3 Globalization, networks, and contagion

Learning objectives

After reading this chapter, you will be able to:

  1. LO1 Explain why systems of interconnection cause diseases to spread.
  2. LO2 Analyze the process of globalization, the widening and deepening interconnections among the world’s peoples through all forms of exchange.
  3. LO3 Describe the characteristics of networks.
  4. LO4 Discuss network applications, including disease, energy, supply chains, and innovation.
  5. LO5 Explain how contagion, the spread of crisis from one area to another, may occur.

Chapter outline

  • Systems of interconnection
  • Globalization
  • Networks
  • Network applications
  • Contagion
  • Summary

Systems of interconnection

Through networks—systems of interconnection—disease outbreaks ...

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