Chapter 1. Down the Rabbit Hole

If you’re reading this book, you are presumably open to learning new programming languages. On the other hand, we assume that you expect reciprocity for the time and effort you’ll expend to learn a new language, some tangible benefits that can make you more productive, your team more effective, and your organization more flexible.

We believe that you will find this virtuous cycle in effect as you learn, apply, and leverage Clojure. As we are fond of saying, Clojure demands that you raise your game, and pays you back for doing so.

As software developers, we often build up a complex and sometimes very personal relationship with our tools and languages. Deciding which raw materials to use is sometimes dominated by pragmatic and legacy concerns. However, all other things being equal, programmers prefer using whatever maximally enhances their productivity and hopefully enables us to fulfill our potential to build useful, elegant systems. As the old saying goes, we want whatever makes the easy stuff easy, and the hard stuff possible.

Why Clojure?

Clojure is a programming language that lives up to that standard. Forged of a unique blend of the best features of a number of different programming languages—including various Lisp implementations, Ruby, Python, Java, Haskell, and others—Clojure provides a set of capabilities suited to address many of the most frustrating problems programmers struggle with today and those we can see barreling toward us over the horizon. And, far from requiring a sea-change to a new or unfamiliar architecture and runtime (typical of many otherwise promising languages over the years), Clojure is hosted on the Java Virtual Machine, a fact that puts to bed many of the most pressing pragmatic and legacy concerns raised when a new language is considered.

To whet your appetite, let’s enumerate some of Clojure’s marquee features and characteristics:

Clojure is hosted on the JVM

Clojure code can use any Java library, Clojure libraries can in turn be used from Java, and Clojure applications can be packaged just like any Java application and deployed anywhere other Java applications can be deployed: to web application servers; to desktops with Swing, SWT, or command-line interfaces; and so on. This also means that Clojure’s runtime is Java’s runtime, one of the most efficient and operationally reliable in the world.

Clojure is a Lisp

Unlike Java, Python, Ruby, C++, and other members of the Algol family of programming languages, Clojure is part of the Lisp family. However, forget everything you know (or might have heard rumored) about Lisps: Clojure retains the best of Lisp heritage, but is unburdened by the shortcomings and sometimes anachronistic aspects of many other Lisp implementations. Also, being a Lisp, Clojure has macros, an approach to metaprogramming and syntactic extension that has been the benchmark against which other such systems have been measured for decades.

Clojure is a functional programming language

Clojure encourages the use of first-class and higher-order functions with values and comes with its own set of efficient immutable data structures. The focus on a strong flavor of functional programming encourages the elimination of common bugs and faults due to the use of unconstrained mutable state and enables Clojure’s solutions for concurrency and parallelization.

Clojure offers innovative solutions to the challenges inherent in concurrency and parallelization

The realities of multicore, multi-CPU, and distributed computing demand that we use languages and libraries that have been designed with these contexts in mind. Clojure’s reference types enforce a clean separation of state and identity, providing defined concurrency semantics that are to manual locking and threading strategies what garbage collection is to manual memory management.

Clojure is a dynamic programming language

Clojure is dynamically and strongly typed (and therefore similar to Python and Ruby), yet function calls are compiled down to (fast!) Java method invocations. Clojure is also dynamic in the sense that it deeply supports updating and loading new code at runtime, either locally or remotely. This is particularly useful for enabling interactive development and debugging or even instrumenting and patching remote applications without downtime.

Of course, we don’t expect you to understand all of that, but we do hope the gestalt sounds compelling. If so, press on. By the end of this chapter, you’ll be able to write simple programs in Clojure, and be well on your way to understanding and leveraging it to help realize your potential.

Obtaining Clojure

You’ll need two things to work with the code in this chapter and otherwise explore Clojure on your own:

  1. The Java runtime. You can download the Oracle JVM for free for Windows and Linux (; it is bundled with or automatically installed by all versions of Mac OS X. Clojure requires Java v1.5 or higher; the latest releases of v1.6 or v1.7 are preferable.

  2. Clojure itself, available from ( All of the code in this book requires v1.3.0 or higher, and has been tested against v1.4.0 as well.[1] Within the zip file you download, you’ll find a file named something like clojure-1.4.0.jar; this is all you’ll need to get started.


There are a number of different Clojure plug-ins for popular development environments like Eclipse and Emacs; see Tooling for an overview of Clojure tooling. While Clojure’s command-line REPL is sufficient for your first few steps in understanding Clojure, we encourage you to use your favorite text editor or IDE if it has quality Clojure support, or to pick up one that does.

If you don’t yet want to commit to a particular editor or IDE for Clojure development, you should at least use Leiningen, the most popular project management tool for Clojure. It will download Clojure for you, give you a better REPL than Clojure’s default, and you’ll likely be using it on a daily basis for your own projects in short order anyway. See Leiningen for an introduction to it.

If you want to avoid downloading anything right now, you can run many of the samples in this book in the online, in-browser Clojure implementation available at

The Clojure REPL

Many languages have REPLs, often also referred to as interpreters: Ruby has irb; Python has its command-line interpreter; Groovy has its console; even Java has something akin to a REPL in BeanShell. The “REPL” acronym is derived from a simple description of what it does:

  1. Read: code is read as text from some input (often stdin, but this varies if you’re using a REPL in an IDE or other nonconsole environment).

  2. Eval: the code is evaluated, yielding some value.

  3. Print: the value is printed to some output device (often stdout, sometimes preceded by other output if the code in question happened to print content itself).

  4. Loop: control returns to the read step.

Clojure has a REPL too, but it differs from many other languages’ REPLs in that it is not an interpreter or otherwise using a limited or lightweight subset of Clojure: all code entered into a Clojure REPL is compiled to JVM bytecode as part of its evaluation, with the same result as when code is loaded from a Clojure source file. In these two scenarios, compilation is performed entirely at runtime, and requires no separate “compile” step.[2] In fact, Clojure is never interpreted. This has a couple of implications:

  1. Operations performed in the REPL run at “full speed”; that is to say, there is no runtime penalty or difference in semantics associated with running code in the REPL versus running the same code as part of a “proper” application.

  2. Once you understand how Clojure’s REPL works (in particular, its read and eval phases), you’ll understand how Clojure itself works at the most fundamental level.

With this second point in mind, let’s dig into the Clojure REPL and see if we can find bedrock.


The optimal workflow for programming in Clojure makes much more use of the REPL than is typical in other languages to make the development process as interactive as possible. Taking advantage of this is a significant source of the enhanced productivity—and really, fun!—that Clojure enables. We talk about this extensively in Chapter 10.

Example 1-1. Starting a Clojure REPL on the command line
% java -cp clojure-1.4.0.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.4.0

This incantation starts a new JVM process, with a classpath that includes the clojure.jar file in the current directory, running the clojure.main class as its main entry point.[3] See A classpath primer if you don’t yet know what the classpath is; for now, you can just think of the classpath as the JVM’s analogue to Python’s PYTHONPATH, Ruby’s $:, and your shell’s PATH, the set of files and directories from which the JVM will load classes and resources.

When you see the user=> prompt, the REPL is ready for you to enter some Clojure code. The portion of the Clojure REPL prompt preceding => is the name of the current namespace. Namespaces are like modules or packages; we discuss them extensively later in this chapter in Namespaces. Clojure REPL sessions always start in the default user namespace.

Let’s look at some real code, a function that calculates the average of some numbers in Java, Ruby, and Python:

Example 1-2. Averaging numbers in Java, Ruby, and Python
public static double average (double[] numbers) {
  double sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
    sum += numbers[i];
  return sum / numbers.length;

def average (numbers)
  numbers.inject(:+) / numbers.length

def average (numbers):
    return sum(numbers) / len(numbers)

Here is the Clojure equivalent:

(defn average                            1
  [numbers]                              2
  (/ (apply + numbers) (count numbers))) 3

defn defines a new function named average in the current namespace.


The average function takes one argument, referred to within its body as numbers. Note that there is no type declaration; this function will work equally well when provided with any collection or array of numbers of any type.


The body of the average function, which sums the provided numbers with (apply + numbers),[4] divides that sum by the number of numbers provided—obtained with (count numbers)—and returns the result of that division operation.

We can enter that defn expression at the REPL, and then call our function with a vector of numbers, which yields the expected result:

user=> (defn average
         (/ (apply + numbers) (count numbers)))
user=> (average [60 80 100 400])

No, Parentheses Actually Won’t Make You Go Blind

Many programmers who don’t already use a Lisp or secretly harbor fond memories of their last usage of Lisp from university blanch at the sight of Lisp syntax. Typical reasons offered for this reaction include:

  1. The particular usage of parentheses to delimit scope, rather than the more familiar braces {...} or do ... end blocks

  2. The use of prefix notation indicating the operation being performed; e.g., (+ 1 2) rather than the familiar infix 1 + 2

These objections are born first out of simple unfamiliarity. The braces that Java (and C and C++ and C# and PHP and…) uses for delimiting scope seem perfectly fine—why bother with what appears to be an ill-conceived animal? Similarly, we’ve all known and used infix notation for mathematics since early childhood—why work to use an unusual notation when what we’ve been using seems to have been so reliable? We are creatures of habit, and outside of building an understanding of why any particular difference may be significant, we understandably prefer the familiar and reliable.

In both cases, the answer is that Clojure did not import its syntactic foundations from other Lisp implementations on a whim; their adoption carries powerful benefits that are worth a minor shift in perspective:

  • Prefixed operations used uniformly simplify the language’s syntax significantly and eliminate potential ambiguity from nontrivial expressions.

  • The use of parentheses (as a textual representation of lists) is an outgrowth of Clojure being a homoiconic language. We’ll see what this means in Homoiconicity, but the ramifications of it are manifold: homoiconicity enables the development and use of metaprogramming and domain-specific language constructs simply unavailable in any programming language that is not homoiconic.

