
  1. abatement cost 182
  2. absolutism 2426
  3. absorptive capacity 176
  4. Acemoglu, D. 23, 3738
  5. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 6, 12
  6. action profile 272
  7. acute care 157
  8. adoption 210
  9. adverse selection 152153
  10. agglomerated equilibria 253
  11. aggregate demand 89, 97
  12. aggregate supply: long-run 89; short-run 9091, 9596
  13. Aggregate Supply-Aggregate Demand Model see model
  14. agricultural periphery 251
  15. AIDS see Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  16. air pollution 177, 183, 263, 299
  17. air quality 171, 176177
  18. Aix-Marseille University 49
  19. altruism 275
  20. Amazonian rainforest 299
  21. amplification channels 229
  22. antibodies 11
  23. appropriability problem 28
  24. apps for health 203
  25. Argentina: confirmed cases in, 6; droughts in, 178
  26. Arrow, K. 131
  27. artefactual field experiment 277
  28. articulators ...

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