
CSS Cookbook

Errata for CSS Cookbook, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Other Digital Version -999
On the confirmed errata page on your web site

Following the link to "View/Submit Errata", there is a link to view confirmed errata. That link mentions the erroneous figures on p.291 (Figure 7-17) and p.292 (Figure 7-18). On 2008-Jun-26, neither of the links you provide to the correct figures
are working; they result in "Error 404" pages.

P.S. Thank you for removing the frustration in my earlier errata posts. Though I am still disappointed to see such poor writing in an O'Reilly book (which I usually consider to be top-of-the-line), it's counter-productive to flame about it. I gave up reading this book cover-to-cover and now zero in on the specific solutions I need (which are good) but I just seem doomed to land right on the errors. To see the solution and then find half of it missing (the figures) - only to be saved by an errata page that leads to nowhere - seems a bit like gallows humor.

Better luck in the future,

Anonymous  Jun 26, 2008 
Printed Page xiii
7th paragraph, 1st sentence

"It's with a generous amount of humility and irony, I happen to believe that the web design really started with books."

Replace the comma with "that". Also "...that the web design", as written, refers to some specific web design
rather than web design in general (which is what's intended).

Printed Page xiii
Last paragraph

The next sentence has a problem too.

"...Designing Web Graphics, which was published...and then [next book] was published several months later that..."

The way this is written, [next book] conflicts with the subject of the sentence, "The books". A minimal fix would be to
drop "then" and replace the subsequent "was" with a comma.

Printed Page xiv
2nd paragraph

"As I write these pages, it's been 10 years..."

I thought that, for formal writing, contractions were frowned upon. This sentence is a good exmample why that is. Yes,
"it's" can also mean "it has" but predominantly it means "it is" - so much so that the contraction registers as "it is"
when read. At the very least, it's a bump in the road while you're reading: Oh, he's saying "it has".

The next error on this page is in paragraph 5:
"This is the book is one to use..." Presumably, "book" was supposed to be the second word?

8th paragraph (suggestion):
"...this book is useful to have by the side of your computer." "...beside your computer.". The next sentence needs
polishing too.

Printed Page xv
2nd paragraph

"If you makes use of programs like..."

Printed Page xvi
4th paragraph

"The following paragraphs review the contents of each chapter:"

A review comes after something. This should be "...preview...".

Printed Page xix
last paragraph

The name 'Cenderhlem' was changed in the 5/08 version and the digital version to 'Cenderholm' but that is still incorrect. That author's name is Dan Cederholm.

Printed Page xix
last paragraph

The name 'Cenderhlem' was changed in the 5/08 version and the digital version to 'Cenderholm' but that is still incorrect. That author's name is Dan Cederholm.

Anonymous  Jul 18, 2008 
Printed Page 1
1st sentence on this page

"Cacsading style sheets (CSS) provides a..."
I'm guessing someone swapped the parentheses but didn't fix the verb tense?

Printed Page 2
1st sentence

"To change the style of the HTML text from to sans..."

Eliminate "from".

html code

This is an errata in your errata (does that make it meta-errata?).

In your online errata for the totally screwed-up example on pp. 14-15, you correct the code to:

Aadjusted code sample text on page 14 to: <div> <p>Underlining happens within this part of the sentence because this <strong>strong</strong> is the direct child of div.</p> This <strong>strong</strong> is the child of div and does not receive the style dictated in the CSS rule. </div>
Anonymous May 2008

However, I believe the text in the above errata "is the direct child of div" should have been changed to "is the direct child of p". Not to mention you refer to the code as HTTP instead of HTML, and misspelled "Adjusted".

Bob Lipscomb  Jan 02, 2010 
Printed Page 23
Code at the bottom of the page

'font-wieght' should be 'font-weight'

Bob Lipscomb  Jan 02, 2010 
Printed Page 24
discussion: 1st paragraph

Selectors identify what should be styled...while properties and selectors identify what and how that portion...should be modified

Should probably be "Selectors identify what should be styled...while propterties and VALUES identify WHEN and how that portion...should be modified.

The term selector is used in two different contexts.

Anonymous  Oct 18, 2009 
Printed Page 57

The example is styling the image, not the paragraph. The second sentence onward should read:

Instead, it begins where the img element would be if left alone. The code tells the browser to position the image 100 pixels down from the top and 20 pixels over from the left edge of the original image's position instead of from the edge of the window.

Anonymous  Jan 09, 2010 
Printed Page 110

Figure 2-41 is supposed to show drop shadows on HTML text but shows a graphic with no text.

Anonymous  Jul 21, 2009 
Printed Page 291
Figs. 7-17 & 7-18

Figs. 7-17 & 7-18 don't correspond to text

Anonymous  Jul 22, 2009 
Other Digital Version 999

The Zipped downloads HTML examples have a lot of errors.

Some examples:

1.0.1.html has a typo where the "/" is missing from the closing tag for the <head> section.

1.0.2.html is missing the ">" frpm the closing <P> tag.

In addition to the missing closing <head>, missing "/" in the closing <body>; and the missing closing <html> tags, shouldn't listing 1.2.2.html be as follows:

<title>CSS Cookbook</title>
<style type="text/css">
p > strong {
text-decoration: underline;
Nothing happens to this part of the sentence because this
<strong>strong</strong> isn't the child of p.<br>
<p>However, this <strong>strong</strong> is the child of p.
Therefore, it receives the style dictated in the CSS rule.</p>

Well, I could go on; but I really think you folks should check your own code.


Anonymous  Aug 06, 2008