Chapter 1. Gaining Early Insights from Textual Data

One of the first tasks in every data analytics and machine learning project is to become familiar with the data. In fact, it is always essential to have a basic understanding of the data to achieve robust results. Descriptive statistics provide reliable and robust insights and help to assess data quality and distribution.

When considering texts, frequency analysis of words and phrases is one of the main methods for data exploration. Though absolute word frequencies usually are not very interesting, relative or weighted frequencies are. When analyzing text about politics, for example, the most common words will probably contain many obvious and unsurprising terms such as people, country, government, etc. But if you compare relative word frequencies in text from different political parties or even from politicians in the same party, you can learn a lot from the differences.

What You’ll Learn and What We’ll Build

This chapter presents blueprints for the statistical analysis of text. It gets you started quickly and introduces basic concepts that you will need to know in subsequent chapters. We will start by analyzing categorical metadata and then focus on word frequency analysis and visualization.

After studying this chapter, you will have basic knowledge about text processing and analysis. You will know how to tokenize text, filter stop words, and analyze textual content with frequency diagrams and word clouds. We will also introduce TF-IDF weighting as an important concept that will be picked up later in the book for text vectorization.

The blueprints in this chapter focus on quick results and follow the KISS principle: “Keep it simple, stupid!” Thus, we primarily use Pandas as our library of choice for data analysis in combination with regular expressions and Python core functionality. Chapter 4 will discuss advanced linguistic methods for data preparation.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory data analysis is the process of systematically examining data on an aggregated level. Typical methods include summary statistics for numerical features as well as frequency counts for categorical features. Histograms and box plots will illustrate the distribution of values, and time-series plots will show their evolution.

A dataset consisting of text documents such as news, tweets, emails, or service calls is called a corpus in natural language processing. The statistical exploration of such a corpus has different facets. Some analyses focus on metadata attributes, while others deal with the textual content. Figure 1-1 shows typical attributes of a text corpus, some of which are included in the data source, while others could be calculated or derived. The document metadata comprise multiple descriptive attributes, which are useful for aggregation and filtering. Time-like attributes are essential to understanding the evolution of the corpus. If available, author-related attributes allow you to analyze groups of authors and to benchmark these groups against one another.

Figure 1-1. Statistical features for text data exploration.

Statistical analysis of the content is based on the frequencies of words and phrases. With the linguistic data preprocessing methods described in Chapter 4, we will extend the space of analysis to certain word types and named entities. Besides that, descriptive scores for the documents could be included in the dataset or derived by some kind of feature modeling. For example, the number of replies to a user’s post could be taken as a measure of popularity. Finally, interesting soft facts such as sentiment or emotionality scores can be determined by one of the methods described later in this book.

Note that absolute figures are generally not very interesting when working with text. The mere fact that the word problem appears a hundred times does not contain any relevant information. But the fact that the relative frequency of problem has doubled within a week can be remarkable.

Introducing the Dataset

Analyzing political text, be it news or programs of political parties or parliamentary debates, can give interesting insights on national and international topics. Often, text from many years is publicly available so that an insight into the zeitgeist can be gained. Let’s jump into the role of a political analyst who wants to get a feeling for the analytical potential of such a dataset.

For that, we will work with the UN General Debate dataset. The corpus consists of 7,507 speeches held at the annual sessions of the United Nations General Assembly from 1970 to 2016. It was created in 2017 by Mikhaylov, Baturo, and Dasandi at Harvard “for understanding and measuring state preferences in world politics.” Each of the almost 200 countries in the United Nations has the opportunity to present its views on global topics such international conflicts, terrorism, or climate change at the annual General Debate.

The original dataset on Kaggle is provided in the form of two CSV files, a big one containing the speeches and a smaller one with information about the speakers. To simplify matters, we prepared a single zipped CSV file containing all the information. You can find the code for the preparation as well as the resulting file in our GitHub repository.

In Pandas, a CSV file can be loaded with pd.read_csv(). Let’s load the file and display two random records of the DataFrame:

file = "un-general-debates-blueprint.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(file)


  session year country country_name speaker position text
3871 51 1996 PER Peru Francisco Tudela Van Breughel Douglas Minister for Foreign Affairs At the outset, allow me,\nSir, to convey to you and to this Assembly the greetings\nand congratulations of the Peruvian people, as well as\ntheir...
4697 56 2001 GBR United Kingdom Jack Straw Minister for Foreign Affairs Please allow me\nwarmly to congratulate you, Sir, on your assumption of\nthe presidency of the fifty-sixth session of the General\nAssembly.\nThi...

The first column contains the index of the records. The combination of session number and year can be considered as the logical primary key of the table. The country column contains a standardized three-letter country ISO code and is followed by the textual description. Then we have two columns about the speaker and their position. The last column contains the actual text of the speech.

Our dataset is small; it contains only a few thousand records. It is a great dataset to use because we will not run into performance problems. If your dataset is larger, check out “Working with Large Datasets” for options.

Blueprint: Getting an Overview of the Data with Pandas

In our first blueprint, we use only metadata and record counts to explore data distribution and quality; we will not yet look at the textual content. We will work through the following steps:

  1. Calculate summary statistics.
  2. Check for missing values.
  3. Plot distributions of interesting attributes.
  4. Compare distributions across categories.
  5. Visualize developments over time.

Before we can start analyzing the data, we need at least some information about the structure of the DataFrame. Table 1-1 shows some important descriptive properties or functions.