After getting through an initial period of unfamiliarity, you will very likely find that Clojure’s syntax reduces the cognitive load necessary to read and write code. Quick: is << (bit-shift left) in Java executed before or after & (bitwise and) in order of operations? Every time a programmer has to pause and think about this (or look it up in a manual), every time a programmer has to go back and add grouping parentheses “just in case,” a mental page fault has occurred. And, every time a programmer forgets to think about this, a potential error has entered his code. Imagine a language with no order of operations to worry about at all; Clojure is that language.

You might be saying, “But there are so many parentheses!” Actually, there aren’t.

In places where it makes sense, Clojure has borrowed a lot of syntax from other languages—like Ruby—for its data literals. Where other Lisps you might have seen use parenthesized lists everywhere, Clojure provides a rich set of literals for data and collections like vectors, maps, sets, and lists, as well as things like records (roughly, Clojure’s corollary to structs).

If you count and compare the number of delimiting characters and tokens of all kinds ((), [], {}, Ruby’s || and end, and so on) in Clojure, Java, Ruby, and Python codebases of similar sizes, you will find that the Clojure code won’t have appreciably more than the others—and will often have many fewer thanks to its concision.

Expressions, Operators, Syntax, and Precedence

All Clojure code is made up of expressions, each of which evaluates to a single value. This is in contrast to many languages that rely upon valueless statements—such as if, for, and continue—to control program flow imperatively. Clojure’s corollaries to these statements are all expressions that evaluate to a value.

You’ve already seen a few examples of expressions in Clojure:

  • 60

  • [60 80 100 400]

  • (average [60 80 100 400])

  • (+ 1 2)

These expressions all evaluate to a single value. The rules for that evaluation are extraordinarily simple compared to other languages:

  1. Lists (denoted by parentheses) are calls, where the first value in the list is the operator and the rest of the values are parameters. The first element in a list is often referred to as being in function position (as that’s where one provides the function or symbol naming the function to be called). Call expressions evaluate to the value returned by the call.

  2. Symbols (such as average or +) evaluate to the named value in the current scope—which can be a function, a named local like numbers in our average function, a Java class, a macro, or a special form. We’ll learn about macros and special forms in a little bit; for now, just think of them as functions.

  3. All other expressions evaluate to the literal values they describe.


Lists in Lisps are often called s-expressions or sexprs—short for symbolic expressions due to the significance of symbols in identifying the values to be used in calls denoted by such lists. Generally, valid s-expressions that can be successfully evaluated are often referred to as forms: e.g., (if condition then else) is an if form, [60 80 100 400] is a vector form. Not all s-expressions are forms: (1 2 3) is a valid s-expression—a list of three integers—but evaluating it will produce an error because the first value in the list is an integer, which is not callable.

The second and third points are roughly equivalent to most other languages (although Clojure’s literals are more expressive, as we’ll see shortly). However, an examination of how calls work in other languages quickly reveals the complexity of their syntax.

Table 1-1. Comparison of call syntax between Clojure, Java, Python, and Ruby
Clojure expressionJava equivalentPython equivalentRuby equivalent

(not k)


not k

not k or ! k

(inc a)

a++, ++a, a += 1, a + 1[a]

a += 1, a + 1

a += 1

(/ (+ x y) 2)

(x + y) / 2

(x + y) / 2

(x + y) / 2

(instance? java.util.List al)

al instanceof java.util.List

isinstance(al, list)

al.is_a? Array

(if (not a) (inc b) (dec b)) [b]

!a ? b + 1 : b - 1

b + 1 if not a else b - 1

!a ? b + 1 : b - 1

(Math/pow 2 10) [c]

Math.pow(2, 10)

pow(2, 10)

2 ** 10

(.someMethod someObj "foo" (.otherMethod otherObj 0))

someObj.someMethod("foo", otherObj.otherMethod(0))

someObj.someMethod("foo", otherObj.otherMethod(0))

someObj.someMethod("foo", otherObj.otherMethod(0))

[a] In-place increment and decrement operations have no direct corollary in Clojure, because unfettered mutability isn’t available. See Chapter 2, particularly On the Importance of Values for a complete discussion of why this is a good thing.

[b] Remember, even forms that influence control flow in Clojure evaluate to values just like any other expression, including if and when. Here, the value of the if expression will be either (inc b) or (dec b), depending on the value of (not a).

[c] Here’s your first taste of what it looks like to call Java libraries from Clojure. For details, see Chapter 9.

Notice that call syntax is all over the map (we’re picking on Java here the most, but Python and Ruby aren’t so different):

  • Infix operators are available (e.g., a + 1, al instanceof List), but any nontrivial code ends up having to use often-significant numbers of parentheses to override default precedence rules and make evaluation order explicit.

  • Unary operators are seemingly arbitrary in regard to whether they use prefix (e.g., !k and ++a) or postfix position (e.g., a++).

  • Static method calls have prefix position, such as Math.pow(2, 10), but…

  • Instance method calls use an unusual variety of infix positions, where the target of the method (which will be assigned to this within the body of the method being called) is specified first, with the formal parameters to the method coming after the method name.[5]

In contrast, Clojure call expressions follow one simple rule: the first value in a list is the operator, the remainder are parameters to that operator. There are no call expressions that use infix or postfix position, and there are no difficult-to-remember precedence rules. This simplification helps make Clojure’s syntax very easy to learn and internalize, and helps make Clojure code very easy to read.


Clojure code is composed of literal representations of its own data structures and atomic values; this characteristic is formally called homoiconicity, or more casually, code-as-data.[6] This is a significant simplification compared to most other languages, which also happens to enable metaprogramming facilities to a much greater degree than languages that are not homoiconic. To understand why, we’ll need to talk some about languages in general and how their code relates to their internal representations.

Recall that a REPL’s first stage is to read code provided to it by you. Every language has to provide a way to transform that textual representation of code into something that can be compiled and/or evaluated. Most languages do this by parsing that text into an abstract syntax tree (AST). This sounds more complicated than it is: an AST is simply a data structure that represents formally what is manifested concretely in text. For example, Figure 1-1 shows some examples of textual language and possible transformations to their corresponding syntax trees.[7]

Sample transformations from textual language to formal models
Figure 1-1. Sample transformations from textual language to formal models

These transformations from a textual manifestation of language to an AST are at the heart of how languages are defined, how expressive they are, and how well-suited they are to the purpose of relating to the world within which they are designed to be used. Much of the appeal of domain-specific languages springs from exactly this point: if you have a language that is purpose-built for a given field of use, those that have expertise in that field will find it far easier to define and express what they wish in that language compared to a general-purpose language.

The downside of this approach is that most languages do not provide any way to control their ASTs; the correspondence between their textual syntax and their ASTs is defined solely by the language implementers. This prompts clever programmers to conjure up clever workarounds in order to maximize the expressivity and utility of the textual syntax that they have to work with:

  • Code generation

  • Textual macros and preprocessors (used to legendary effect by C and C++ programmers for decades now)

  • Compiler plug-ins (as in Scala, Project Lombok for Java, Groovy’s AST transformations, and Template Haskell)

That’s a lot of incidental complexity—complexity introduced solely because language designers often view textual syntax as primary, leaving formal models of it to be implementation-specific (when they’re exposed at all).

Clojure (like all Lisps) takes a different path: rather than defining a syntax that will be transformed into an AST, Clojure programs are written using Clojure data structures that represent that AST directly. Consider the requiresRole... example from Figure 1-1, and see how a Clojure transliteration of the example is an AST for it (recalling the call semantics of function position in Clojure lists).

image with no caption

The fact that Clojure programs are represented as data means that Clojure programs can be used to write and transform other Clojure programs, trivially so. This is the basis for macros—Clojure’s metaprogramming facility—a far different beast than the gloriously painful hack that are C-style macros and other textual preprocessors, and the ultimate escape hatch when expressivity or domain-specific notation is paramount. We explore Clojure macros in Chapter 5.

In practical terms, the direct correspondence between code and data means that the Clojure code you write in the REPL or in a text source file isn’t text at all: you are programming using Clojure data structure literals. Recall the simple averaging function from Example 1-2:

(defn average
  (/ (apply + numbers) (count numbers)))

This isn’t just a bunch of text that is somehow transformed into a function definition through the operation of a black box; this is a list data structure that contains four values: the symbol defn, the symbol average, a vector data structure containing the symbol numbers, and another list that comprises the function’s body. Evaluating that list data structure is what defines the function.

The Reader

Although Clojure’s compilation and evaluation machinery operates exclusively on Clojure data structures, the practice of programming has not yet progressed beyond storing code as plain text. Thus, a way is needed to produce those data structures from textual code. This task falls to the Clojure reader.

The operation of the reader is completely defined by a single function, read, which reads text content from a character stream[8] and returns the next data structure encoded in the stream’s content. This is what the Clojure REPL uses to read text input; each complete data structure read from that input source is then passed on to be evaluated by the Clojure runtime.

More convenient for exploration’s sake is read-string, a function that does the same thing as read but uses a string argument as its content source:

(read-string "42")
;= 42
(read-string "(+ 1 2)")
;= (+ 1 2)

The operation of the reader is fundamentally one of deserialization. Clojure data structures and other literals have a particular textual representation, which the reader deserializes to the corresponding values and data structures.

You may have noticed that values printed by the Clojure REPL have the same textual representation they do when entered into the REPL: numbers and other atomic literals are printed as you’d expect, lists are delimited by parentheses, vectors by square brackets, and so on. This is because there are duals to the reader’s read and read-string functions: pr and pr-str, which prints to *out*[9] and returns as a string the readable textual representation of Clojure values, respectively. Thus, Clojure data structures and values are trivially serialized and deserialized in a way that is both human- and reader-readable:

(pr-str [1 2 3])
;= "[1 2 3]"
(read-string "[1 2 3]")
;= [1 2 3]


It is common for Clojure applications to use the reader as a general-purpose serialization mechanism where you might otherwise choose XML or serialization or pickling or marshaling, especially in cases where human-readable serializations are desirable.

