
1. Daum, Kevin. “10 Things Really Amazing Employees Do.” Inc., March 1, 2013. Accessed June 1, 2013.

Day 1

1. PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategy) data base of the Strategic Planning Institute. (PIMS is a database the researches business strategy effectiveness that publishes data this type of data. You gain access to the data with a subscription.)

Day 4

1. Farber, Barry, and Joyce Wicoff. Break-Through Selling: Customer-Building Strategies From the Best in the Business (Prentice Hall Trade, 1992).

Day 5

1. “Man Saves Boy By Lifting Pipe From His Head.” Ocala Star-Banner, November 2, 1980, page 3F.

2. “William James Quotes.” Goodreads Website. ...

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