the damping force:
            vec2 relativeVelocity = (*n)->m_velocity - m_velocity;
            vec2 dampingForce = relativeVelocity * DampingConstant;
            // Add the two forces to this node and subtract them 
            // from the neighbor:
            vec2 totalForce = restoringForce + dampingForce;
            m_force += totalForce;
            (*n)->m_force -= totalForce;
    void Update(float dt)
        if (m_pinned)
        vec2 acceleration = m_force / m_mass;
        m_velocity += acceleration * dt;
        m_position += m_velocity * dt;
    vec2 m_force;
    vec2 m_position;
    vec2 m_velocity;
    float m_mass;
    bool m_pinned;
    NeighborList m_neighbors;

Note the boolean field called m_pinned, which causes a node to be impervious to the forces acted upon it. We’ll use this to affix the four corners of the net to their starting positions. This prevents the net from falling off the screen.

Speaking of falling off the screen, note that there’s nothing obvious in Example 7-19 that takes gravity into account. That’s because the application can use the ResetForce() method to initialize the m_force field to the gravity vector and then call ComputeForce() in a separate pass to add in all the relevant spring forces. The simulation will perform three separate passes through the node list; see the pseudocode in Example 7-20. (Don’t combine these into a single loop.)

Example 7-20. Simulation pseudocode
void UpdateSimulation(float timeStep, vec2 gravityVector)
    for each node:

    for each node:

    for each node:

C++ Interfaces and GLView

To avoid code duplication between the ES 2.0 and ES 1.1 backends, let’s put the physics into the application engine and pass it a normalized 2D vector for the direction of gravity. As a result, the IRenderingEngine interface is very simple; see Example 7-21.

Example 7-21. Interfaces.hpp (SpringyStars)
#pragma once
#include "Vector.hpp"
#include <vector>

typedef std::vector<vec2> PositionList;

struct IApplicationEngine {
    virtual void Initialize(int width, int height) = 0;
    virtual void Render() const = 0;
    virtual void UpdateAnimation(float timeStep) = 0;
    virtual void SetGravityDirection(vec2 direction) = 0;
    virtual ~IApplicationEngine() {}

struct IRenderingEngine {
    virtual void Initialize() = 0;
    virtual void Render(const PositionList& positions) const = 0;
    virtual ~IRenderingEngine() {}

IApplicationEngine* CreateApplicationEngine(IRenderingEngine*);

namespace ES1 { IRenderingEngine* CreateRenderingEngine(); }
namespace ES2 { IRenderingEngine* CreateRenderingEngine(); }

The GLView class looks much like all the other samples in this book, except that it needs to pass in a gravity vector. See Example 7-22. For more information about setting up the accelerometer, flip back to the section Replacing Buttons with Orientation Sensors.

Example 7-22. Snippet of (SpringyStars)
- (void) accelerometer: (UIAccelerometer*) accelerometer
         didAccelerate: (UIAcceleration*) acceleration
    [m_filter addAcceleration:acceleration];
    vec2 direction(m_filter.x, m_filter.y);

ApplicationEngine Implementation

See Example 7-23 for the application engine implementation. Recall that the GLView class calls UpdateAnimation according to the refresh rate of the display. This provides enough time to perform several simulation iterations, each using a small time step. Performing several small iterations produces more accurate results than a single iteration with a large time step. In fact, an overly large time step can cause the simulation to go ballistic.


Updating the physics along with the rendering is a bit of a hack but good enough for our purposes. For a production-quality application, you might want to create a timer object in your GLView class just for physics.

Example 7-23. ApplicationEngine.cpp (SpringyStars)
#include "Interfaces.hpp"
#include "SpringNode.hpp"

using namespace std;

class ApplicationEngine : public IApplicationEngine {
    ApplicationEngine(IRenderingEngine* renderingEngine);
    void Initialize(int width, int height);
    void SetGravityDirection(vec2 direction);
    void Render() const;
    void UpdateAnimation(float dt);
    vec2 m_gravityDirection;1
    vector<SpringNode> m_springNodes;2
    PositionList m_positions;3
    IRenderingEngine* m_renderingEngine;
IApplicationEngine* CreateApplicationEngine
  (IRenderingEngine* renderingEngine)
    return new ApplicationEngine(renderingEngine);

    delete m_renderingEngine;

void ApplicationEngine::Initialize(int width, int height)

void ApplicationEngine::SetGravityDirection(vec2 direction)
    m_gravityDirection = direction;