Scalar Literals

Scalar literals are reader syntax for noncollection values. Many of these are bread-and-butter types that you already know intimately from Java or very similar analogues in Ruby, Python, and other languages; others are specific to Clojure and carry new semantics.


Clojure strings are Java Strings (that is, instances of java.lang.String), and are represented in exactly the same way, delimited by double quotes:

"hello there"
;= "hello there"

Clojure’s strings are naturally multiline-capable, without any special syntax (as in, for example, Python):

"multiline strings
are very handy"
;= "multiline strings\nare very handy"


The tokens true and false are used to denote literal Boolean values in Clojure, just as in Java, Ruby, and Python (modulo the latter’s capitalization).


nil in Clojure corresponds to null in Java, nil in Ruby, and None in Python. nil is also logically false in Clojure conditionals, as it is in Ruby and Python.


Character literals are denoted by a backslash:

(class \c)
;= java.lang.Character

Both Unicode and octal representations of characters may be used with corresponding prefixes:

;= \ÿ
;= \!

Additionally, there are a number of special named character literals for cases where the character in question is commonly used but prints as whitespace:

  • \space

  • \newline

  • \formfeed

  • \return

  • \backspace

  • \tab


Keywords evaluate to themselves, and are often used as accessors for the values they name in Clojure collections and types, such as hash maps and records:

(def person {:name "Sandra Cruz"
             :city "Portland, ME"})
;= #'user/person
(:city person)
;= "Portland, ME"

Here we create a hashmap with two slots, :name and :city, and then look up the value of :city in that map. This works because keywords are functions that look themselves up in collections passed to them.

Syntactically, keywords are always prefixed with a colon, and can otherwise consist of any nonwhitespace character. A slash character (/) denotes a namespaced keyword, while a keyword prefixed with two colons (::) is expanded by the reader to a namespaced keyword in the current namespace—or another namespace if the keyword started by a namespace alias, ::alias/kw for example. These have similar usage and motivation as namespaced entities in XML; that is, being able to use the same name for values with different semantics or roles:[10]

(def pizza {:name "Ramunto's"
            :location "Claremont, NH"
            ::location "43.3734,-72.3365"})
;= #'user/pizza
;= {:name "Ramunto's", :location "Claremont, NH", :user/location "43.3734,-72.3365"}
(:user/location pizza)
;= "43.3734,-72.3365"

This allows different modules in the same application and disparate groups within the same organization to safely lay claim to particular names, without complex domain modeling or conventions like underscored prefixes for conflicting names.

Keywords are one type of “named” values, so called because they have an intrinsic name that is accessible using the name function and an optional namespace accessible using namespace:

(name :user/location)
;= "location"
(namespace :user/location)
;= "user"
(namespace :location)
;= nil

The other named type of value is the symbol.


Like keywords, symbols are identifiers, but they evaluate to values in the Clojure runtime they name. These values include those held by vars (which are named storage locations used to hold functions and other values), Java classes, local references, and so on. Thinking back to our original example in Example 1-2:

(average [60 80 100 400])
;= 160

average here is a symbol, referring to the function held in the var named average.

Symbols must begin with a non-numeric character, and can contain *, +, !, -, _, and ? in addition to any alphanumeric characters. Symbols that contain a slash (/) denote a namespaced symbol and will evaluate to the named value in the specified namespace. The evaluation of symbols to the entity they name depends upon their context and the namespaces available within that context. We talk about the semantics of namespaces and symbol evaluation extensively in Namespaces.


Clojure provides a plethora of numeric literals (see Table 1-2). Many of them are pedestrian, but others are rare to find in a general-purpose programming language and can simplify the implementation of certain algorithms—especially in cases where the algorithms are defined in terms of particular numeric representations (octal, binary, rational numbers, and scientific notation).


While the Java runtime defines a particular range of numeric primitives, and Clojure supports interoperability with those primitives, Clojure has a bias toward longs and doubles at the expense of other widths, including bytes, shorts, ints, and floats. This means that these smaller primitives will be produced as needed from literals or runtime values for interop operations (such as calling Java methods), but pure-Clojure operations will default to using the wider numeric representations.

For the vast majority of programming domains, you don’t need to worry about this. If you are doing work where mathematical precision and other related topics is important, please refer to Chapter 11 for a comprehensive discussion of Clojure’s treatment of operations on primitives and other math topics.

Table 1-2. Clojure numeric literals
Literal syntaxNumeric type

42, 0xff, 2r111, 040

long (64-bit signed integer)

3.14, 6.0221415e23

double (64-bit IEEE floating point decimal)


clojure.lang.BigInt (arbitrary-precision integer[a])


java.math.BigDecimal (arbitrary-precision signed floating point decimal)



[a] clojure.lang.BigInt is automatically coerced to java.math.BigInteger when needed. Again, please see Chapter 11 for the in-depth details of Clojure’s treatment of numerics.

Any numeric literal can be negated by prefixing it with a dash (-).

Let’s take a quick look at the more interesting numeric literals:

Hexadecimal notation

Just as in most languages, Clojure supports typical hexadecimal notation for integer values; 0xff is 255, 0xd055 is 53333, and so on.

Octal notation

Literals starting with a zero are interpreted as octal numbers. For example, the octal 040 is 32 in the usual base-10 notation.

Flexible numeral bases

You can specify the base of an integer in a prefix BrN, where N is the digits that represent the desired number, and B is the base or radix by which N should be interpreted. So we can use a prefix of 2r for binary integers (2r111 is 7), 16r for hexadecimal (16rff is 255), and so on. This is supported up to base 36.[11]

Arbitrary-precision numbers

Any numeric literal (except for rational numbers) can be specified as arbitrary-precision by suffixing it appropriately; decimals with an M, integers with an N. Please see Bounded Versus Arbitrary Precision for a full exploration of why and when this is relevant.

Rational numbers

Clojure directly supports rational numbers, also called ratios, as literals in the reader as well as throughout its numeric operators. Rational number literals must always be two integers separated by a slash (/).

For a full discussion of rational numbers in Clojure and how they interact with the rest of Clojure’s numerical model, please see Rationals.

Regular expressions

The Clojure reader treats strings prefixed with a hash character as regular expression (regex) literals:

(class #"(p|h)ail")
;= java.util.regex.Pattern

This is exactly equivalent to Ruby’s /.../ regex syntax, with a minor difference of pattern delimiters. In fact, Ruby and Clojure are very similar in their handling of regular expressions:

# Ruby
>> "foo bar".match(/(...) (...)/).to_a
["foo bar", "foo", "bar"]

;; Clojure
(re-seq #"(...) (...)" "foo bar")
;= (["foo bar" "foo" "bar"])

Clojure’s regex syntax does not require escaping of backslashes as required in Java:

(re-seq #"(\d+)-(\d+)" "1-3")     ;; would be "(\\d+)-(\\d+)" in Java
;= (["1-3" "1" "3"])

The instances of java.util.regex.Pattern that Clojure regex literals yield are entirely equivalent to those you might create within Java, and therefore use the generally excellent java.util.regex regular expression implementation.[12] Thus, you can use those Pattern instances directly via Clojure’s Java interop if you like, though you will likely find Clojure’s related utility functions (such as re-seq, re-find, re-matches, and others in the clojure.string namespace) simpler and more pleasant to use.


There are two comment types that are defined by the reader:

  • Single-line comments are indicated by prefixing the comment with a semicolon (;); all content following a semicolon is ignored entirely. These are equivalent to // in Java and JavaScript, and # in Ruby and Python.

  • Form-level are available using the #_ reader macro. This cues the reader to elide the next Clojure form following the macro:

(read-string "(+ 1 2 #_(* 2 2) 8)")
;= (+ 1 2 8)

What would have been a list with four numbers—(+ 1 2 4 8)—yields a list of only three numbers because the entire multiplication form was ignored due to the #_ prefix.

Because Clojure code is defined using data structure literals, this comment form can be far more useful in certain cases than purely textual comments that affect lines or character offsets (such as the /* */ multiline comments in Java and JavaScript). For example, consider the time-tested debugging technique of printing to stdout:

(defn some-function
  (if …debug-conditional…
    (println …debug-info…)
    (println …more-debug-info…))

Making those println forms functionally disappear is as easy as prefixing the if form with the #_ reader macro and reloading the function definition; whether the form spans one or a hundred lines is irrelevant.


There is only one other way to comment code in Clojure, the comment macro:

(when true
  (comment (println "hello")))
;= nil

comment forms can contain any amount of ignored code, but they are not elided from the reader’s output in the way that #_ impacts the forms following it. Thus, comment forms always evaluate to nil. This often is not a problem; but, sometimes it can be inconvenient. Consider a reformulation of our first #_ example:

(+ 1 2 (comment (* 2 2)) 8)
;= #<NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException>

That fails because comment returns nil, which is not a valid argument to +.

Whitespace and Commas

You may have noticed that there have been no commas between forms, parameters to function calls, elements in data structure literals, and so on:

(defn silly-adder
  [x y]
  (+ x y))

This is because whitespace is sufficient to separate values and forms provided to the reader. In addition, commas are considered whitespace by the reader. For example, this is functionally equivalent to the snippet above:

(defn silly-adder
  [x, y]
  (+, x, y))

And to be slightly pedantic about it:

(= [1 2 3] [1, 2, 3])
;= true

Whether you use commas or not is entirely a question of personal style and preference. That said, they are generally used only when doing so enhances the human readability of the code in question. This is most common in cases where pairs of values are listed, but more than one pair appears per line:[13]

(create-user {:name new-username, :email email})

Collection Literals

The reader provides syntax for the most commonplace Clojure data structures:

'(a b :name 12.5)       ;; list

['a 'b :name 12.5]      ;; vector

{:name "Chas" :age 31}  ;; map

#{1 2 3}                ;; set

Since lists are used to denote calls in Clojure, you need to quote (') the list literal in order to prevent the evaluation of the list as a call.

