Abji, Priscilla Eun-Young, 71–76

Adkins, Rodney, 68–70, 124, 164, 166, 215

Administrative tasks, scheduling time for, 39

Adversity, 202

Ambitions, sharing your, 217

Angelou, Maya, 143, 145

Apologizing, 96


attention, 46–52

defining your success, 18–25

growth, 137–141

of leadership branding, 202–205

promotions, 226–235

relationship, 173–179

value creation, 114–115

work-life balance, 78–82

Attention, 29–53

best use of your, 39–41

case example, 41–44

exercises, 44–53

importance of focusing your, 29–32

introspection for, 45–46

reflection and celebration, 52–53

and saying no, 33–37

setting priorities for, 37–39

strategy, 46–52

Audits, life and work, 77–78

Authenticity, 105–106, 113, 170

Ballmer, Steve, 108


external, ...

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