Table 1-1. Pandas commands to get information about dataframes
df.columns List of column names  
df.dtypes Tuples (column name, data type) Strings are represented as object in versions before Pandas 1.0. Dtypes plus memory consumption Use with memory_usage='deep' for good estimates on text.
df.describe() Summary statistics Use with include='O' for categorical data.

Calculating Summary Statistics for Columns

Pandas’s describe function computes statistical summaries for the columns of the DataFrame. It works on a single series as well as on the complete DataFrame. The default output in the latter case is restricted to numerical columns. Currently, our DataFrame contains only the session number and the year as numerical data. Let’s add a new numerical column to the DataFrame containing the text length to get some additional information about the distribution of the lengths of the speeches. We recommend transposing the result with describe().T to switch rows and columns in the representation:

df['length'] = df['text'].str.len()



  count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
session 7507.00 49.61 12.89 25.00 39.00 51.00 61.00 70.00
year 7507.00 1994.61 12.89 1970.00 1984.00 1996.00 2006.00 2015.00
length 7507.00 17967.28 7860.04 2362.00 12077.00 16424.00 22479.50 72041.00

describe(), without additional parameters, computes the total count of values, their mean and standard deviation, and a five-number summary of only the numerical columns. The DataFrame contains 7,507 entries for session, year, and length. Mean and standard deviation do not make much sense for year and session, but minimum and maximum are still interesting. Obviously, our dataset contains speeches from the 25th to the 70th UN General Debate sessions, spanning the years 1970 to 2015.

A summary for nonnumerical columns can be produced by specifying include='O' (the alias for np.object). In this case, we also get the count, the number of unique values, the top-most element (or one of them if there are many with the same number of occurrences), and its frequency. As the number of unique values is not useful for textual data, let’s just analyze the country and speaker columns:

df[['country', 'speaker']].describe(include='O').T


  count unique top freq
country 7507 199 ITA 46
speaker 7480 5428 Seyoum Mesfin 12

The dataset contains data from 199 unique countries and apparently 5,428 speakers. The number of countries is valid, as this column contains standardized ISO codes. But counting the unique values of text columns like speaker usually does not give valid results, as we will show in the next section.

Checking for Missing Data

By looking at the counts in the previous table, we can see that the speaker column has missing values. So, let’s check all columns for null values by using df.isna() (the alias to df.isnull()) and compute a summary of the result:



session            0
year               0
country            0
country_name       0
speaker           27
position        3005
text               0
length             0
dtype: int64

We need to be careful using the speaker and position columns, as the output tells us that this information is not always available! To prevent any problems, we could substitute the missing values with some generic value such as unknown speaker or unknown position or just the empty string.

Pandas supplies the function df.fillna() for that purpose:

df['speaker'].fillna('unknown', inplace=True)

But even the existing values can be problematic because the same speaker’s name is sometimes spelled differently or even ambiguously. The following statement computes the number of records per speaker for all documents containing Bush in the speaker column:



George W. Bush        4
Mr. George W. Bush    2
George Bush           1
Mr. George W Bush     1
Bush                  1
Name: speaker, dtype: int64

Any analysis on speaker names would produce the wrong results unless we resolve these ambiguities. So, we had better check the distinct values of categorical attributes. Knowing this, we will ignore the speaker information here.

Plotting Value Distributions

One way to visualize the five-number summary of a numerical distribution is a box plot. It can be easily produced by Pandas’s built-in plot functionality. Let’s take a look at the box plot for the length column:

df['length'].plot(kind='box', vert=False)


As illustrated by this plot, 50% percent of the speeches (the box in the middle) have a length between roughly 12,000 and 22,000 characters, with the median at about 16,000 and a long tail with many outliers to the right. The distribution is obviously left-skewed. We can get some more details by plotting a histogram:

df['length'].plot(kind='hist', bins=30)


For the histogram, the value range of the length column is divided into 30 intervals of equal width, the bins. The y-axis shows the number of documents falling into each of these bins.

Comparing Value Distributions Across Categories

Peculiarities in the data often become visible when different subsets of the data are examined. A nice visualization to compare distributions across different categories is Seaborn’s catplot.

We show box and violin plots to compare the distributions of the speech length of the five permanent members of the UN security council (Figure 1-2). Thus, the category for the x-axis of sns.catplot is country:

where = df['country'].isin(['USA', 'FRA', 'GBR', 'CHN', 'RUS'])
sns.catplot(data=df[where], x="country", y="length", kind='box')
sns.catplot(data=df[where], x="country", y="length", kind='violin')
Figure 1-2. Box plots (left) and violin plots (right) visualizing the distribution of speech lengths for selected countries.

The violin plot is the “smoothed” version of a box plot. Frequencies are visualized by the width of the violin body, while the box is still visible inside the violin. Both plots reveal that the dispersion of values, in this case the lengths of the speeches, for Russia is much larger than for Great Britain. But the existence of multiple peaks, as in Russia, only becomes apparent in the violin plot.

Visualizing Developments Over Time

If your data contains date or time attributes, it is always interesting to visualize some developments within the data over time. A first time series can be created by analyzing the number of speeches per year. We can use the Pandas grouping function size() to return the number of rows per group. By simply appending plot(), we can visualize the resulting DataFrame (Figure 1-3, left):

df.groupby('year').size().plot(title="Number of Countries")

The timeline reflects the development of the number of countries in the UN, as each country is eligible for only one speech per year. Actually, the UN has 193 members today. Interestingly, the speech length needed to decrease with more countries entering the debates, as the following analysis reveals (Figure 1-3, right):

df.groupby('year').agg({'length': 'mean'}) \
  .plot(title="Avg. Speech Length", ylim=(0,30000))
Figure 1-3. Number of countries and average speech length over time.