The specifics of these data structures are explored in detail in Chapter 3.

Miscellaneous Reader Sugar

The reader provides for some additional syntax in certain cases to improve concision or regularity with other aspects of Clojure:

  • Evaluation can be suppressed by prefixing a form with a quote character ('); see Suppressing Evaluation: quote.

  • Anonymous function literals can be defined very concisely using the #() notation; see Function literals.

  • While symbols evaluate to the values held by vars, vars themselves can be referred to by prefixing a symbol with #'; see Referring to Vars: var.

  • Instances of reference types can be dereferenced (yielding the value contained within the reference object) by prefixing @ to a symbol naming the instance; see Clojure Reference Types.

  • The reader provides three bits of special syntax for macros: `, ~, and ~@. Macros are explored in Chapter 5.

  • While there are technically only two Java interop forms, the reader provides some sugar for interop that expands into those two special forms; see Java Interop: . and new.

  • All of Clojure’s data structures and reference types support metadata—small bits of information that can be associated with a value or reference that do not affect things like equality comparisons. While your applications can use metadata for many purposes, metadata is used in Clojure itself where you might otherwise use keywords in other languages (e.g., to indicate that a function is namespace-private, or to indicate the type of a value or return type of a function). The reader allows you to attach metadata to literal values being read using the ^ notation; see Metadata.


At this point, we should understand much of how the nontrivial parts of the Clojure REPL (and therefore Clojure itself) work:

  • Read: the Clojure reader reads the textual representation of code, producing the data structures (e.g., lists, vectors, and so on) and atomic values (e.g., symbols, numbers, strings, etc.) indicated in that code.

  • Evaluate: many of the values emitted by the reader evaluate to themselves (including most data structures and scalars like strings and keywords). We explored earlier in Expressions, Operators, Syntax, and Precedence how lists evaluate to calls to the operator in function position.

The only thing left to understand about evaluation now is how symbols are evaluated. So far, we’ve used them to both name and refer to functions, locals, and so on. Outside of identifying locals, the semantics of symbol evaluation are tied up with namespaces, Clojure’s fundamental unit of code modularity.

All Clojure code is defined and evaluated within a namespace. Namespaces are roughly analogous to modules in Ruby or Python, or packages in Java.[14] Fundamentally, they are dynamic mappings between symbols and either vars or imported Java classes.

One of Clojure’s reference types,[15] vars are mutable storage locations that can hold any value. Within the namespace where they are defined, vars are associated with a symbol that other code can use to look up the var, and therefore the value it holds.

Vars are defined in Clojure using the def special form, which only ever acts within the current namespace.[16] Let’s define a var now in the user namespace, named x; the name of the var is the symbol that it is keyed under within the current namespace:

(def x 1)
;= #'user/x

We can access the var’s value using that symbol:

;= 1

The symbol x here is unqualified, so is resolved within the current namespace. We can also redefine vars; this is critical for supporting interactive development at the REPL:

(def x "hello")
;= #'user/x
;= "hello"

Vars are not variables

Vars should only ever be defined in an interactive context—such as a REPL—or within a Clojure source file as a way of defining named functions, other constant values, and the like. In particular, top-level vars (that is, globally accessible vars mapped within namespaces, as defined by def and its variants) should only ever be defined by top-level expressions, never in the bodies of functions in the normal course of operation of a Clojure program.

See Vars Are Not Variables for further elaboration.

Symbols may also be namespace-qualified, in which case they are resolved within the specified namespace instead of the current one:

*ns*                 1
;= #<Namespace user>
(ns foo)
;= nil
;= #<Namespace foo>
;= "hello"
;= #<CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException:
;=   Unable to resolve symbol: x in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:0)>

The current namespace is always bound to *ns*.

Here we created a new namespace using the ns macro (which has the side effect of switching us to that new namespace in our REPL), and then referred to the value of x in the user namespace by using the namespace-qualified symbol user/x. Since we only just created this new namespace foo, it doesn’t have a mapping for the x symbol, so attempting to resolve it fails.


You need to know how to create, define, organize, and manipulate namespaces in order to use Clojure effectively. There is a whole suite of functions for this; please refer to Defining and Using Namespaces for our guidelines in their use.

We mentioned earlier that namespaces also map between symbols and imported Java classes. All classes in the java.lang package are imported by default into each Clojure namespace, and so can be referred to without package qualification; to refer to un-imported classes, a package-qualified symbol must be used. Any symbol that names a class evaluates to that class:

;= java.lang.String
;= java.lang.Integer
;= java.util.List

In addition, namespaces by default alias all of the vars defined in the primary namespace of Clojure’s standard library, clojure.core. For example, there is a filter function defined in clojure.core, which we can access without namespace-qualifying our reference to it:

;= #<core$filter clojure.core$filter@7444f787>

These are just the barest basics of how Clojure namespaces work; learn more about them and how they should be used to help you structure your projects in Defining and Using Namespaces.

Symbol Evaluation

With a basic understanding of namespaces under our belt, we can turn again to the example average function from Example 1-2 and have a more concrete idea of how it is evaluated:

(defn average
  (/ (apply + numbers) (count numbers)))

As we learned in Homoiconicity, this is just a canonical textual representation of a Clojure data structure that itself contains other data. Within the body of this function, there are many symbols, each of which refers to either a var in scope in the current namespace or a local value:

  • /, apply, +, and count all evaluate to functions held in vars defined and so named in the clojure.core namespace

  • numbers either defines the sole argument to the function (when provided in the argument vector [numbers]),[17] or is used to refer to that argument’s value in the body of the function (when used in the (apply + numbers) and (count numbers) expressions).

With this information, and recalling the semantics of lists as calls with the operator in function position, you should have a nearly complete understanding of how calls to this function are evaluated:

(average [60 80 100 400])
;= 160

The symbol average refers here to the value of #'average, the var in the current namespace that holds the function we defined. That function is called with a vector of numbers, which is locally bound as numbers within the body of the average function. The result of the operations in that body produce a value—160—which is then returned to the caller: in this case, the REPL, which prints it to stdout.

Special Forms

Ignoring Java interoperability for a moment, symbols in function position can evaluate to only two things:

  1. The value of a named var or local, as we’ve already seen.

  2. A Clojure special form.[18]

Special forms are Clojure’s primitive building blocks of computation, on top of which all the rest of Clojure is built. This foundation shares a lineage with the earliest Lisps, which also defined a limited set of primitives that define the fundamental operations of the runtime, and are taken as sufficient to describe any possible computation.[19] Further, special forms have their own syntax (e.g., many do not take arguments per se) and evaluation semantics.

As you’ve seen, things that are often described as primitive operations or statements in most languages—including control forms like when and operators like addition and negation—are not primitives in Clojure. Rather, everything that isn’t a special form is implemented in Clojure itself by bootstrapping from that limited set of primitive operations.[20] The practical effect of this is that, if Clojure doesn’t provide a language construct that you want or need, you can likely build it yourself.[21]

Though all of Clojure is built on top of its special forms, you need to understand what each one does—as you’ll use many of them constantly. Let’s now discuss each one in turn.

Suppressing Evaluation: quote

quote suppresses evaluation of a Clojure expression. The most obvious impact of this relates to symbols, which, if they name a var, evaluate to that var’s value. With quote, evaluation is suppressed, so symbols evaluate to themselves (just like strings, numbers, and so on):

(quote x)
;= x
(symbol? (quote x))
;= true

There is reader syntax for quote; prefixing any form with a quote character (') will expand into a usage of quote:

;= x

Any Clojure form can be quoted, including data structures. Doing so returns the data structure in question, with evaluation recursively suppressed for all of its elements:

'(+ x x)
;= (+ x x)
(list? '(+ x x))
;= true

While lists are usually evaluated as calls, quoting a list suppresses that evaluation, yielding the list itself; in this case, a list of three symbols: '+, 'x, and 'x. Note that this is exactly what we get if we “manually” construct the list without using a list literal:

(list '+ 'x 'x)
;= (+ x x)


You can usually have a peek at what the reader produces by quoting a form. Let’s go meta for a moment and try it first on quote itself:

;= (quote x)

It’s informative to use this trick on other reader sugars:

;= (clojure.core/deref x)
'#(+ % %)
;= (fn* [p1__3162792#] (+ p1__3162792# p1__3162792#))
'`(a b ~c)
;= (seq (concat (list (quote user/a))
;=              (list (quote user/b))
;=              (list c)))                  1

clojure.core namespace-prefixes elided for legibility.

Code Blocks: do

do evaluates all of the expressions provided to it in order and yields the last expression’s value as its value. For example:

  (println "hi")
  (apply * [4 5 6]))
; hi
;= 120

The values of all but the last expression are discarded, although their side effects do occur (such as printing to standard out as we’re doing here, or manipulations of a stateful object available in the current scope).

Note that many other forms (including fn, let, loop, and try—and any derivative of these, such as defn) wrap their bodies in an implicit do expression, so that multiple inner expressions can be evaluated. For example, let expressions—like this one that defines two locals—provide an implicit do context to their bodies:

(let [a (inc (rand-int 6))
      b (inc (rand-int 6))]
  (println (format "You rolled a %s and a %s" a b))
  (+ a b))

This allows any number of expressions to be evaluated within the context of the let form, with only the final one determining its ultimate result. If let didn’t wrap its body with a do form, you would have to add it explicitly:[22]

(let [a (inc (rand-int 6))
      b (inc (rand-int 6))]
    (println (format "You rolled a %s and a %s" a b))
    (+ a b)))

Defining Vars: def

We’ve already seen def in action;[23] it defines (or redefines) a var (with an optional value) within the current namespace:

(def p "foo")
;= #'user/p
;= "foo"

Many other forms implicitly create or redefine vars, and therefore use def internally. It is customary for such forms to be prefixed with “def,” such as defn, defn-, defprotocol, defonce, defmacro, and so on.


