
Chapter 1

1. North (1990).

2. Ben Ali and Kramer (2016).

3. Machiavelli (1916).

4. World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (n.d.).

5. North (1990), p. 118.

6. Salacuse (2013).

Chapter 2

1. Smith (1996).

2. Glennon (2003), pp. 2–28.

3. Smith (1996), pp. 286–287.

Chapter 3

1. Salacuse (2013).

2. See For example, Hampson (1995), pp. 1–51, 345–360.

3. For a history of Goldman Sachs and its decision to go public, see generally Endlich (2000).

Chapter 4

1. See generally, Salacuse (2006).

Chapter 7

1. OECD (2003).

2. Wells and de Royere (2006), p. 2.

3. For a detailed discussion of this case, see generally Salacuse (2022), pp. 333–391.

Chapter 9

1. Quoted in Wilson (2000), p. 197.

Chapter 12

1. On the Manner of Negotiating With Princes (2000), ...

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