
CSS Cookbook

Errata for CSS Cookbook, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xv
3 typos of (What You See Is What You Get)

If you makes use of programs like Adobe Dreamweaver only in its WYSIWG or...

While WYSWIYG tools allow for CSS-enabled designs, some of the tools have not...

...WYSIWG mode. To benefit from this book, you must be able to edit HTML and...

Page xix
last paragraph

"Dan Cenderhlem"

now reads:

Dan Cenderholm

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
last paragraph

"Dan Cenderhlem"

now reads:

Dan Cenderholm

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 3
Last paragraph before code-block at bottom of page

"Then add the following code changes in order to redefine the style for links, bulleted lists, and headers, and then
check out Figure 1-5:"

Revised to:

“Then add the following code changes in order to redefine the style for header, paragraph and links, and then check out
Figure 1-5:”

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Last paragraph before code-block at bottom of page

"Then add the following code changes in order to redefine the style for links, bulleted lists, and headers, and then
check out Figure 1-5:"

Revised to:

“Then add the following code changes in order to redefine the style for header, paragraph and links, and then check out
Figure 1-5:”

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 4
Last paragraph directly above Table 1-1

Paragraph states "Table 1-1 breaks out the CSS by selector, property and value used in the solution."

Removed the table row for p/font-color from Table 1-1. It’s the second row from the bottom of the table. -CS

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Last paragraph directly above Table 1-1

Paragraph states "Table 1-1 breaks out the CSS by selector, property and value used in the solution."

Removed the table row for p/font-color from Table 1-1. It’s the second row from the bottom of the table. -CS

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17,

In each of these figures the tag presented as:


have been replaced with:


Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17,

In each of these figures the tag presented as:


have been replaced with:


Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 9
Second paragraph

The second paragraph on page 9 states: "For example, class selectors can be used to identify warnings with red color in
the paragraph, as well as in list item."

Amended the code on page 10 to:

.warning {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Second paragraph

The second paragraph on page 9 states: "For example, class selectors can be used to identify warnings with red color in
the paragraph, as well as in list item."

Amended the code on page 10 to:

.warning {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 14
Caption at bottom (under Figure 1-14)

The affect of the child selector rule
should be
The effect of the child selector rule

Anonymous    Jul 01, 2007
Page 14-15
Figure 1-14 on p. 14 and 1st paragraph on p.15

Changed the second paragraph on page 15 to the following:

“In figures 1-14 and 1-15, the reason the first strong element is underlined is because it was placed within the p

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 14
Figure 1-14

The text of the last sentence in the HTTP doesn't correspond to the screen capture.
The code says:
"Therefore, it receives the style dictated in the CSS rule."
But the screen capture shows:
"Therefore, it receives the div > strong style."

The page now has a revised screenshot.

Aadjusted code sample text on page 14 to:

<p>Underlining happens within this part of the sentence because this
<strong>strong</strong> is the direct child of div.</p>

This <strong>strong</strong> is the child of div and does not receive the style
dictated in the CSS rule.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Figure 1-14 on p. 14 and 1st paragraph on p.15

Changed the second paragraph on page 15 to the following:

“In figures 1-14 and 1-15, the reason the first strong element is underlined is because it was placed within the p

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Figure 1-14

The text of the last sentence in the HTTP doesn't correspond to the screen capture.
The code says:
"Therefore, it receives the style dictated in the CSS rule."
But the screen capture shows:
"Therefore, it receives the div > strong style."

The page now has a revised screenshot.

Aadjusted code sample text on page 14 to:

<p>Underlining happens within this part of the sentence because this
<strong>strong</strong> is the direct child of div.</p>

This <strong>strong</strong> is the child of div and does not receive the style
dictated in the CSS rule.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 17

The page now has a revised caption for Figure 1-17 which reads:

Adjacent sibling selectors only affect the latter element specified in the selector, not the preceding element or

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version

The page now has a revised caption for Figure 1-17 which reads:

Adjacent sibling selectors only affect the latter element specified in the selector, not the preceding element or

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 18
Text for warning icon at bottom of page

...supported in Mozilla, Firefox Opera 5+, and Safari.
...supported in Mozilla, Firefox, Opera 5+, and Safari.

Anonymous    Jul 01, 2007
Page 27-32

Red Badge of Courage has been corrected from:

"Red Bade of Courage"


"Red Badge of Courage"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version

Red Badge of Courage has been corrected from:

"Red Bade of Courage"


"Red Badge of Courage"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 35
Figures 1-30 and 1-31

Firefox image is Figure 1-30 and IE image is Figure 1-31.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Figures 1-30 and 1-31

Firefox image is Figure 1-30 and IE image is Figure 1-31.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 37
Last paragraph

Revised last paragraph on page 37 to read:

“External and internal style sheets are better over internal styles in terms of time spent on maintaining web sites.”

