
  1. 1. U.S. Department of Labor. (March 11, 2015). Employer costs for employee compensation, December 2014 (USDL: 15-0386). Available: www.bls.gov, accessed March 15, 2015.

  2. 2. Dulles, F. R., & Dubofsky, M. (1993). Labor in America: A History. Arlington Heights, IL: Harlan Davidson.

  3. 3. Rejda, G. E. (1994). Social Insurance and Economic Security. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

  4. 4. U.S. Chamber of Commerce. (2013). 2013 Analysis of Workers’ Compensation Laws. Washington, DC: Author.

  5. 5. U.S. Social Security Administration. (2015). Fact Sheet: Social Security Changes. Available: www.ssa.gov, accessed March 14, 2015.

  6. 6. Ibid.

  7. 7. Ibid.

  8. 8. 26 U.S.C. §§3101–3125.

  9. 9. 26 U.S.C. §§1401–1403.

  10. 10. Ibid.

  11. 11. Nackley, J. V. (1987). Primer on Workers’ ...

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