Pandas dataframes not only can be easily visualized in Jupyter notebooks but also can be exported to Excel (.xlsx), HTML, CSV, LaTeX, and many other formats by built-in functions. There is even a to_clipboard() function. Check the documentation for details.

Blueprint: Building a Simple Text Preprocessing Pipeline

The analysis of metadata such as categories, time, authors, and other attributes gives some first insights on the corpus. But it’s much more interesting to dig deeper into the actual content and explore frequent words in different subsets or time periods. In this section, we will develop a basic blueprint to prepare text for a quick first analysis consisting of a simple sequence of steps (Figure 1-4). As the output of one operation forms the input of the next one, such a sequence is also called a processing pipeline that transforms the original text into a number of tokens.

Figure 1-4. Simple preprocessing pipeline.

The pipeline presented here consists of three steps: case-folding into lowercase, tokenization, and stop word removal. These steps will be discussed in depth and extended in Chapter 4, where we make use of spaCy. To keep it fast and simple here, we build our own tokenizer based on regular expressions and show how to use an arbitrary stop word list.

Performing Tokenization with Regular Expressions

Tokenization is the process of extracting words from a sequence of characters. In Western languages, words are often separated by whitespaces and punctuation characters. Thus, the simplest and fastest tokenizer is Python’s native str.split() method, which splits on whitespace. A more flexible way is to use regular expressions.

Regular expressions and the Python libraries re and regex will be introduced in more detail in Chapter 4. Here, we want to apply a simple pattern that matches words. Words in our definition consist of at least one letter as well as digits and hyphens. Pure numbers are skipped because they almost exclusively represent dates or speech or session identifiers in this corpus.

The frequently used expression [A-Za-z] is not a good option for matching letters because it misses accented letters like ä or â. Much better is the POSIX character class \p{L}, which selects all Unicode letters. Note that we need the regex library instead of re to work with POSIX character classes. The following expression matches tokens consisting of at least one letter (\p{L}), preceded and followed by an arbitrary sequence of alphanumeric characters (\w includes digits, letters, and underscore) and hyphens (-):

import regex as re

def tokenize(text):
    return re.findall(r'[\w-]*\p{L}[\w-]*', text)

Let’s try it with a sample sentence from the corpus:

text = "Let's defeat SARS-CoV-2 together in 2020!"
tokens = tokenize(text)



Treating Stop Words

The most frequent words in text are common words such as determiners, auxiliary verbs, pronouns, adverbs, and so on. These words are called stop words. Stop words usually don’t carry much information but hide interesting content because of their high frequencies. Therefore, stop words are often removed before data analysis or model training.

In this section, we show how to discard stop words contained in a predefined list. Common stop word lists are available for many languages and are integrated in almost any NLP library. We will work with NLTK’s list of stop words here, but you could use any list of words as a filter.2 For fast lookup, you should always convert a list to a set. Sets are hash-based structures like dictionaries with nearly constant lookup time:

import nltk

stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english'))

Our approach to remove stop words from a given list, wrapped into the small function shown here, consists of a simple list comprehension. For the check, tokens are converted to lowercase as NLTK’s list contains only lowercase words:

def remove_stop(tokens):
    return [t for t in tokens if t.lower() not in stopwords]

Often you’ll need to add domain-specific stop words to the predefined list. For example, if you are analyzing emails, the terms dear and regards will probably appear in almost any document. On the other hand, you might want to treat some of the words in the predefined list not as stop words. We can add additional stop words and exclude others from the list using two of Python’s set operators, | (union/or) and - (difference):

include_stopwords = {'dear', 'regards', 'must', 'would', 'also'}
exclude_stopwords = {'against'}

stopwords |= include_stopwords
stopwords -= exclude_stopwords

The stop word list from NLTK is conservative and contains only 179 words. Surprisingly, would is not considered a stop word, while wouldn’t is. This illustrates a common problem with predefined stop word lists: inconsistency. Be aware that removing stop words can significantly affect the performance of semantically targeted analyses, as explained in “Why Removing Stop Words Can Be Dangerous”.

In addition to or instead of a fixed list of stop words, it can be helpful to treat every word that appears in more than, say, 80% of the documents as a stop word. Such common words make it difficult to distinguish content. The parameter max_df of the scikit-learn vectorizers, as covered in Chapter 5, does exactly this. Another method is to filter words based on the word type (part of speech). This concept will be explained in Chapter 4.

Processing a Pipeline with One Line of Code

Let’s get back to the DataFrame containing the documents of our corpus. We want to create a new column called tokens containing the lowercased, tokenized text without stop words for each document. For that, we use an extensible pattern for a processing pipeline. In our case, we will change all text to lowercase, tokenize it, and remove stop words. Other operations can be added by simply extending the pipeline:

pipeline = [str.lower, tokenize, remove_stop]

def prepare(text, pipeline):
    tokens = text
    for transform in pipeline:
        tokens = transform(tokens)
    return tokens

If we put all this into a function, it becomes a perfect use case for Pandas’s map or apply operation. Functions such as map and apply, which take other functions as parameters, are called higher-order functions in mathematics and computer science.

Table 1-2. Pandas higher-order functions
Function Description Works element by element on a Pandas Series
Series.apply Same as map but allows additional parameters
DataFrame.applymap Element by element on a Pandas DataFrame (same as map on Series)
DataFrame.apply Works on rows or columns of a DataFrame and supports aggregation

Pandas supports the different higher-order functions on series and dataframes (Table 1-2). These functions not only allow you to specify a series of functional data transformations in a comprehensible way, but they can also be easily parallelized. The Python package pandarallel, for example, provides parallel versions of map and apply.

