• AIDS activism 97
  • Ansell, C. 57
  • Aristotle 34–36, 46
  • authenticity 40
  • Capra, F. 23
  • Castells, M. 23–24, 26, 54
  • civic engagement 99
  • co-creation 63, 102, 105
  • Colbertism 56
  • collaborative governance v. governing collaboration 62
  • community of practice 12–15
  • counterculture 96
  • Critical Race Theory 139
  • cronyism 32
  • dialogue theory 106
  • Dougherty, T.W. 77, 131
  • elevator pitch 89, 92
  • empirical research 2, 17–18
    • ethics approval 2
  • exchange theory 81
  • Facebook 102
  • Fem-Net-CA 27
  • first steps 137–139
  • Forret, M.L. 77, 131
  • freemasons 11
  • Gash, A. 57
  • gatekeeping 131–132
  • getting started 137–139
  • the Golden Rule 37
  • Granovetter, M. 16, 25, 119, 123
  • groupthink 43
  • guanxi 45
  • Halinen, N. 7, 24, 60, 83, 85, 86, 92
  • Health Innovation and Education Clusters (HIECs) ...

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