
HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide

Errata for HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, Sixth Edition

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
PDF Page 58
3rd paragraph

div.abstract {left-margin: +0.5in; font-style: italic}) should be
div.abstract {margin-left: +0.5in; font-style: italic})

Anonymous  Dec 16, 2009 
Printed Page 162
Table 6-1

The table omits the space character from the list of characters and their encodings. This means the table isn't as usable as it should be. You shouldn't have to look back at the previous page for the answer!

Insert a row in the table like:
(space) Space character Unsafe %20

Alan Rew  Jul 31, 2012 
Printed Page 178
middle of page

Since ALIGN=CENTER is depreciated, shouldn't it be ALIGN=MIDDLE in this HTML fragment?

Anonymous  Feb 09, 2009 
Other Digital Version 179
Top of page 179

This one's centered on the right.
<br clear="left" />
This caption should be directly below the
<p />

I believe you may have meant to put <br /> where you have <p /> because <p /> is not valid according to the W3C spec for HTML and XHTML.

Anonymous  Feb 18, 2012 
Printed Page 244
Coding example at the bottom of the page

Tested on browser Firefox 6.0.1 and Safari 5.0.2

Instead of:
<li> This is item number 1.</li>
<li> This is sub-item number 1.1.</li>
<li> This is item number 2.</li>
<li> This is sub-item 2.1.</li>
<li> This is sub-item 2.2.</li>
... and so on

It should be:
<li> This is item number 1.
<li> This is sub-item number 1.1.</li>
<li> This is item number 2.
<li> This is sub-item 2.1.</li>
<li> This is sub-item 2.2.</li>
... and so on

Kwok Cheung  Sep 02, 2011 
Other Digital Version 249
second paragraph under the title

In the text of "Accordingly,the first paragraph in the ... ... Conversely,the second paragraph comes after a level-2 header, which is the first child of the second division.So, that second paragraph in the example gets rendered in plain text, because it is not the first child of its division(Figure 8-5):"

Here,the last and second to the last sentences contradict with each other, as the last sentence says "it is not the first child of its division...",but the second to the last sentence says "...the second paragraph comes after a level-2 header, which is the first child of the second division....".

You can see "not the first child of its division" and "is the first child of the second division" contradict with each other.

So, the correct text should replace:
"Conversely, the second paragraph comes after a level-2 header, which is the first child of the second division."

"Conversely, the seconf paragraph comes after a level-2 header, which is the second child of the second division."

Alister Chan  May 31, 2010 
Printed Page 324
Table 9-1

For "Form tag or <input> type" button, the name attribute is marked as "required", yet on page 333, Section Push buttons, paragraph 1, sentence 3, the text reads "The name attribute, if included in the tag, causes ..." seems to express the concept that it is optional. The implementation of the more current browsers (e.g., IE 8.0.x, Firefox 3.6.x, Safari 4.x) seems to indicate that the browser implementers are interpreting that attribute as optional.

Anonymous  Apr 12, 2010 
Printed Page 337 et seq
Section; table describing <textarea>

The location above refers to the 5th edition.

The wrap attribute described in the book appears to be nonfunctional in IE, FireFox, and Opera (all browsers checked).

The HTML 4.01 and XHTML specifications at W3C do not list a wrap attribute. (This was discovered when wrap=physical did not appear to have the described result).

Dialogue would be appreciated.

- Bob Gezelter

Robert Gezelter  Jan 01, 2009 
Printed Page 482
top paragraph

The text indicates an unlimited number of correct documents with letters A through F. Should be "A through G".

Anonymous  Oct 02, 2010 
Printed Page 498
second indented text

example reads </math:div>x2/x</div>, but this generates error in my browse.
I think it should be <math:div>x2/x</math:div>

Anonymous  Oct 02, 2010 
Printed Page 558
length section, 2nd paragraph

First sentence of the second paragraph reads:
The unit identifiers em and ex refer to the overall height of the font and to the height of the letter "x," respectively.

This should read:
The unit identifiers em and ex refer to the width of the letter "m" and to the height of the letter "x", respectively.

jazy Chas  May 03, 2010