Scalable frameworks like Apache Spark support similar operations on dataframes even more elegantly. In fact, the map and reduce operations in distributed programming are based on the same principle of functional programming. In addition, many programming languages, including Python and JavaScript, have a native map operation for lists or arrays.

Using one of Pandas’s higher-order operations, applying a functional transformation becomes a one-liner:

df['tokens'] = df['text'].apply(prepare, pipeline=pipeline)

The tokens column now consists of Python lists containing the extracted tokens for each document. Of course, this additional column basically doubles memory consumption of the DataFrame, but it allows you to quickly access the tokens directly for further analysis. Nevertheless, the following blueprints are designed in such a way that the tokenization can also be performed on the fly during analysis. In this way, performance can be traded for memory consumption: either tokenize once before analysis and consume memory or tokenize on the fly and wait.

We also add another column containing the length of the token list for summarizations later:

df['num_tokens'] = df['tokens'].map(len)

tqdm (pronounced taqadum for “progress” in Arabic) is a great library for progress bars in Python. It supports conventional loops, e.g., by using tqdm_range instead of range, and it supports Pandas by providing progress_map and progress_apply operations on dataframes.3 Our accompanying notebooks on GitHub use these operations, but we stick to plain Pandas here in the book.

Blueprints for Word Frequency Analysis

Frequently used words and phrases can give us some basic understanding of the discussed topics. However, word frequency analysis ignores the order and the context of the words. This is the idea of the famous bag-of-words model (see also Chapter 5): all the words are thrown into a bag where they tumble into a jumble. The original arrangement in the text is lost; only the frequency of the terms is taken into account. This model does not work well for complex tasks such as sentiment analysis or question answering, but it works surprisingly well for classification and topic modeling. In addition, it’s a good starting point for understanding what the texts are all about.

In this section, we will develop a number of blueprints to calculate and visualize word frequencies. As raw frequencies overweigh unimportant but frequent words, we will also introduce TF-IDF at the end of the process. We will implement the frequency calculation by using a Counter because it is simple and extremely fast.

Blueprint: Counting Words with a Counter

Python’s standard library has a built-in class Counter, which does exactly what you might think: it counts things.4 The easiest way to work with a counter is to create it from a list of items, in our case strings representing the words or tokens. The resulting counter is basically a dictionary object containing those items as keys and their frequencies as values.

Let’s illustrate its functionality with a simple example:

from collections import Counter

tokens = tokenize("She likes my cats and my cats like my sofa.")

counter = Counter(tokens)


Counter({'my': 3, 'cats': 2, 'She': 1, 'likes': 1, 'and': 1, 'like': 1,
         'sofa': 1})

The counter requires a list as input, so any text needs to be tokenized in advance. What’s nice about the counter is that it can be incrementally updated with a list of tokens of a second document:

more_tokens = tokenize("She likes dogs and cats.")


Counter({'my': 3, 'cats': 3, 'She': 2, 'likes': 2, 'and': 2, 'like': 1,
         'sofa': 1, 'dogs': 1})

To find the most frequent words within a corpus, we need to create a counter from the list of all words in all documents. A naive approach would be to concatenate all documents into a single, giant list of tokens, but that does not scale for larger datasets. It is much more efficient to call the update function of the counter object for each single document.

counter = Counter()


We do a little trick here and put counter.update in the map function. The magic happens inside the update function under the hood. The whole map call runs extremely fast; it takes only about three seconds for the 7,500 UN speeches and scales linearly with the total number of tokens. The reason is that dictionaries in general and counters in particular are implemented as hash tables. A single counter is pretty compact compared to the whole corpus: it contains each word only once, along with its frequency.

Now we can retrieve the most common words in the text with the respective counter function:



[('nations', 124508),
 ('united', 120763),
 ('international', 117223),
 ('world', 89421),
 ('countries', 85734)]

For further processing and analysis, it is much more convenient to transform the counter into a Pandas DataFrame, and this is what the following blueprint function finally does. The tokens make up the index of the DataFrame, while the frequency values are stored in a column named freq. The rows are sorted so that the most frequent words appear at the head:

def count_words(df, column='tokens', preprocess=None, min_freq=2):

    # process tokens and update counter
    def update(doc):
        tokens = doc if preprocess is None else preprocess(doc)

    # create counter and run through all data
    counter = Counter()

    # transform counter into a DataFrame
    freq_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(counter, orient='index', columns=['freq'])
    freq_df = freq_df.query('freq >= @min_freq') = 'token'

    return freq_df.sort_values('freq', ascending=False)

The function takes, as a first parameter, a Pandas DataFrame and takes the column name containing the tokens or the text as a second parameter. As we already stored the prepared tokens in the column tokens of the DataFrame containing the speeches, we can use the following two lines of code to compute the DataFrame with word frequencies and display the top five tokens:

freq_df = count_words(df)


token freq
nations 124508
united 120763
international 117223
world 89421
countries 85734

If we don’t want to use precomputed tokens for some special analysis, we could tokenize the text on the fly with a custom preprocessing function as the third parameter. For example, we could generate and count all words with 10 or more characters with this on-the-fly tokenization of the text:

    count_words(df, column='text',
                preprocess=lambda text: re.findall(r"\w{10,}", text))

The last parameter of count_words defines a minimum frequency of tokens to be included in the result. Its default is set to 2 to cut down the long tail of hapaxes, i.e., tokens occurring only once.