Although forms that create or redefine vars have names that start with “def,” unfortunately not all forms that start with “def” create or redefine vars. Examples of the latter include deftype, defrecord, and defmethod.

Local Bindings: let

let allows you to define named references that are lexically scoped to the extent of the let expression. Said another way, let defines locals. For example, this rudimentary static method in Java:

public static double hypot (double x, double y) {
    final double x2 = x * x;
    final double y2 = y * y;
    return Math.sqrt(x2 + y2);

is equivalent to this Clojure function:

(defn hypot
  [x y]
  (let [x2 (* x x)
        y2 (* y y)]
    (Math/sqrt (+ x2 y2))))

The x2 and y2 locals in the respective function/method bodies serve the same purpose: to establish a named, scoped reference to an intermediate value.


There are many terms used to talk about named references established by let in Clojure parlance:

  • locals

  • local bindings

  • particular values are said to be let-bound

Bindings and bound used in connection with let are entirely distinct from the binding macro, which controls scoped thread-local variables; see Dynamic Scope for more about the latter.

Note that let is implicitly used anywhere locals are required. In particular, fn (and therefore all other function-creation and function-definition forms like defn) uses let to bind function parameters as locals within the scope of the function being defined. For example, x and y in the hypot function above are let-bound by defn. So, the vector that defines the set of bindings for a let scope obeys the same semantics whether it is used to define function parameters or an auxiliary local binding scope.


Occasionally, you will want evaluate an expression in the binding vector provided to let, but have no need to refer to its result within the context of the let’s body. In these cases, it is customary to use an underscore as the bound name for such values, so that readers of the code will know that results of such expressions are going unused intentionally.

This is only ever relevant when the expression in question is side-effecting; a common example would be printing some intermediate value:

(let [location (get-lat-long)
      _ (println "Current location:" location)
      location (find-city-name location)]
  …display city name for current location in UI…)

Here we’re retrieving our current latitude and longitude using a hypothetical API, and we’d like to print that out before converting the location data to a human-recognizable city name. We might want to rebind the same name a couple of times in the course of the let’s binding vector, paving over those intermediate values. To print out that intermediate value, we add it to the binding vector prior to rebinding its name, but we indicate that we are intentionally ignoring the return value of that expression by naming it _.

let has two particular semantic wrinkles that are very different from locals you may be used to in other languages:

  1. All locals are immutable. You can override a local binding within a nested let form or a later binding of the same name within the same binding vector, but there is no way to bash out a bound name and change its value within the scope of a single let form. This eliminates a source of common errors and bugs without sacrificing capability:

    • The loop and recur special forms provide for looping cases where values need to change on each cycle of a loop; see Looping: loop and recur.

    • If you really need a “mutable” local binding, Clojure provides a raft of reference types that enforce specific mutation semantics; see Clojure Reference Types.

  2. let’s binding vector is interpreted at compile time to provide optional destructuring of common collection types. Destructuring can aid substantially in eliminating certain types of verbose (and frankly, dull) code often associated with working with collections provided as arguments to functions.

Destructuring (let, Part 2)

A lot of Clojure programming involves working with various implementations of data structure abstractions, sequential and map collections being two of those key abstractions. Many Clojure functions accept and return seqs and maps generally—rather than specific implementations—and most Clojure libraries and applications are built up relying upon these abstractions instead of particular concrete structures, classes, and so on. This allows functions and libraries to be trivially composed around the data being handled with a minimum of integration, “glue code,” and other incidental complexity.

One challenge when working with abstract collections is being able to concisely access multiple values in those collections. For example, here’s a collection, a Clojure vector:

(def v [42 "foo" 99.2 [5 12]])
;= #'user/v

Consider a couple of approaches for accessing the values in our sample vector:

(first v)    1
;= 42
(second v)
;= "foo"
(last v)
;= [5 12]
(nth v 2)    2
;= 99.2
(v 2)        3
;= 99.2
(.get v 2)   4
;= 99.2

Clojure provides convenience functions for accessing the first, second, and last values from a sequential collection.


The nth function allows you pluck any value from a sequential collection using an index into that collection.


Vectors are functions of their indices.


All of Clojure’s sequential collections implement the java.util.List interface, so you can use that interface’s .get method to access their contents.

All of these are perfectly fine ways to access a single “top-level” value in a vector, but things start getting more complex if we need to access multiple values to perform some operation:

(+ (first v) (v 2))
;= 141.2

Or if we need to access values in nested collections:

(+ (first v) (first (last v)))
;= 47

Clojure destructuring provides a concise syntax for declaratively pulling apart collections and binding values contained therein as named locals within a let form. And, because destructuring is a facility provided by let, it can be used in any expression that implicitly uses let (like fn, defn, loop, and so on).

There are two flavors of destructuring: one that operates over sequential collections, and another that works with maps.

Sequential destructuring

Sequential destructuring works with any sequential collection, including:

  • Clojure lists, vectors, and seqs

  • Any collection that implements java.util.List (like ArrayLists and LinkedLists)

  • Java arrays

  • Strings, which are destructured into their characters

Here’s a basic example, where we are destructuring the same value v discussed above:

Example 1-3. Basic sequential destructuring
(def v [42 "foo" 99.2 [5 12]])
;= #'user/v
(let [[x y z] v]
  (+ x z))
;= 141.2

In its simplest form, the vector provided to let contains pairs of names and values, but here we’re providing a vector of symbols—[x y z]—instead of a scalar symbol name. What this does is cause the value v to be destructured sequentially, with the first value bound to x within the body of the let form, the second value bound to y, and the third value bound to z. We can then use those destructured locals like any other locals. This is equivalent to:

(let [x (nth v 0)
      y (nth v 1)
      z (nth v 2)]
  (+ x z))
;= 141.2


Python has something similar to Clojure’s sequential destructuring, called unpacking. The equivalent to the preceding code snippet in Python would be something like:

>>> v = [42, "foo", 99.2, [5, 12]]
>>> x, y, z, a = v
>>> x + z

The same goes for Ruby:

>> x, y, z, a = [42, "foo", 99.2, [5, 12]]
[42, "foo", 99.2, [5, 12]]
>> x + z

Clojure, Python, and Ruby all seem pretty similar on their face; but, as you’ll see as we go along, Clojure goes quite a long ways beyond what Python and Ruby offer.

Destructuring forms are intended to mirror the structure of the collection that is being bound.[24] So, we can line up our destructuring form with the collection being destructured and get a very accurate notion of which values are going to be bound to which names:[25]

[x  y     z]
[42 "foo" 99.2 [5 12]]

Destructuring forms can be composed as well, so we can dig into the nested vector in v with ease:[26]

(let [[x _ _ [y z]] v]
  (+ x y z))
;= 59

If we visually line up our destructuring form and the source vector again, the work being done by that form should again be very clear:

[x  _     _    [y z ]]
[42 "foo" 99.2 [5 12]]


If our nested vector had a vector inside of it, we could destructure it as well. The destructuring mechanism has no limit to how far it can descend into a deeply nested data structure, but there are limits to good taste. If you’re using destructuring to pull values out of a collection four or more levels down, chances are your destructuring form will be difficult to interpret for the next person to see that code—even if that next person is you!

There are two additional features of sequential destructuring forms you should know about:

Gathering extra-positional sequential values

You can use & to gather values that lay beyond the positions you’ve named in your destructuring form into a sequence; this is similar to the mechanism underlying varargs in Java methods and is the basis of rest arguments in Clojure functions:

(let [[x & rest] v]
;= ("foo" 99.2 [5 12])

This is particularly useful when processing items from a sequence, either via recursive function calls or in conjunction with a loop form. Notice that the value of rest here is a sequence, and not a vector, even though we provided a vector to the destructuring form.

Retaining the destructured value

You can establish a local binding for the original collection being destructured by specifying the name it should have via the :as option within the destructuring form:

(let [[x _ z :as original-vector] v]
  (conj original-vector (+ x z)))
;= [42 "foo" 99.2 [5 12] 141.2]

Here, original-vector is bound to the unchanged value of v. This comes in handy when you are destructuring a collection that is the result of a function call, but you need to retain a reference to that unaltered result in addition to having the benefit of destructuring it. Without this feature, doing so would require something like this:

(let [some-collection (some-function …)
      [x y z [a b]] some-collection]
  …do something with some-collection and its values…)

Map destructuring

Map destructuring is conceptually identical to sequential destructuring—we aim to mirror the structure of the collection being bound. It works with:

  • Clojure hash-maps, array-maps, and records[27]

  • Any collection that implements java.util.Map

  • Any value that is supported by the get function can be map-destructured, using indices as keys:

    • Clojure vectors

    • Strings

    • Arrays

Let’s start with a Clojure map and a basic destructuring of it:

(def m {:a 5 :b 6
        :c [7 8 9]
        :d {:e 10 :f 11}
        "foo" 88
        42 false})
;= #'user/m
(let [{a :a b :b} m]
  (+ a b))
;= 11

Here we’re binding the value for :a in the map to a, and the value for :b in the map to b. Going back to our visual alignment of the destructuring form with the (in this case, partial) collection being destructured, we can again see the structural correspondence:

{a  :a b  :b}
{:a 5  :b 6}

Note that there is no requirement that the keys used for map lookups in destructuring be keywords; any type of value may be used for lookup:

(let [{f "foo"} m]
  (+ f 12))
;= 100
(let [{v 42} m]
  (if v 1 0))
;= 0

Indices into vectors, strings, and arrays can be used as keys in a map destructuring form.[28] One place where this can be helpful is if you are representing matrices by using vectors, but only need a couple of values from one. Using map destructuring to pull out two or three values from a 3×3 matrix can be much easier than using a potentially nine-element sequential destructuring form:

(let [{x 3 y 8} [12 0 0 -18 44 6 0 0 1]]
  (+ x y))
;= -17

Just as sequential destructuring forms could be composed, so can the map variety:

(let [{{e :e} :d} m]
 (* 2 e))
;= 20

The outer map destructuring—{{e :e} :d}—is acting upon the top-level source collection m to pull out the value mapped to :d. The inner map destructuring—{e :e}—is acting on the value mapped to :d to pull out its value for :e.

