DocBook: The Definitive GuideBy Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
Mixed Content Model
ULink ::= ((#PCDATA|FootnoteRef|XRef|Abbrev|Acronym|Citation|CiteRefEntry| CiteTitle|Emphasis|FirstTerm|ForeignPhrase|GlossTerm|Footnote| Phrase|Quote|Trademark|WordAsWord|Link|OLink|ULink|Action| Application|ClassName|Command|ComputerOutput|Database|Email| EnVar|ErrorCode|ErrorName|ErrorType|Filename|Function|GUIButton| GUIIcon|GUILabel|GUIMenu|GUIMenuItem|GUISubmenu|Hardware| Interface|InterfaceDefinition|KeyCap|KeyCode|KeyCombo|KeySym| Literal|Constant|Markup|MediaLabel|MenuChoice|MouseButton| MsgText|Option|Optional|Parameter|Prompt|Property|Replaceable| ReturnValue|SGMLTag|StructField|StructName|Symbol|SystemItem| Token|Type|UserInput|VarName|Anchor|Author|AuthorInitials| CorpAuthor|ModeSpec|OtherCredit|ProductName|ProductNumber| RevHistory|Comment|Subscript|Superscript|InlineGraphic| InlineMediaObject|InlineEquation|Synopsis|CmdSynopsis| FuncSynopsis|IndexTerm)+)Attributes
Type CDATA None URL CDATA Required Tag Minimization
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
Parameter Entities
The ULink element forms the equivalent of an HTML anchor (
<A HREF="..."> ) for cross reference by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).Processing expectations
Formatted inline. When rendered online, it is natural to make the content of the ULink element an active link. When rendered in print media, the URL might be ignored, printed after the text of the link, or printed as a footnote.
Linking elements must not be nested within other linking elements (including themselves). Because DocBook is harmonizing towards XML, this restriction cannot easily be enforced by the DTD. The processing of nested linking elements is undefined.
Future Changes
The InterfaceDefinition element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available in the content model of this element.
These elements contain ULink: Abbrev, Ackno, Acronym, Action, Application, ArtPageNums, Attribution, AuthorInitials, BiblioMisc, BridgeHead, Citation, CiteTitle, City, CollabName, Command, Comment, ComputerOutput, ConfDates, ConfNum, ConfSponsor, ConfTitle, ContractNum, ContractSponsor, Contrib, CorpAuthor, CorpName, Country, Database, Date, Edition, Email, Emphasis, entry, Fax, Figure, Filename, FirstName, FirstTerm, ForeignPhrase, FuncParams, FuncSynopsisInfo, Function, GlossSee, GlossSeeAlso, GlossTerm, Hardware, Holder, Honorific, IndexDiv, InformalFigure, Interface, InterfaceDefinition, InvPartNumber, ISBN, ISSN, IssueNum, JobTitle, KeyCap, Label, Lineage, LineAnnotation, Link, Literal, LiteralLayout, LoTentry, ManVolNum, Member, ModeSpec, MsgAud, OLink, Option, Optional, OrgDiv, OrgName, OtherAddr, OtherName, PageNums, Para, Parameter, Phone, Phrase, POB, Postcode, Primary, PrimaryIE, ProductName, ProductNumber, ProgramListing, Property, PubDate, PublisherName, PubsNumber, Quote, RefEntry, RefEntryTitle, RefMiscInfo, RefNameDiv, RefPurpose, ReleaseInfo, Replaceable, RevNumber, RevRemark, Screen, ScreenInfo, Secondary, SecondaryIE, See, SeeAlso, SeeAlsoIE, SeeIE, Seg, SegTitle, SeriesVolNums, ShortAffil, SimPara, State, Street, Subscript, Subtitle, Superscript, Surname, Synopsis, SystemItem, Term, Tertiary, TertiaryIE, Title, TitleAbbrev, ToCback, ToCentry, ToCfront, Trademark, ULink, UserInput, VolumeNum, WordAsWord, Year.
The following elements occur in ULink: Abbrev, Acronym, Action, Anchor, Application, Author, AuthorInitials, Citation, CiteRefEntry, CiteTitle, ClassName, CmdSynopsis, Command, Comment, ComputerOutput, Constant, CorpAuthor, Database, Email, Emphasis, EnVar, ErrorCode, ErrorName, ErrorType, Filename, FirstTerm, Footnote, FootnoteRef, ForeignPhrase, FuncSynopsis, Function, GlossTerm, GUIButton, GUIIcon, GUILabel, GUIMenu, GUIMenuItem, GUISubmenu, Hardware, IndexTerm, InlineEquation, InlineGraphic, InlineMediaObject, Interface, InterfaceDefinition, KeyCap, KeyCode, KeyCombo, KeySym, Link, Literal, Markup, MediaLabel, MenuChoice, ModeSpec, MouseButton, MsgText, OLink, Option, Optional, OtherCredit, Parameter, Phrase, ProductName, ProductNumber, Prompt, Property, Quote, Replaceable, ReturnValue, RevHistory, SGMLTag, StructField, StructName, Subscript, Superscript, Symbol, Synopsis, SystemItem, Token, Trademark, Type, ULink, UserInput, VarName, WordAsWord, XRef.
In some contexts, the following elements are allowed anywhere: BeginPage, IndexTerm.
In some contexts, the following elements are excluded: Acronym, Footnote, IndexTerm.
- Type
Type is available for application-specific customization of the linking behavior.
URL specifies the Uniform Resource Locator that is the target of the ULink.
<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> <para> For more information, see the O'Reilly catalog entry for <ulink url=""><citetitle>Making TeX Work</citetitle></ulink>. </para>For more information, see the O'Reilly catalog entry for Making TeX Work.
For additional examples, see also BookInfo, OLink, ProductNumber, SystemItem.
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