Blueprint: Creating a Frequency Diagram

There are dozens of ways to produce tables and diagrams in Python. We prefer Pandas with its built-in plot functionality because it is easier to use than plain Matplotlib. We assume a DataFrame freq_df generated by the previous blueprint for visualization. Creating a frequency diagram based on such a DataFrame now becomes basically a one-liner. We add two more lines for formatting:

ax = freq_df.head(15).plot(kind='barh', width=0.95)
ax.set(xlabel='Frequency', ylabel='Token', title='Top Words')


Using horizontal bars (barh) for word frequencies greatly improves readability because the words appear horizontally on the y-axis in a readable form. The y-axis is inverted to place the top words at the top of the chart. The axis labels and title can optionally be modified.

Blueprint: Creating Word Clouds

Plots of frequency distributions like the ones shown previously give detailed information about the token frequencies. But it is quite difficult to compare frequency diagrams for different time periods, categories, authors, and so on. Word clouds, in contrast, visualize the frequencies by different font sizes. They are much easier to comprehend and to compare, but they lack the precision of tables and bar charts. You should keep in mind that long words or words with capital letters get unproportionally high attraction.

The Python module wordcloud generates nice word clouds from texts or counters. The simplest way to use it is to instantiate a word cloud object with some options, such as the maximum number of words and a stop word list, and then let the wordcloud module handle the tokenization and stop word removal. The following code shows how to generate a word cloud for the text of the 2015 US speech and display the resulting image with Matplotlib:

from wordcloud import WordCloud
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

text = df.query("year==2015 and country=='USA'")['text'].values[0]

wc = WordCloud(max_words=100, stopwords=stopwords)
plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear')

However, this works only for a single text and not a (potentially large) set of documents. For the latter use case, it is much faster to create a frequency counter first and then use the function generate_from_frequencies().

Our blueprint is a little wrapper around this function to also support a Pandas Series containing frequency values as created by count_words. The WordCloud class already has a magnitude of options to fine-tune the result. We use some of them in the following function to demonstrate possible adjustments, but you should check the documentation for details:

def wordcloud(word_freq, title=None, max_words=200, stopwords=None):

    wc = WordCloud(width=800, height=400,
                   background_color= "black", colormap="Paired",
                   max_font_size=150, max_words=max_words)

    # convert DataFrame into dict
    if type(word_freq) == pd.Series:
        counter = Counter(word_freq.fillna(0).to_dict())
        counter = word_freq

    # filter stop words in frequency counter
    if stopwords is not None:
        counter = {token:freq for (token, freq) in counter.items()
                              if token not in stopwords}


    plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear')

The function has two convenience parameters to filter words. skip_n skips the top n words of the list. Obviously, in a UN corpus words like united, nations, or international are heading the list. It may be more interesting to visualize what comes next. The second filter is an (additional) list of stop words. Sometimes it is helpful to filter out specific frequent but uninteresting words for the visualization only.5

So, let’s take a look at the 2015 speeches (Figure 1-5). The left word cloud visualizes the most frequent words unfiltered. The right word cloud instead treats the 50 most frequent words of the complete corpus as stop words:

freq_2015_df = count_words(df[df['year']==2015])
wordcloud(freq_2015_df['freq'], max_words=100)
wordcloud(freq_2015_df['freq'], max_words=100, stopwords=freq_df.head(50).index)
Figure 1-5. Word clouds for the 2015 speeches including all words (left) and without the 50 most frequent words (right).

Clearly, the right word cloud without the most frequent words of the corpus gives a much better idea of the 2015 topics, but there are still frequent and unspecific words like today or challenges. We need a way to give less weight to those words, as shown in the next section.

Blueprint: Ranking with TF-IDF

As illustrated in Figure 1-5, visualizing the most frequent words usually does not reveal much insight. Even if stop words are removed, the most common words are usually obvious domain-specific terms that are quite similar in any subset (slice) of the data. But we would like to give more importance to those words that appear more frequently in a given slice of the data than “usual.” Such a slice can be any subset of the corpus, e.g., a single speech, the speeches of a certain decade, or the speeches from one country.

We want to highlight words whose actual word frequency in a slice is higher than their total probability would suggest. There is a number of algorithms to measure the “surprise” factor of a word. One of the simplest but best working approaches is to complement the term frequency with the inverse document frequency (see sidebar).

Let’s define a function to compute the IDF for all terms in the corpus. It is almost identical to count_words, except that each token is counted only once per document (counter.update(set(tokens))), and the IDF values are computed after counting. The parameter min_df serves as a filter for the long tail of infrequent words. The result of this function is again a DataFrame:

def compute_idf(df, column='tokens', preprocess=None, min_df=2):

    def update(doc):
        tokens = doc if preprocess is None else preprocess(doc)

    # count tokens
    counter = Counter()

    # create DataFrame and compute idf
    idf_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(counter, orient='index', columns=['df'])
    idf_df = idf_df.query('df >= @min_df')
    idf_df['idf'] = np.log(len(df)/idf_df['df'])+0.1 = 'token'
    return idf_df

The IDF values need to be computed once for the entire corpus (do not use a subset here!) and can then be used in all kinds of analyses. We create a DataFrame containing the IDF values for each token (idf_df) with this function:

idf_df = compute_idf(df)

As both the IDF and the frequency DataFrame have an index consisting of the tokens, we can simply multiply the columns of both DataFrames to calculate the TF-IDF score for the terms:

freq_df['tfidf'] = freq_df['freq'] * idf_df['idf']

Let’s compare the word clouds based on word counts (term frequencies) alone and TF-IDF scores for the speeches of the first and last years in the corpus. We remove some more stop words that stand for the numbers of the respective debate sessions.