The coup de grâce is the composition of both map and sequential destructuring, however they are needed to effectively extract the values you need from the collections at hand:

(let [{[x _ y] :c} m]
  (+ x y))
;= 16
(def map-in-vector ["James" {:birthday (java.util.Date. 73 1 6)}])
;= #'user/map-in-vector
(let [[name {bd :birthday}] map-in-vector]
  (str name " was born on " bd))
;= "James was born on Thu Feb 06 00:00:00 EST 1973"

Map destructuring also has some additional features.

Retaining the destructured value. Just like sequential destructuring, adding an :as pair to the destructuring form to hold a reference to the source collection, which you can use like any other let-bound value:

(let [{r1 :x r2 :y :as randoms}
      (zipmap [:x :y :z] (repeatedly (partial rand-int 10)))]
  (assoc randoms :sum (+ r1 r2)))
;= {:sum 17, :z 3, :y 8, :x 9}

Default values. You can use an :or pair to provide a defaults map; if a key specified in the destructuring form is not available in the source collection, then the defaults map will be consulted:

(let [{k :unknown x :a
       :or {k 50}} m]
  (+ k x))
;= 55

This allows you to avoid either merging the source map into a defaults map ahead of its destructuring, or manually setting defaults on destructured bindings that have nil values in the source collection, which would get very tiresome beyond one or two bindings with desired default values:

(let [{k :unknown x :a} m
      k (or k 50)]
  (+ k x))
;= 55

Furthermore, and unlike the code in the above example, :or knows the difference between no value and a false (nil or false) value:

(let [{opt1 :option} {:option false}
      opt1 (or opt1 true)
      {opt2 :option :or {opt2 true}} {:option false}]
  {:opt1 opt1 :opt2 opt2})
;= {:opt1 true, :opt2 false}

Binding values to their keys’ namesThere are often stable names for various values in maps, and it’s often desirable to bind those values by using the same names in the scope of the let form as they are mapped to in the source map. However, doing this using “vanilla” map destructuring can get very repetitive:

(def chas {:name "Chas" :age 31 :location "Massachusetts"})
;= #'user/chas
(let [{name :name age :age location :location} chas]
  (format "%s is %s years old and lives in %s." name age location))
;= "Chas is 31 years old and lives in Massachusetts."

Having to type the content of each key twice is decidedly contrary to the spirit of destructuring’s concision. In such cases, you can use the :keys, :strs, and :syms options to specify keyword, string, and symbol keys (respectively) into the source map and the names the corresponding values should be bound to in the let form without repetition. Our sample map uses keywords for keys, so we’ll use :keys for it:

(let [{:keys [name age location]} chas]
  (format "%s is %s years old and lives in %s." name age location))
;= "Chas is 31 years old and lives in Massachusetts."

…and switch to using :strs or :syms when we know that the source collection is using strings or symbols for keys:

(def brian {"name" "Brian" "age" 31 "location" "British Columbia"})
;= #'user/brian
(let [{:strs [name age location]} brian]
  (format "%s is %s years old and lives in %s." name age location))
;= "Brian is 31 years old and lives in British Columbia."

(def christophe {'name "Christophe" 'age 33 'location "Rhône-Alpes"})
;= #'user/christophe
(let [{:syms [name age location]} christophe]
  (format "%s is %s years old and lives in %s." name age location))
;= "Christophe is 31 years old and lives in Rhône-Alpes."

You will likely find yourself using :keys more than :strs or :syms; keyword keys are by far the most common key type in Clojure maps and keyword arguments, and are the general-purpose accessor by dint of their usage in conjunction with records.

Destructuring rest sequences as map key/value pairsWe’ve already seen how extra-positional values in sequential destructuring forms can be gathered into a “rest” seq, and map and sequential destructuring can be composed as needed to drill into any given data structure. Here’s a simple case of a vector that contains some positional values, followed by a set of key/value pairs:

(def user-info ["robert8990" 2011 :name "Bob" :city "Boston"])
;= #'user/user-info

Data like this isn’t uncommon, and handling it is rarely elegant. The “manual” approach in Clojure is tolerable as these things go:

(let [[username account-year & extra-info] user-info     1
      {:keys [name city]} (apply hash-map extra-info)]   2
  (format "%s is in %s" name city))
;= "Bob is in Boston"

We can destructure the original vector into its positional elements, gathering the remainder into a rest seq.


That rest seq, consisting of alternating keys and values, can be used as the basis for creating a new hashmap, which we can then destructure as we wish.

However, “tolerable” isn’t a very high bar given the prevalence of sequences of key/value pairs in programming. A better alternative is a special variety of the compositional behavior offered by let’s destructuring forms: map destructuring of rest seqs. If a rest seq has an even number of values—semantically, key/value pairs—then it can be destructured as a map of those key/value pairs instead of sequentially:

(let [[username account-year & {:keys [name city]}] user-info]
  (format "%s is in %s" name city))
;= "Bob is in Boston"

That is a far cleaner notation for doing exactly the same work as us manually building a hash-map out of the rest seq and destructuring that map, and is the basis of Clojure functions’ optional keyword arguments described in “Keyword arguments”.

Creating Functions: fn

Functions are first-class values in Clojure; creating them falls to the fn special form, which also folds in the semantics of let and do.

Here is a simple function that adds 10 to the number provided as an argument:

(fn [x]     1
  (+ 10 x)) 2

fn accepts a let-style binding vector that defines the names and numbers of arguments accepted by the function; the same optional destructuring forms discussed in Destructuring (let, Part 2) can be applied to each argument here.


The forms following the binding vector constitute the body of the function. This body is placed in an implicit do form, so each function’s body may contain any number of forms; as with do, the last form in the body supplies the result of the function call that is returned to the caller.

The arguments to a function are matched to each name or destructuring form based on their positions in the calling form. So in this call:

((fn [x] (+ 10 x)) 8)
;= 18

8 is the sole argument to the function, and it is bound to the name x within the body of the function. This makes the function call the equivalent of this let form:

(let [x 8]
  (+ 10 x))

You can define functions that accept multiple arguments:

((fn [x y z] (+ x y z))
 3 4 12)
;= 19

In this case, the function call is the equivalent of this let form:

(let [x 3
      y 4
      z 12]
  (+ x y z))

Functions with multiple arities can be created as well; here, we’ll put the function in a var so we can call it multiple times by only referring to the var’s name:

(def strange-adder (fn adder-self-reference
                     ([x] (adder-self-reference x 1))
                     ([x y] (+ x y))))
;= #'user/strange-adder
(strange-adder 10)
;= 11
(strange-adder 10 50)
;= 60

When defining a function with multiple arities, each arity’s binding vector and implementation body must be enclosed within a pair of parentheses. Function calls dispatch based on argument count; the proper arity is selected based on the number of arguments that we provide in our call.

In this last example, notice the optional name that we’ve given to the function, adder-self-reference. This optional first argument to fn can be used within the function’s bodies to refer to itself—in this case, so that the single-argument arity can call the two-argument arity with a default second argument without referring to or requiring any containing var.

Mutually recursive functions with letfn

Named fns (like the above adder-self-reference) allow you to easily create self-recursive functions. What is more tricky is to create mutually recursive functions.

For such rare cases, there is the letfn special form, which allows you to define several named functions at once, and all these functions will know each other. Consider these naive reimplementations of odd? and even?:

(letfn [(odd? [n]
          (if (zero? n)
            (even? (dec n))))
        (even? [n]
          (or (zero? n)
              (odd? (dec n))))]  1
  (odd? 11))
;= true

The vector consists of several regular fn bodies, only the fn symbol is missing.

defn builds on fnWe’ve already seen defn used before, and the example above should look familiar; defn is a macro that encapsulates the functionality of def and fn so that you can concisely define functions that are named and registered in the current namespace with a given name. For example, these two definitions are equivalent:

(def strange-adder (fn strange-adder
                     ([x] (strange-adder x 1))
                     ([x y] (+ x y))))

(defn strange-adder
  ([x] (strange-adder x 1))
  ([x y] (+ x y)))

and single-arity functions can be defined, with the additional parentheses eliminated as well; these two definitions are also equivalent:

(def redundant-adder (fn redundant-adder
                       [x y z]
                       (+ x y z)))

(defn redundant-adder
  [x y z]
  (+ x y z))

We’ll largely use defn forms to illustrate fn forms for the rest of this section, simply because calling functions bound to named vars is easier to read than continually defining the functions to be called inline.

Destructuring function arguments

defn supports the destructuring of function arguments thanks to it reusing let for binding function arguments for the scope of a function’s body. You should refer to the prior comprehensive discussion of destructuring to remind yourself of the full range of options available; here, we’ll discuss just a couple of destructuring idioms that are particularly common in conjunction with functions.

