

Analog Reference, 328

Aberration, 294


accelerometers, 32

centripetal, 9495

due to gravity (free-fall acceleration), 31

systems with constant acceleration, 3236

Accelerometer, 340

definition, 32

inertia switch, 32

pendulous type, 32

resistive type, 32

Accuracy, 18

Action reaction, 5657

Addition/subtraction, units of length, 4

Adhesion, 137

Aerodynamic drag, 152

Aerodynamic drag coefficient, 152

Airbag, 37

Air conditioner, 198199

Air hammer, 146

Airplane, 153

Air pressure, 146

Alloy, 202

Alnicol, 243

Alternating current, 225

motor, 251

Alternators, 250

Ampere, 236, 256

Amp-hour rating, 234236

Analog sensors, 326, 327330

Angles, 90

Angular position, 88

Angular velocity

calculations, 9293

magnetic pickup coil tachometer, ...

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