


  • AAAS 112

  • ACADA 216

  • accelerometer 378

  • access card 317

  • access control 144, 201

  • accident 279

  • accountability 259

  • ACLU 348, 377

  • acoustic wave 149

  • Acquisti, Alessandro 257

  • active authentication 255

  • active biometrics 248, 259

  • active satellite 22

  • ACTS 377

  • Adobe Flash cookies 352

  • adult sex 342

  • Advanced Traffic Management System 69

  • Advance Passenger Information System 284

  • aerial imagery 111

  • aerial reconnaissance 253

  • aerial surveillance 63, 93

  • AeroVironment 60

  • Afghanistan 96, 212, 230, 296

  • Agent Blue 210

  • Agent Orange 210

  • age progression 248

  • agricultural surveillance 226

  • agriculture 226

  • Ahmed 78

  • AIM 123, 286

  • airborne warning and control system 106

  • aircraft security 86

  • airline surveillance ...

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