Variadic functionsFunctions can optionally gather all additional arguments used in calls to it into a seq; this uses the same mechanism as sequential destructuring does when gathering additional values into a seq. Such functions are called variadic, with the gathered arguments usually called rest arguments or varargs. Here’s a function that accepts one named positional argument, but gathers all additional arguments into a remainder seq:

(defn concat-rest
  [x & rest]
  (apply str (butlast rest)))
;= #'user/concat-rest
(concat-rest 0 1 2 3 4)
;= "123"

The seq formed for the rest arguments can be destructured just like any other sequence; here we’re destructuring rest arguments to make a function behave as if it had an explicitly defined zero-arg arity:

(defn make-user
  [& [user-id]]
  {:user-id (or user-id
              (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))})
;= #'user/make-user
;= {:user-id "ef165515-6d6f-49d6-bd32-25eeb024d0b4"}
(make-user "Bobby")
;= {:user-id "Bobby"}

Keyword argumentsIt is often the case that you would like to define a function that can accept many arguments, some of which might be optional and some of which might have defaults. Further, you would often like to avoid forcing a particular argument ordering upon callers.[29]

fn (and therefore defn) provides support for such use cases through keyword arguments, which is an idiom built on top of the map destructuring of rest sequences that let provides. Keyword arguments are pairs of keywords and values appended to any strictly positional arguments in a function call, and if the function was defined to accept keyword arguments, those keyword/value pairs will be gathered into a map and destructured by the function’s map destructuring form that is placed in the same position as the rest arguments seq:

(defn make-user
  [username & {:keys [email join-date]                1
               :or {join-date (java.util.Date.)}}]    2
  {:username username
   :join-date join-date
   :email email
   ;; 2.592e9 -> one month in ms
   :exp-date (java.util.Date. (long (+ 2.592e9 (.getTime join-date))))})
;= #'user/make-user
(make-user "Bobby")                                   3
;= {:username "Bobby", :join-date #<Date Mon Jan 09 16:56:16 EST 2012>,
;=  :email nil, :exp-date #<Date Wed Feb 08 16:56:16 EST 2012>}
(make-user "Bobby"                                    4
  :join-date (java.util.Date. 111 0 1)
  :email "")
;= {:username "Bobby", :join-date #<Date Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2011>,
;=  :email "", :exp-date #<Date Tue Jan 31 00:00:00 EST 2011>}

The make-user function strictly requires only one argument, a username. The rest of the arguments are assumed to be keyword/value pairs, gathered into a map, and then destructured using the map destructuring form following &.


In the map destructuring form, we define a default of “now” for the join-date value.


Calling make-user with a single argument returns the user map, populated with defaulted join- and expiration-date values and a nil email value since none was provided in the keyword arguments.


Additional arguments provided to make-user are interpreted by the keyword destructuring map, without consideration of their order.


Because keyword arguments are built using let’s map destructuring, there’s nothing stopping you from destructuring the rest argument map using types of key values besides keywords (such as strings or numbers or even collections). For example:

(defn foo
  [& {k ["m" 9]}]
  (inc k))
;= #'user/foo
(foo ["m" 9] 19)
;= 20

["m" 9] is being treated here as the name of a “keyword” argument.

That said, we’ve never actually seen non-keyword key types used in named function arguments. Keywords are overwhelmingly the most common argument key type used, thus the use of keyword arguments to describe the idiom.

Pre- and postconditionsfn provides support for pre- and postconditions for performing assertions with function arguments and return values. They are valuable features when testing and for generally enforcing function invariants; we discuss them in Preconditions and Postconditions.

Function literals

We mentioned function literals briefly in Miscellaneous Reader Sugar. Equivalent to blocks in Ruby and lambdas in Python, Clojure function literals’ role is straightforward: when you need to define an anonymous function—especially a very simple function—they provide the most concise syntax for doing so.

For example, these anonymous function expressions are equivalent:

(fn [x y] (Math/pow x y))

#(Math/pow %1 %2)

The latter is simply some reader sugar that is expanded into the former; we can clearly see this by checking the result of reading the textual code:[30]

(read-string "#(Math/pow %1 %2)")
;= (fn* [p1__285# p2__286#] (Math/pow p1__285# p2__286#))

The differences between the fn form and the shorter function literal are:

No implicit do form. “Regular” fn forms (and all of their derivatives) wrap their function bodies in an implicit do form, as we discussed in Creating Functions: fn. This allows you to do things like:

(fn [x y]
  (println (str x \^ y))
  (Math/pow x y))

The equivalent function literal requires an explicit do form:

#(do (println (str %1 \^ %2))
     (Math/pow %1 %2))

Arity and arguments specified using unnamed positional symbols. The fn examples above use the named symbols x and y to specify both the arity of the function being defined, as well as the names of the arguments passed to the function at runtime. In contrast, the literal uses unnamed positional % symbols, where %1 is the first argument, %2 is the second argument, and so on. In addition, the highest positional symbol defines the arity of the function, so if we wanted to define a function that accepted four arguments, we need only to refer to %4 within the function literal’s body.

There are two additional wrinkles to defining arguments in function literals:

  1. Function literals that accept a single argument are so common that you can refer to the first argument to the function by just using %. So, #(Math/pow % %2) is equivalent to #(Math/pow %1 %2). You should prefer the shorter notation in general.

  2. You can define a variadic function[31] and refer to that function’s rest arguments using the %& symbol. These functions are therefore equivalent:

(fn [x & rest]
  (- x (apply + rest)))

#(- % (apply + %&))

Function literals cannot be nestedSo, while this is perfectly legal:

(fn [x]
  (fn [y]
    (+ x y)))

This is not:

#(#(+ % %))
;= #<IllegalStateException java.lang.IllegalStateException:
;=   Nested #()s are not allowed>

Aside from the fact that the bodies of function literals are intended to be terse, simple expressions, making the prospect of nested function literals a readability and comprehension nightmare, there’s simply no way to disambiguate which function’s first argument % is referring to.

Conditionals: if

if is Clojure’s sole primitive conditional operator. Its syntax is simple: if the value of the first expression in an if form is logically true, then the result of the if form is the value of the second expression. Otherwise, the result of the if form is the value of the third expression, if provided. The second and third expressions are only evaluated as necessary.

Clojure conditionals determine logical truth to be anything other than nil or false:

(if "hi" \t)
;= \t
(if 42 \t)
;= \t
(if nil "unevaluated" \f)
;= \f
(if false "unevaluated" \f)
;= \f
(if (not true) \t)
;= nil

Note that if a conditional expression is logically false, and no else expression is provided, the result of an if expression is nil.[32]

Many refinements are built on top of if, including:

  • when, best used when nil should be returned (or no action should be taken) if a condition is false.

  • cond—similar to the else if construction in Java and Ruby, and elif in Python—allows you to concisely provide multiple conditions to check, along with multiple then expressions if a given conditional is true.

  • if-let and when-let, which are compositions of let with if and when, respectively: if the value of the test expression is logically true, it is bound to a local for the extent of the then expression.


Clojure provides true? and false? predicates, but these are unrelated to if conditionals. For example:

(true? "string")
;= false
(if "string" \t \f)
;= \t

true? and false? check for the Boolean values true and false, not the logical truth condition used by if, which is equivalent to (and (not (nil? x)) (not (false? x))) for any value x.

Looping: loop and recur

Clojure provides a number of useful imperative looping constructs, including doseq and dotimes, all of which are built upon recur. recur transfers control to the local-most loop head without consuming stack space, which is defined either by loop or a function. Let’s take a look at a very simple countdown loop:

(loop [x 5]            1
  (if (neg? x)
    x                  2
    (recur (dec x))))  3
;= -1

loop establishes bindings via an implicit let form, so it takes a vector of binding names and initial values.


If the final expression within a loop form consists of a value, that is taken as the value of the form itself. Here, when x is negative, the loop form returns the value of x.


A recur form will transfer control to the local-most loop head, in this case the loop form, resetting the local bindings to the values provided as arguments to recur. In this case, control jumps to the beginning of the loop form, with x bound to the value (dec x).

Loop heads are also established by functions, in which case recur rebinds the function’s parameters using the values provided as arguments to recur:

(defn countdown
  (if (zero? x)
    (do (println x)
        (recur (dec x)))))
;= #'user/countdown
(countdown 5)
; 5
; 4
; 3
; 2
; 1
;= :blastoff!

Appropriate use of recurrecur is a very low-level looping and recursion operation that is usually not necessary:

  • When they can do the job, use the higher-level looping and iteration forms found in Clojure’s core library, doseq and dotimes.

  • When “iterating” over a collection or sequence, functional operations like map, reduce, for, and so on are almost always preferable.

Because recur does not consume stack space (thereby avoiding stack overflow errors), recur is critical when implementing certain recursive algorithms. In addition, because it allows you to work with numerics without the overhead of boxed representations, recur is very useful in the implementation of many mathematical and data-oriented operations. See Visualizing the Mandelbrot Set in Clojure for a live example of recur within such circumstances.

Finally, there are scenarios where the accumulation or consumption of a collection or set of collections is complicated enough that orchestrating things with a series of purely functional operations using map, reduce, and so on is either difficult or inefficient. In these cases, the use of recur (and sometimes loop in order to set up intermediate loop heads) can provide an important escape hatch.

Referring to Vars: var

Symbols that name a var evaluate to that var’s value:

(def x 5)
;= #'user/x
;= 5

However, there are occasions when you’d like to have a reference to the var itself, rather than the value it holds. The var special form does this:

(var x)
;= #'user/x

You’ve seen a number of times now how vars are printed in the REPL: #', followed by a symbol. This is reader syntax that expands to a call to var:

;= #'user/x

You’ll learn a lot more about vars in Vars.

Java Interop: . and new

All Java interoperability—instantiation, static and instance method invocation, and field access—flows through the new and . special forms. That said, the Clojure reader provides some syntactic sugar on top of these primitive interop forms that makes Java interop more concise in general and more syntactically consistent with Clojure’s notion of function position for method calls and instantiation. Thus, it’s rare to see . and new used directly, but you will nevertheless come across them out in the wild at some point:

Table 1-3. Sugared Java interop forms and their fully expanded equivalents
OperationJava codeSugared interop formEquivalent special form usage

Object instantiation

new java.util.ArrayList(100)

(java.util.ArrayList. 100)

(new java.util.ArrayList 100)

Static method invocation

Math.pow(2, 10)

(Math/pow 2 10)

(. Math pow 2 10)

Instance method invocation

"hello".substring(1, 3)

(.substring "hello" 1 3)

(. "hello" substring 1 3)

Static field access



(. Integer MAX_VALUE)

Instance field access


(.someField some-object)

(. some-object some-field)

The sugared syntax shown in Table 1-3 is idiomatic and should be preferred in every case over direct usage of the . and new special forms. Java interop is discussed in depth in Chapter 9.