freq_1970 = count_words(df[df['year'] == 1970])
freq_2015 = count_words(df[df['year'] == 2015])

freq_1970['tfidf'] = freq_1970['freq'] * idf_df['idf']
freq_2015['tfidf'] = freq_2015['freq'] * idf_df['idf']

#wordcloud(freq_df['freq'], title='All years', subplot=(1,3,1))
wordcloud(freq_1970['freq'], title='1970 - TF',
          stopwords=['twenty-fifth', 'twenty-five'])
wordcloud(freq_2015['freq'], title='2015 - TF',
wordcloud(freq_1970['tfidf'], title='1970 - TF-IDF',
          stopwords=['twenty-fifth', 'twenty-five', 'twenty', 'fifth'])
wordcloud(freq_2015['tfidf'], title='2015 - TF-IDF',

The word clouds in Figure 1-6 impressively demonstrate the power of TF-IDF weighting. While the most common words are almost identical in 1970 and 2015, the TF-IDF weighted visualizations emphasize the differences of political topics.

Figure 1-6. Words weighted by plain counts (upper) and TF-IDF (lower) for speeches in two selected years.

The experienced reader might wonder why we implemented functions to count words and compute IDF values ourselves instead of using the classes CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer of scikit-learn. Actually, there two reasons. First, the vectorizers produce a vector with weighted term frequencies for each single document instead of arbitrary subsets of the dataset. Second, the results are matrices (good for machine learning) and not dataframes (good for slicing, aggregation, and visualization). We would have to write about the same number of code lines in the end to produce the results in Figure 1-6 but miss the opportunity to introduce this important concept from scratch. The scikit-learn vectorizers will be discussed in detail in Chapter 5.

Blueprint: Finding a Keyword-in-Context

Word clouds and frequency diagrams are great tools to visually summarize textual data. However, they also often raise questions about why a certain term appears so prominently. For example, the 2015 TF-IDF word cloud discussed earlier shows the terms pv, sdgs, or sids, and you probably do not know their meaning. To find that out, we need a way to inspect the actual occurrences of those words in the original, unprepared text. A simple yet clever way to do such an inspection is the keyword-in-context (KWIC) analysis. It produces a list of text fragments of equal length showing the left and right context of a keyword. Here is a sample of the KWIC list for sdgs, which gives us an explanation of that term:

5 random samples out of 73 contexts for 'sdgs':
 of our planet and its people. The   SDGs   are a tangible manifestation of th
nd, we are expected to achieve the   SDGs   and to demonstrate dramatic develo
ead by example in implementing the   SDGs   in Bangladesh. Attaching due impor
the Sustainable Development Goals (  SDGs  ). We applaud all the Chairs of the
new Sustainable Development Goals (  SDGs  ) aspire to that same vision. The A

Obviously, sdgs is the lowercased version of SDGs, which stands for “sustainable development goals.” With the same analysis we can learn that sids stands for “small island developing states.” That is important information to interpret the topics of 2015! pv, however, is a tokenization artifact. It is actually the remainder of citation references like (A/70/PV.28), which stands for “Assembly 70, Process Verbal 28,” i.e., speech 28 of the 70th assembly.


Always look into the details when you encounter tokens that you do not know or that do not make sense to you! Often they carry important information (like sdgs) that you as an analyst should be able to interpret. But you’ll also often find artifacts like pv. Those should be discarded if irrelevant or treated correctly.

KWIC analysis is implemented in NLTK and textacy. We will use textacy’s KWIC function because it is fast and works on the untokenized text. Thus, we can search for strings spanning multiple tokens like “climate change,” while NLTK cannot. Both NLTK and textacy’s KWIC functions work on a single document only. To extend the analysis to a number of documents in a DataFrame, we provide the following function:

from textacy.text_utils import KWIC

def kwic(doc_series, keyword, window=35, print_samples=5):

    def add_kwic(text):
        kwic_list.extend(KWIC(text, keyword, ignore_case=True,
                              window_width=window, print_only=False))

    kwic_list = []

    if print_samples is None or print_samples==0:
        return kwic_list
        k = min(print_samples, len(kwic_list))
        print(f"{k} random samples out of {len(kwic_list)} " + \
              f"contexts for '{keyword}':")
        for sample in random.sample(list(kwic_list), k):
            print(re.sub(r'[\n\t]', ' ', sample[0])+'  '+ \
                  sample[1]+'  '+\
                  re.sub(r'[\n\t]', ' ', sample[2]))

The function iteratively collects the keyword contexts by applying the add_kwic function to each document with map. This trick, which we already used in the word count blueprints, is very efficient and enables KWIC analysis also for larger corpora. By default, the function returns a list of tuples of the form (left context, keyword, right context). If print_samples is greater than 0, a random sample of the results is printed.8 Sampling is especially useful when you work with lots of documents because the first entries of the list would otherwise stem from a single or a very small number of documents.

The KWIC list for sdgs from earlier was generated by this call:

kwic(df[df['year'] == 2015]['text'], 'sdgs', print_samples=5)

Blueprint: Analyzing N-Grams

Just knowing that climate is a frequent word does not tell us too much about the topic of discussion because, for example, climate change and political climate have completely different meanings. Even change climate is not the same as climate change. It can therefore be helpful to extend frequency analyses from single words to short sequences of two or three words.

Basically, we are looking for two types of word sequences: compounds and collocations. A compound is a combination of two or more words with a specific meaning. In English, we find compounds in closed form, like earthquake; hyphenated form like self-confident; and open form like climate change. Thus, we may have to consider two tokens as a single semantic unit. Collocations, in contrast, are words that are frequently used together. Often, they consist of an adjective or verb and a noun, like red carpet or united nations.

