
Page numbers in italics indicate photographs or illustrations

Antarctica 21, 41, 51, 69, 7279

aperture and depth-of-field: close-up portraits 8; depth-of-field adjustment 2, 2, 7, 7; focus point setting 10, 10; macro lenses 25, 25; maximum setting 8; optimum capture 2; telephoto lens 19, 20; wide angle lenses 8, 9, 9, 24, 24

aperture priority mode (AV): applications 90, 90; effect of light types 57, 57, 74, 133, 133; exposure triangle 4, 5, 3637, 37, 42; ISO adjustment 6; speedlite exposures 109, 109

back-up workflow 168171, 168171

Bangkok 83, 100

Bhutan xiii, 55, 61

black-and-white images: contrast boost 56, 56; converted from color 21, 21, 41, 42, 133; scene mode 98, 98

“blinkies” 71, 7677, 77

boring photography 33, 33

camera settings: ...

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