
abrasive personality 199

abuse: victims of the dark triad 185201; see also bullying

accountability 102, 103; controls provided by 232; “felt” 105106; to limit psychopaths 234; mechanisms 105; as mediators 105106; organizational policies interaction with 114115; organizational transparency interaction with 111113; political skills interaction with 109110

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) 133, 137, 146147

adaptationist analysis 36

adaptive personality 95

adaptive strategies, dark personalities

as 204

adhocracy, bullying and 215

affect: Machiavellians and 24; psychopaths and 21

affective events theory 98

affective phenotype 220

affirmation, narcissists need for 171172

agency theory 110

aggression 3; childhood 42; contextual factors ...

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