In text processing, we usually work with bigrams (sequences of length 2), sometimes even trigrams (length 3). n-grams of size 1 are single words, also called unigrams. The reason to stick to n ≤ 3 is that the number of different n-grams increases exponentially with respect to n, while their frequencies decrease in the same way. By far the most trigrams appear only once in a corpus.

The following function produces elegantly the set of n-grams for a sequence of tokens:9

def ngrams(tokens, n=2, sep=' '):
    return [sep.join(ngram) for ngram in zip(*[tokens[i:] for i in range(n)])]

text = "the visible manifestation of the global climate change"
tokens = tokenize(text)
print("|".join(ngrams(tokens, 2)))


the visible|visible manifestation|manifestation of|of the|the global|
global climate|climate change

As you can see, most of the bigrams contain stop words like prepositions and determiners. Thus, it is advisable to build bigrams without stop words. But we need to be careful: if we remove the stop words first and then build the bigrams, we generate bigrams that don’t exist in the original text as a “manifestation global” in the example. Thus, we create the bigrams on all tokens but keep only those that do not contain any stop words with this modified ngrams function:

def ngrams(tokens, n=2, sep=' ', stopwords=set()):
    return [sep.join(ngram) for ngram in zip(*[tokens[i:] for i in range(n)])
            if len([t for t in ngram if t in stopwords])==0]

print("Bigrams:", "|".join(ngrams(tokens, 2, stopwords=stopwords)))
print("Trigrams:", "|".join(ngrams(tokens, 3, stopwords=stopwords)))


Bigrams: visible manifestation|global climate|climate change
Trigrams: global climate change

Using this ngrams function, we can add a column containing all bigrams to our DataFrame and apply the word count blueprint to determine the top five bigrams:

df['bigrams'] = df['text'].apply(prepare, pipeline=[str.lower, tokenize]) \
                          .apply(ngrams, n=2, stopwords=stopwords)

count_words(df, 'bigrams').head(5)


token freq
united nations 103236
international community 27786
general assembly 27096
security council 20961
human rights 19856

You may have noticed that we ignored sentence boundaries during tokenization. Thus, we will generate nonsense bigrams with the last word of one sentence and the first word of the next. Those bigrams will not be very frequent, so they don’t really matter for data exploration. If we wanted to prevent this, we would need to identify sentence boundaries, which is much more complicated than word tokenization and not worth the effort here.

Now let’s extend our TF-IDF-based unigram analysis from the previous section and include bigrams. We add the bigram IDF values, compute the TF-IDF-weighted bigram frequencies for all speeches from 2015, and generate a word cloud from the resulting DataFrame:

# concatenate existing IDF DataFrame with bigram IDFs
idf_df = pd.concat([idf_df, compute_idf(df, 'bigrams', min_df=10)])

freq_df = count_words(df[df['year'] == 2015], 'bigrams')
freq_df['tfidf'] = freq_df['freq'] * idf_df['idf']
wordcloud(freq_df['tfidf'], title='all bigrams', max_words=50)

As we can see in the word cloud on the left of Figure 1-7, climate change was a frequent bigram in 2015. But to understand the different contexts of climate, it may be interesting to take a look at the bigrams containing climate only. We can use a text filter on climate to achieve this and plot the result again as a word cloud (Figure 1-7, right):

where = freq_df.index.str.contains('climate')
wordcloud(freq_df[where]['freq'], title='"climate" bigrams', max_words=50)
Figure 1-7. Word clouds for all bigrams and bigrams containing the word climate.

The approach presented here creates and weights all n-grams that do not contain stop words. For a first analysis, the results look quite good. We just don’t care about the long tail of infrequent bigrams. More sophisticated but also computationally expensive algorithms to identify collocations are available, for example, in NLTK’s collocation finder. We will show alternatives to identify meaningful phrases in Chapters 4 and 10.

Blueprint: Comparing Frequencies Across Time Intervals and Categories

You surely know Google Trends, where you can track the development of a number of search terms over time. This kind of trend analysis computes frequencies by day and visualizes them with a line chart. We want to track the development of certain keywords over the course of the years in our UN Debates dataset to get an idea about the growing or shrinking importance of topics such as climate change, terrorism, or migration.

Creating Frequency Timelines

Our approach is to calculate the frequencies of given keywords per document and then aggregate those frequencies using Pandas’s groupby function. The following function is for the first task. It extracts the counts of given keywords from a list of tokens:

def count_keywords(tokens, keywords):
    tokens = [t for t in tokens if t in keywords]
    counter = Counter(tokens)
    return [counter.get(k, 0) for k in keywords]

Let’s demonstrate the functionality with a small example:

keywords = ['nuclear', 'terrorism', 'climate', 'freedom']
tokens = ['nuclear', 'climate', 'climate', 'freedom', 'climate', 'freedom']

print(count_keywords(tokens, keywords))


[1, 0, 3, 2]

As you can see, the function returns a list or vector of word counts. In fact, it’s a very simple count-vectorizer for keywords. If we apply this function to each document in our DataFrame, we get a matrix of counts. The blueprint function count_keywords_by, shown next, does exactly this as a first step. The matrix is then again converted into a DataFrame that is finally aggregated and sorted by the supplied grouping column.

def count_keywords_by(df, by, keywords, column='tokens'):

    freq_matrix = df[column].apply(count_keywords, keywords=keywords)
    freq_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(freq_matrix, columns=keywords)
    freq_df[by] = df[by] # copy the grouping column(s)

    return freq_df.groupby(by=by).sum().sort_values(by)

This function is very fast because it has to take care of the keywords only. Counting the four keywords from earlier in the UN corpus takes just two seconds on a laptop. Let’s take a look at the result:

freq_df = count_keywords_by(df, by='year', keywords=keywords)


nuclear terrorism climate freedom year
1970 192 7 18 128
1971 275 9 35 205
... ... ... ... ...
2014 144 404 654 129
2015 246 378 662 148

Even though we use only the attribute year as a grouping criterion in our examples, the blueprint function allows you to compare word frequencies across any discrete attribute, e.g., country, category, author—you name it. In fact, you could even specify a list of grouping attributes to compute, for example, counts per country and year.

