AARP, 1, 8, 63, 93–94, 103, 176

AARP Employer Pledge, 93–94

AARP Foundation, 139

AARP Resume Advisor, 71

AARP Skills Builder for Work, 63, 176

AARP Small Business website, 139

The Acceleration Project (TAP), 105

Accenture, 29

Action, taking, 22, 128–129

Advanced Learning Initiative, 174

Age-friendly employers, 18–20, 92–94

Age-Inclusive Management Strategies in Colorado (webinar), 19–20

Ageism, 6–9, 17, 60, 89, 99–100, 159

Alboher, Marci, 140, 183

Algorithmic bias, 60

Ambitions, journaling about, 40–41

American Job Centers, 176–177

Ancowitz, Nancy, 133

Angel investors, 143–144

Anxiety, 2, 21

Appearance, physical, 61, 90, 159–160

Application tracking systems, 57–60, 70–71

Apprenticeships, 137

Ask, in informational interviews, 80

Authentic ...

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