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Last paragraph

Revised last paragraph on page 37 to read:

“External and internal style sheets are better over internal styles in terms of time spent on maintaining web sites.”

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 44
3rd paragraph (under code example)

won't take affect
should be
won't take effect

Anonymous    Jul 01, 2007
Page 46
4th paragraph, first part of first sentence

for a large or complex sites
should be
for large or complex sites

Anonymous    Jul 01, 2007
Page 49
Table 1-4

Added a note after Table 1-4:

There is not an order for the placement of the values for font and background shorthand properties. However, it is
recommended to be consistent in their placement throughout your style sheet.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Table 1-4

Added a note after Table 1-4:

There is not an order for the placement of the values for font and background shorthand properties. However, it is
recommended to be consistent in their placement throughout your style sheet.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 51
Last paragraph before code

Revised Discussion text at bottom of page 51 to read:

“In the times before CSS was widely adopted by mainstream browsers, designers used the align attribute within the img
element to move images to the side with text wrapping.

W3C deprecated align and now recommends using float instead. Instead of just images, however, floats can be used with
elements other than images to shift an item left or right within its current place.

When using floats, you might want a keep text from wrapping. To work around that, use clear, which is shown in Figure

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Last paragraph before code

Revised Discussion text at bottom of page 51 to read:

“In the times before CSS was widely adopted by mainstream browsers, designers used the align attribute within the img
element to move images to the side with text wrapping.

W3C deprecated align and now recommends using float instead. Instead of just images, however, floats can be used with
elements other than images to shift an item left or right within its current place.

When using floats, you might want a keep text from wrapping. To work around that, use clear, which is shown in Figure

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 53
First paragraph of Discussion

Revised the text on page 53, for Recipe 1.15 to read:

“The sample code used in the solution tells the browser to position the element with the absolute class exactly 100
pixels from the left and 50 pixels off of the bottom edge of the browser’s viewport.”

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
First paragraph of Discussion

Revised the text on page 53, for Recipe 1.15 to read:

“The sample code used in the solution tells the browser to position the element with the absolute class exactly 100
pixels from the left and 50 pixels off of the bottom edge of the browser’s viewport.”

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 67
Figure 2-1

The location of the bottom-padding, bottom-border and bottom-margin labels are
inconsistent with the rest of the image.

Please adjust Figure 2-1:

- Adjust the placement of border properties to be on the thin, solid black line that they rest on.
- Review Figure 8-2 in CSS: The Definitive Guide, Third Edition for reference of how the properties should be listed.

Page 89
1st paragraph

y-axis but is repeats
should be
y-axis but it repeats

Anonymous    Jul 01, 2007
Page 92

The code in the top and lower portion of the page now reads:

border-top: 1em solid #666
border-bottom: 1em solid #666

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version

The code in the top and lower portion of the page now reads:

border-top: 1em solid #666
border-bottom: 1em solid #666

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 110
Figure 2041 at bottom of page

The label for the image is "Instant drop shadows on HTML text", but the image has no
drop shadows. It is an image of grass.

Page 139
5th paragraph

the width of an image to increases
should be
the width of an image increases

Anonymous    Jul 01, 2007
Page 233
1st line of 1st paragraph

You to display icons
should be
You want to display icons

Anonymous    Jul 01, 2007
Page 257
3rd paragraph

Changed the code to the revised:

function kadabra(zap){
var abra= document.getElementById(zap).style;
if(abra.display =="block"){
return false;
return true;

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
3rd paragraph

Changed the code to the revised:

function kadabra(zap){
var abra= document.getElementById(zap).style;
if(abra.display =="block"){
return false;
return true;

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 290
Paragraph "Discussion"

It says "While Recipe 6.10 showed how to disguise a Submit button to look like HTML text,".

It now reads: "Recipe 7.10".

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Paragraph "Discussion"

It says "While Recipe 6.10 showed how to disguise a Submit button to look like HTML text,".

It now reads: "Recipe 7.10".

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 291 & 292
Recipe 7.12 has incorrect figures.

Figure 7-17 is incorrect. The correct one can be found here -

Figure 7-18 is incorrect. The correct Figure 7-18 can be found here -

Page 333 & 335
Figure 8-7 and 8-8 description

Figure 8-7 and 8-8 were switched and now describe the figures correctly.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
333 & 335
Figure 8-7 and 8-8 description

Figure 8-7 and 8-8 were switched and now describe the figures correctly.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008