Chapter 1

1. James P. Andrew, Harold L. Sirkin, Knut Haanæs, and David C. Michael, “Innovation 2007,” Boston Consulting Group. The references additional innovation surveys by other leading consulting firms.

2. Barry Jaruzelski, Kevin Dehoff, and Rakesh Bordia, “Money Isn’t Everything,” Strategy and Business, December 5, 2005.

3. Michael Schrage, “For Innovation Success, Do Not Follow Where the Money Goes,” Financial Times, November 8, 2005.

4. Geoff Colvin, “Lafley and Immelt: In Search of Billions,” Fortune, November 27, 2006.

5. “Ben Franklin Forum on Innovation: What Can You Learn from the World’s Top Innovators?” Knowledge@Wharton, February 2006.

6. Geoff Colvin, “Lafley and Immelt.”

7. Whirlpool Corporation 2006 Annual Report.

8. ...

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