void ApplicationEngine::Render() const

ApplicationEngine::ApplicationEngine(IRenderingEngine* renderingEngine) :
    m_gravityDirection(vec2(0, -1))
    const int NumColumns = 10;4
    const int NumRows = 14;
    const float SpreadFactor = 0.125f;
    m_springNodes.resize(NumColumns * NumRows);
    vector<SpringNode>::iterator node = m_springNodes.begin();
    for (int r = 0; r < NumRows; ++r) {
        for (int c = 0; c < NumColumns; ++c) {
            vec2 position;
            position.x = c - (NumColumns - 1) / 2.0f;5
            position.y = r - (NumRows - 1) / 2.0f;
            node->SetPosition(position * SpreadFactor);
            if (c > 0)
                node->AddNeighbor(&*node - 1);6
            if (r > 0)
                node->AddNeighbor(&*node - NumColumns);7
    m_springNodes[NumColumns - 1].Pin();
    m_springNodes[NumColumns * NumRows - 1].Pin();
    m_springNodes[NumColumns * (NumRows - 1)].Pin();

void ApplicationEngine::UpdateAnimation(float dt)
    const float GravityStrength = 0.01f;10
    const int SimulationIterations = 10;11
    vector<SpringNode>::iterator node;
    vec2 force = m_gravityDirection * GravityStrength;
    for (int i = 0; i < SimulationIterations; ++i) {12
        for (node = m_springNodes.begin(); 
             node != m_springNodes.end(); 

        for (node = m_springNodes.begin(); 
             node != m_springNodes.end(); 

        PositionList::iterator position = m_positions.begin();
        for (node = m_springNodes.begin(); 
             node != m_springNodes.end(); 
            *position++ = node->GetPosition();13

The m_gravityDirection field stores the normalized direction provided by the GLView layer.


The m_springNodes vector stores the rigid bodies in the simulation.


The m_positions vector provides a contiguous list of node positions to the rendering engine.


The NumColumns, NumPositions, and SpreadFactor constants determine the initial layout of the star sprites.


Center the grid of stars with respect to (0, 0).


Add a connection to the node to the left. The &* prefix converts an STL iterator into a vanilla pointer.


Add a connection to the above node.


Pin the four corners of the net so that they don’t move.


Call UpdateAnimation once at startup to initialize the position list.


The gravity direction vector is normalized, so it needs to be scaled by the GravityStrength constant before passing it in as a force vector.


As mentioned earlier, we make several passes through the simulation loop for increased precision.


The contents of this loop corresponds to pseudocode in Example 7-20.


Copy the node position into the vertex array that gets passed to the rendering engine.

OpenGL ES 1.1 Rendering Engine and Additive Blending

One difficulty you might come across with point sprites is the order-dependency problem imposed by some blending equations (flip back to the section Blending Caveats to review this issue). One way to avoid this is to use additive blending. Here’s how to set it up:

glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);

This sets up the following equation:

OpenGL ES 1.1 Rendering Engine and Additive Blending

You can see how this differs from traditional blending because it can only make the framebuffer color brighter and brighter as more sprites are rendered. This produces an effect that may be desirable anyway; for example, if you’re rendering fireworks with a dense cloud of point sprites, additive blending helps vary the brightness and make the scene more interesting.

Recall that the IRenderingEngine interface has only two methods; Example 7-24 shows the ES 1.1 implementations of these. The remainder of the file is much the same as other samples in this book. For the full source, download the code from this book’s website.

Example 7-24. RenderingEngine.ES1.cpp (SpringyStars)
void RenderingEngine::Initialize()
    // Load up some textures:
    m_textures.Star = CreateTexture(Star);
    m_textures.Background = CreateTexture(_Background_pvrtc);
    // Extract width and height from the color buffer:
    ivec2 screenSize;
    // Create the on-screen FBO:
    glGenFramebuffersOES(1, &m_framebuffers.Screen);
    glBindFramebufferOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES, m_framebuffers.Screen);
    // Set up various OpenGL state:
    glViewport(0, 0, screenSize.x, screenSize.y);
    glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
    // Set up the transforms:
    const float NearPlane = 5, FarPlane = 100;
    const float Scale = 0.0005;
    glFrustumf(-Scale * screenSize.x / 2, Scale * screenSize.x / 2,
               -Scale * screenSize.y / 2, Scale * screenSize.y / 2,
               NearPlane, FarPlane);
    vec3 eye(0, 0, 40);
    vec3 target(0, 0, 0);
    vec3 up(0, 1, 0);
    mat4 modelview = mat4::LookAt(eye, target, up);

void RenderingEngine::Render(const PositionList& positions) const
    // Render the background:
    int backgroundRectangle[] = { 0, 0, 480, 320 };
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textures.Background);
    glColor4f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1);
    glDrawTexfOES(0, 0, 0, 320, 480);

    // Set the state for point rendering:

    // Set up the vertex array:
    glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vec2), &positions[0].x);

    // Render the point sprites:
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textures.Star);
    glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
    glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, positions.size());
    // Restore the OpenGL state:

The only new OpenGL function in Example 7-24 is glPointSize. This sets the width (and height) of the point sprites. OpenGL uses the current model-view matrix to determine the distance of each point sprite from the camera and shrinks the size of distant point sprites. This effect can be abrogated like this:

float params[] = { 1, 0, 0 };
glPointParameterfv(GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION, params);

This seems rather obscure, but it has to do with how OpenGL computes the point size:

actualSize = desiredSize / sqrt(p[0] + p[1] * d + p[2] * d * d)

In the previous formula, desiredSize is what you pass to glPointSize, d is the distance from the camera, and p is the array of values passed to glPointParameterfv. (I’ve simplified this a bit by leaving out some clamping that can occur.) In my opinion, the API designers made this a bit too complex!