Exception Handling: try and throw

These special forms allow you to participate in and use the exception-handling and -throwing mechanisms in Java from Clojure. They are explained in Exceptions and Error Handling.

Specialized Mutation: set!

While Clojure emphasizes the use of immutable data structures and values, there are contexts where you need to effect an in-place mutation of state. The most common settings for this involve the use of setter and other stateful methods on Java objects you are using in an interop setting; for the remaining cases, Clojure provides set!, which can be used to:

  • Set the thread-local value of vars that have a non-root binding, discussed in Dynamic Scope

  • Set the value of a Java field, demonstrated in “Accessing object fields”

  • Set the value of mutable fields defined by deftype; see Types for details of that usage

Primitive Locking: monitor-enter and monitor-exit

These are lock primitives that allow Clojure to synchronize on the monitor associated with every Java object. You should never need to use these special forms, as there’s a macro, locking, that ensures proper acquisition and release of an object’s monitor. See Locking for details.

Putting It All Together

We’ve continued to pick at the running example from Example 1-2 throughout our first explorations of Clojure:

(defn average
  (/ (apply + numbers) (count numbers)))

We learned how this expression is simply a canonical representation of Clojure data structures in Homoiconicity. In the beginning, in Expressions, Operators, Syntax, and Precedence, we established that lists are evaluated as calls, with the value in function position as the operator. After exploring namespaces, we saw in Symbol Evaluation how the symbols in that data structure are evaluated at runtime in the course of a call. Now, after we’ve learned about special forms—in particular, def and fn—we have the final pieces in hand to comprehensively understand what happens when you evaluate this expression (whether at the REPL or as part of loading a Clojure source file from disk in a production application).

defn is simply a shorthand for:

(def average (fn average
               (/ (apply + numbers) (count numbers))))

So, fn creates the average function (recall from Creating Functions: fn that the first argument to fn here, average, is a self-reference, so the function can be called recursively if necessary without looking up the value of the corresponding var again), and def registers it as the value of the average var in the current namespace.


All of the evaluation semantics we’ve been discussing are encapsulated within eval, a function that evaluates a single argument form. We can see very clearly that, for example, scalars and other literals evaluate to the values they describe:

(eval :foo)
;= :foo
(eval [1 2 3])
;= [1 2 3]
(eval "text")
;= "text"

…and a list will evaluate to the return value of the call it describes:

(eval '(average [60 80 100 400]))
;= 160


While eval’s semantics underly all of Clojure, it is itself very rarely used within Clojure programs. It provides the ultimate in flexibility—allowing you to evaluate any data that represents a valid Clojure expression—that you simply don’t need most of the time. In general, if you’re using eval in application code, it’s likely that you’re working with far more rope than you need, and might end up hanging yourself in the process.

Most problems where eval is applicable are better solved through judicious application of macros, which we explore in Chapter 5.

Knowing everything we do now, we can reimplement the Clojure REPL quite easily. Remember that read (or read-string) is used to produce Clojure values from their textual representations:

(eval (read-string "(average [60 80 100 400])"))
;= 160

…and we can construct a control loop using a recur within a function (a loop form would work as well). Just a sprinkling of I/O-related functions for printing results and the REPL prompt, and we have a functioning REPL:

Example 1-4. A naive reimplementation of Clojure’s REPL
(defn embedded-repl
  "A naive Clojure REPL implementation.  Enter `:quit`
   to exit."
  (print (str (ns-name *ns*) ">>> "))
  (let [expr (read)
        value (eval expr)]
    (when (not= :quit value)
      (println value)

; user>>> (defn average2
;           [numbers]
;           (/ (apply + numbers) (count numbers)))
; #'user/average2
; user>>> (average2 [3 7 5])
; 5
; user>>> :quit
;= nil

This REPL implementation is ill-behaved in a variety of ways—for example, any thrown error leaks out of the loop in embedded-repl—but it’s a start.[33]

This Is Just the Beginning

What we’ve explored here is the bedrock of Clojure: the fundamental operations of computation (special forms), the interchangeability of code and data, and the tip of the iceberg that is interactive development. On top of this foundation, and in conjunction with the facilities of its JVM host, Clojure provides immutable data structures; concurrency primitives with defined, tractable semantics; macros; and much, much more.

We’ll help you understand much of it throughout the rest of the book, and hopefully tie Clojure into your day-to-day life as a programmer with the practicums in Part IV.

There are some key resources you’ll may want to keep close at hand along the way:

  • The core API documentation, available at

  • The main Clojure mailing list, available at, and the #clojure IRC channel on Freenode,[34] both friendly places to get quality help with Clojure, no matter your skill or experience level

  • The companion site for this book,, which will be maintained over time with additional resources to help you along in learning and using Clojure effectively

Are you ready to take the next step?

[1] Given Clojure’s history with regard to backwards compatibility, the code and concepts in this book should remain applicable to future versions of Clojure as well.

[2] If necessary, you can ahead-of-time compile Clojure to Java class files. See Ahead-of-Time Compilation for details.

[3] Alternatively, you can use java -jar clojure.jar, but the -cp flag and the clojure.main entry point are both important to know about; we talk about both in Chapter 8.

[4] Note that + here is not a special language operator, as in most other languages. It is a regular function, no different in type than the one we’re defining. apply is also a function, which applies a function it is provided with to a collection of arguments (numbers here); so, (apply + [a b c]) will yield the same value as (+ a b c).

[5] Python uses the same sort of infix position for its instance methods, but varies from Algol-family brethren by requiring that methods explicitly name their first parameter, usually self.

[6] Clojure is by no means the only homoiconic language, nor is homoiconicity a new concept. Other homoiconic languages include all other Lisps, all sorts of machine language (and therefore arguably Assembly language as well), Postscript, XSLT and XQuery, Prolog, R, Factor, Io, and more.

[7] The natural language parse tree was mostly lifted from

[8] Technically, read requires a as an implementation detail.

[9] *out* defaults to stdout, but can be redirected easily. See Building a Primitive Logging System with Composable Higher-Order Functions for an example.

[10] Namespaced keywords are also used prominently with multimethods and isa? hierarchies, discussed in depth in Chapter 7.

[11] The implementation limit of java.math.BigInteger’s radix support. Note that even though BigInteger is used for parsing these literals, the concrete type of the number as emitted by the reader is consistent with other Clojure integer literals: either a long or a big integer if the number specified requires arbitrary precision to represent.

[12] See the java.util.regex.Pattern javadoc for a full specification of what forms the Java regular expression implementation supports:

[13] Questions of style are notoriously difficult to answer in absolutes, but it would be very rare to see more than two or three pairs of values on the same line of text in any map literal, set of keyword arguments, and so on. Further, some forms that expect pairs of values (such as bindings in let) are essentially always delimited by linebreaks rather than being situated on the same line.

[14] In fact, namespaces correspond precisely with Java packages when types defined in Clojure are compiled down to Java classes. For example, a Person type defined in the Clojure namespace app.entities will produce a Java class named app.entities.Person. See more about defining types and records in Clojure in Chapter 6.

[15] See Clojure Reference Types for a full discussion of Clojure’s reference types, all of which contribute different capabilities to its concurrency toolbox.

[16] Remember that the Clojure REPL session always starts in the default user namespace.

[17] We’ll get into all the details of how to define functions and therefore their arguments in Creating Functions: fn.

[18] Special forms are always given precedence when resolving symbols in function position. For example, you can have a var or local named def, but you will not be able to refer to the value of that var or local in function position—though you can refer to that value anywhere else.

[19] Paul Graham’s The Roots of Lisp ( is a brief yet approachable precis of the fundamental operations of computation, as originally discovered and enumerated by John McCarthy. Though that characterization of computation was made more than 50 years ago, you can see it thriving in Clojure today.

[20] If you were to open the core.clj file from Clojure’s source repository, you will see this bootstrapping in action: everything from when and or to defn and = is defined in Clojure itself. Indeed, if you were so motivated, you could implement Clojure (or another language of your choosing) from scratch, on your own, on top of Clojure’s special forms.

[21] This sort of syntactic extension generally requires macros, which are treated in detail in Chapter 5.

[22] The other alternative would be for let (and all other forms that utilize do) to (re?) implement its own semantics of “do several things and return the value of the last expression”: hardly a reasonable thing to do.

[23] See Namespaces for a discussion of the typical usage of vars as stable references to values in namespaces; see Vars for more a more comprehensive treatment of them, including esoteric usages related to dynamic scope and thread-local references.

[24] Thus the term: destructuring is undoing (de-) the creation of the data structure.

[25] Values in the source collection that have no corresponding bound name are simply not bound within the context of the let form; you do not need to fully match the structure of the source collection, but sequential destructuring forms do need to be “anchored” at the beginning of the source.

[26] Again, note the use of underscores (_) in this destructuring form to indicate an ignored binding, similar to the idiom discussed in the note earlier in this chapter.

[27] See Records to learn more about records.

[28] This is due to the polymorphic behavior of get, which looks up values in a collection given a key into that collection; in the case of these indexable sequential values, get uses indices as keys. For more about get, see Associative.

[29] Python is a language that supports this usage pervasively, where every argument may be named and provided in any order in a function call, and argument defaults can be provided when a function is defined.

[30] Since the name of the arguments to the function is irrelevant, the function literal generates a unique symbol for each argument to refer to them; in this case, p1__285# and p2__286#.

[32] when is far more appropriate for such scenarios.

[33] Clojure’s actual REPL is also implemented in Clojure, in the clojure.main namespace, and is waiting for you if you are interested in seeing how the REPL you’ll use every day is built.

[34] You can use if you aren’t on IRC regularly enough to maintain a desktop client.

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