The resulting DataFrame is already perfectly prepared for plotting as we have one data series per keyword. Using Pandas’s plot function, we get a nice line chart similar to Google Trends (Figure 1-8):

Figure 1-8. Frequencies of selected words per year.

Note the peak of nuclear in the 1980s indicating the arms race and the high peak of terrorism in 2001. It is somehow remarkable that the topic climate already got some attention in the 1970s and 1980s. Has it really? Well, if you check with a KWIC analysis (“Blueprint: Finding a Keyword-in-Context”), you’d find out that the word climate in those decades was almost exclusively used in a figurative sense.

Creating Frequency Heatmaps

Say we want to analyze the historic developments of global crises like the cold war, terrorism, and climate change. We could pick a selection of significant words and visualize their timelines by line charts as in the previous example. But line charts become confusing if you have more than four or five lines. An alternative visualization without that limitation is a heatmap, as provided by the Seaborn library. So, let’s add a few more keywords to our filter and display the result as a heatmap (Figure 1-9).

keywords = ['terrorism', 'terrorist', 'nuclear', 'war', 'oil',
            'syria', 'syrian', 'refugees', 'migration', 'peacekeeping',
            'humanitarian', 'climate', 'change', 'sustainable', 'sdgs']

freq_df = count_keywords_by(df, by='year', keywords=keywords)

# compute relative frequencies based on total number of tokens per year
freq_df = freq_df.div(df.groupby('year')['num_tokens'].sum(), axis=0)
# apply square root as sublinear filter for better contrast
freq_df = freq_df.apply(np.sqrt)

            xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, cbar=False, cmap="Reds")
Figure 1-9. Word frequencies over time as heatmap.

There are a few things to consider for this kind of analysis:

Prefer relative frequencies for any kind of comparison.
Absolute term frequencies are problematic if the total number of tokens per year or category is not stable. For example, absolute frequencies naturally go up if more countries are speaking year after year in our example.
Be careful with the interpretation of frequency diagrams based on keyword lists.
Although the chart looks like a distribution of topics, it is not! There may be other words representing the same topic but not included in the list. Keywords may also have different meanings (e.g., “climate of the discussion”). Advanced techniques such as topic modeling (Chapter 8) and word embeddings (Chapter 10) can help here.
Use sublinear scaling.
As the frequency values differ greatly, it may be hard to see any change for less-frequent tokens. Therefore, you should scale the frequencies sublinearly (we applied the square root np.sqrt). The visual effect is similar to lowering contrast.

Closing Remarks

We demonstrated how to get started analyzing textual data. The process for text preparation and tokenization was kept simple to get quick results. In Chapter 4, we will introduce more sophisticated methods and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches.

Data exploration should not only provide initial insights but actually help to develop confidence in your data. One thing you should keep in mind is that you should always identify the root cause for any strange tokens popping up. The KWIC analysis is a good tool to search for such tokens.

For a first analysis of the content, we introduced several blueprints for word frequency analysis. The weighting of terms is based either on term frequency alone or on the combination of term frequency and inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). These concepts will be picked up later in Chapter 5 because TF-IDF weighting is a standard method to vectorize documents for machine learning.

There are many aspects of textual analysis that we did not cover in this chapter:

  • Author-related information can help to identify influential writers, if that is one of your project goals. Authors can be distinguished by activity, social scores, writing style, etc.
  • Sometimes it is interesting to compare authors or different corpora on the same topic by their readability. The textacy library has a function called textstats that computes different readability scores and other statistics in a single pass over the text.
  • An interesting tool to identify and visualize distinguishing terms between categories (e.g., political parties) is Jason Kessler’s Scattertext library.
  • Besides plain Python, you can also use interactive visual tools for data analysis. Microsoft’s PowerBI has a nice word cloud add-on and lots of other options to produce interactive charts. We mention it because it is free to use in the desktop version and supports Python and R for data preparation and visualization.
  • For larger projects, we recommend setting up a search engine like Apache SOLR, Elasticsearch, or Tantivy. Those platforms create specialized indexes (also using TF-IDF weighting) for fast full-text search. Python APIs are available for all of them.

1 See the Pandas documentation for a complete list.

2 You can address spaCy’s list similarly with spacy.lang.en.STOP_WORDS.

3 Check out the documentation for further details.

4 The NLTK class FreqDist is derived from Counter and adds some convenience functions.

5 Note that the wordcloud module ignores the stop word list if generate_from_frequencies is called. Therefore, we apply an extra filter.

6 For example, scikit-learn’s TfIdfVectorizer adds +1.

7 Another option is to add +1 in the denominator to prevent a division by zero for unseen terms with df(t) = 0. This technique is called smoothing.

8 The parameter print_only in textacy’s KWIC function works similarly but does not sample.

9 See Scott Triglia’s blog post for an explanation.

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