You can even vary the size of the point sprites on a per-vertex basis through the use of the OES_point_size_array extension, which is supported on all iPhone models.

OpenGL ES 2.0 handles point size quite differently from ES 1.1, which brings us to the next section.

Point Sprites with OpenGL ES 2.0

Before going over the C++ code for the ES 2.0 rendering engine, let’s take a look at the shaders. See Examples 7-25 and 7-26.

Example 7-25. Vertex shader (SpringyStars)
attribute vec4 Position;
attribute vec2 TextureCoord;

uniform mat4 Projection;
uniform mat4 Modelview;

varying vec2 TextureCoordOut;

void main(void)
    gl_Position = Projection * Modelview * Position;
    TextureCoordOut = TextureCoord;
    gl_PointSize = 15.0;
Example 7-26. Fragment shader (SpringyStars)
varying mediump vec2 TextureCoordOut;

uniform sampler2D Sampler;
uniform bool IsSprite;

void main(void)
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(Sampler, 
                             IsSprite ? gl_PointCoord : TextureCoordOut);

You’ve probably noticed that all built-in variables can be recognized by their gl_ prefix. There are two new built-in variables introduced in the previous listings: gl_PointSize (written to by the vertex shader) and gl_PointCoord (fed into the fragment shader).

OpenGL ES 2.0 requires you to set up the point size from the vertex shader rather than the application code, which gives you the option to compute it dynamically; if you want, you can evaluate the same distance formula that ES 1.1 does. Or, you can do something much simpler, like what we’re doing here.

The gl_PointCoord variable gives you the autocomputed texture coordinate that varies across the point sprite. That’s why ES 2.0 doesn’t require you to call glTexEnvi with GL_COORD_REPLACE; it’s implicit in your fragment shader.

Example 7-27. RenderingEngine.ES2.cpp (SpringyStars)
void RenderingEngine::Initialize()
    // Load up some textures:
    m_textures.Star = CreateTexture(Star);
    m_textures.Background = CreateTexture(_Background_pvrtc);
    // Extract width and height from the color buffer.
                                 GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH, &m_screenSize.x);
                                 GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT, &m_screenSize.y);
    // Create the on-screen FBO.
    glGenFramebuffers(1, &m_framebuffers.Screen);
    glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_framebuffers.Screen);
    glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
                              GL_RENDERBUFFER, m_renderbuffers.Screen);
    // Create the GLSL program.
    GLuint program = BuildProgram(SimpleVertexShader, SimpleFragmentShader);
    // Extract the handles to attributes and uniforms.
    m_attributes.Position = glGetAttribLocation(program, "Position");
    m_attributes.TextureCoord = glGetAttribLocation(program, "TextureCoord");
    m_uniforms.Projection = glGetUniformLocation(program, "Projection");
    m_uniforms.Modelview = glGetUniformLocation(program, "Modelview");
    m_uniforms.Sampler = glGetUniformLocation(program, "Sampler");
    m_uniforms.IsSprite = glGetUniformLocation(program, "IsSprite");
    // Set up various GL state.
    glViewport(0, 0, m_screenSize.x, m_screenSize.y);
    glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
    // Set up the transforms.
    const float NearPlane = 5, FarPlane = 100;
    const float Scale = 0.0005;
    const float HalfWidth = Scale * m_screenSize.x / 2;
    const float HalfHeight = Scale * m_screenSize.y / 2;
    mat4 projection = mat4::Frustum(-HalfWidth, HalfWidth, 
                                    -HalfHeight, HalfHeight,
                                    NearPlane, FarPlane);
    glUniformMatrix4fv(m_uniforms.Projection, 1, 0, projection.Pointer());

    vec3 eye(0, 0, 40);
    vec3 target(0, 0, 0);
    vec3 up(0, 1, 0);
    mat4 modelview = mat4::LookAt(eye, target, up);
    glUniformMatrix4fv(m_uniforms.Modelview, 1, 0, modelview.Pointer());

void RenderingEngine::Render(const PositionList& positions) const

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textures.Star);
    glUniform1i(m_uniforms.IsSprite, GL_TRUE);
    glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, positions.size());

Wrapping Up

This chapter has shown that OpenGL is quite adept at 2D rendering, even though most developers primarily think of it as a 3D graphics API.

If you’ve made it this far in this book, you’re more than ready to make an entry into the world of 3D iPhone programming; subsequent chapters will cover more advanced material. Recall that we gave a brief taste of multitexturing and the glTexEnv function in this chapter—we’ll go over these concepts in further detail in the next chapter, along with a bevy of other advanced effects.

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