References of interest available on the Web.

  1. Allman, Mark; Kruse, Hans, Ostermann, Shawn, “A history of the improvement of Internet protocols over satellites using ACTS,” Online Journal of Space Communication, Issue 2, Fall 2002.

  2. “An overview of the federal wiretap act, electronic communications privacy act, and state two‑party consent laws of relevance to the NEBUAD system and other uses of internet traffic content from ISPs for behavioral advertising,” Center for Democracy & Technology, Washington, D.C., July 8, 2008.

  3. Bauer, Robert; McMasters, Paul, “Survey of advanced applications over ACTS,” Online Journal of Space Communication, Issue 2, Fall 2002.

  4. Bergamo, Marcos A., Hoder Doug, “Gigabit satellite network using NASA’s Advanced ...

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