Chapter 10. Exploring Semantic Relationships with Word Embeddings

The concept of similarity is fundamental to all machine learning tasks. In Chapter 5, we explained how to compute text similarity based on the bag-of-words model. Given two TF-IDF vectors for documents, their cosine similarity can be easily computed, and we can use this information to search, cluster, or classify similar documents.

However, the concept of similarity in the bag-of-words model is completely based on the number of common words in two documents. If documents do not share any tokens, the dot product of the document vectors and hence the cosine similarity will be zero. Consider the following two comments about a new movie, which could be found on a social platform:

“What a wonderful movie.”

“The film is great.”

Obviously, the comments have a similar meaning even though they use completely different words. In this chapter, we will introduce word embeddings as a means to capture the semantics of words and use them to explore semantic similarities within a corpus.

What You’ll Learn and What We’ll Build

For our use case we assume that we are market researchers and want to use texts about cars to better understand some relationships in the car market. Specifically, we want to explore similarities among car brands and models. For example, which models of brand A are most similar to a given model of brand B?

Our corpus consists of the 20 subreddits in the autos category of the Reddit Self-Posts ...

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