
Note: Page numbers followed by t refers to tables.

African American male, 78, 14

crime and incarceration, 1920

disenfranchisement, 1516

executives, 57t

hiring/promoting, 2527

media perceptions, 1819

place, space, and voice, struggle for, 1618

to U.S. corporations, 20

See also Leadership journey

African American male, gap of

advice, 8183

awareness, 5961

circles and spheres of influence, 7377

closing the gap, 7778

competitive disadvantage, 6264

consumer backlash, 6869

corporate boards, 6768

executives, 9091

lack of diversity, 6466

mentor/coach/sponsor/ally, 6971

most-senior leaders, 7879

road map, 7981

role model behavior, 7173

top talent, 6667

Chenault, K., 9, 21

Civil rights movement, 12, 2022

Closing the gap, 83

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