
HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide

Errata for HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, Sixth Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xvi
line -7

"but the standard is yet established" should probably be "but the standard is not yet established"

Anonymous    Sep 01, 2007
Page 17
Figure 2-1

The figure is missing an exclamation point at the end of the line that reads: Hello, World Wide Web

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Figure 2-1

The figure is missing an exclamation point at the end of the line that reads: Hello, World Wide Web

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 32
Figure 2-5, 3rd paragraph

"wiht" should be "with"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 32
line 5

"for multicolumn text and" should be removed

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Figure 2-5, 3rd paragraph

"wiht" should be "with"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
line 5

"for multicolumn text and" should be removed

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 43
Section 3.5.3 on comments

The statement "There must be a space after the initial <!-- and preceding the final -->" is not correct. There is no
such requirement in either HTML nor XML according to the w3c documents referenced below.

However, there is a restriction on the content of a comment that is not mentioned in the book: Two adjacent hyphens may
not appear in the body of a comment. This is a strange restriction since --> is
the terminator and -- followed by something other than > should not be that hard for a parser to deal with.

Even stranger, the HTML doc says that whitespace may appear between the -- and the > terminating the comment. So <!--
comment -- > is a valid comment. This is just plain dumb. No wonder XHTML was invented.

Author reply:
This is all correct, but covers more than we address in this chapter. Moreover, although the spec advises against (but
does not formally prohibit) the use of two dashes in a comment, both IE and Firefox correctly handle the comment.
We will replace the sentence: “There must be a space after the initial <!-- and preceding the final -->, but
otherwise you can put nearly anything inside the comment.”


“You can put nearly anything you’d like inside a comment.”

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Section 3.5.3 on comments

The statement "There must be a space after the initial <!-- and preceding the final -->" is not correct. There is no
such requirement in either HTML nor XML according to the w3c documents referenced below.

However, there is a restriction on the content of a comment that is not mentioned in the book: Two adjacent hyphens may
not appear in the body of a comment. This is a strange restriction since --> is
the terminator and -- followed by something other than > should not be that hard for a parser to deal with.

Even stranger, the HTML doc says that whitespace may appear between the -- and the > terminating the comment. So <!--
comment -- > is a valid comment. This is just plain dumb. No wonder XHTML was invented.

Author reply:
This is all correct, but covers more than we address in this chapter. Moreover, although the spec advises against (but
does not formally prohibit) the use of two dashes in a comment, both IE and Firefox correctly handle the comment.
We will replace the sentence: “There must be a space after the initial <!-- and preceding the final -->, but
otherwise you can put nearly anything inside the comment.”


“You can put nearly anything you’d like inside a comment.”

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 49
Figure 3-3 and HTML just above it

The title line in figure 3-3 contains "HTML & XHTML" (with ampersand), but the HTML just above the figure contains "HTML
and XHTML" (without an ampersand).

Anonymous    Sep 01, 2007
Page 52
section 3.8.2, line 4

Replace "this innovation" with "Frames".

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
section 3.8.2, line 4

Replace "this innovation" with "Frames".

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 53

Replace "know" with "known"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version

Replace "know" with "known"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 54
line 5

Change "2003" -> "2007"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
line 5

Change "2003" -> "2007"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 61
box for <p>

Add "onClick" to list of attributes

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
box for <p>

Add "onClick" to list of attributes

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 98
line before the box

Change "in Figure 4-20" -> "in Figure 4-19"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
line before the box

Change "in Figure 4-20" -> "in Figure 4-19"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 176
The gopher path

The example line should be 3 lines, each line starting "type/..."

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
The gopher path

The example line should be 3 lines, each line starting "type/..."

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 180
code above screenshot, line 2

Change "status" -> "self.status"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
code above screenshot, line 2

Change "status" -> "self.status"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 197
Section, second sentence

The sentence contains an extra "the"

..., and its the value is the name of
the frame or window ...

should be:

..., and its value is the name of
the frame or window ...

Anonymous    Sep 01, 2007
Page 208
near top of page

"http_equiv" should read "http-equiv"

Anonymous    Sep 01, 2007
Page 217
cross references at end of section

Dir is, lang is, id is and title is

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
cross references at end of section

Dir is, lang is, id is and title is

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 220
cross references at end of section

same as for page 217

See previous answer for dir, lang, id and title attribute assignments.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
cross references at end of section

same as for page 217

See previous answer for dir, lang, id and title attribute assignments.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 226 first paragraph

This paragraph is a copy of the paragraph in section But the HTML tag that it is describing should be changed
from <dt> to <dd>.

Author reply:
We're changing “<dt>” to “<dd>” in this paragraph.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
226 first paragraph

This paragraph is a copy of the paragraph in section But the HTML tag that it is describing should be changed
from <dt> to <dd>.

Author reply:
We're changing “<dt>” to “<dd>” in this paragraph.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 233
last line

"The id attribute" -> "The title attribute"
"" -> ""

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
last line

"The id attribute" -> "The title attribute"
"" -> ""

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 243
the last sentence of section 8.2.5 has a typo - Inernet

Explorer instead of Internet Explorer. This is already fixed in the
safari errata.

Page 243
last line before heading 8.2.6

Note: With version 7, Internet Explorer now supports attribute selectors.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
last line before heading 8.2.6

Note: With version 7, Internet Explorer now supports attribute selectors.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 273
all 3 figures

These 3 figures should show the rendering of the value "bottom" (instead of "text-bottom").

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
all 3 figures

These 3 figures should show the rendering of the value "bottom" (instead of "text-bottom").

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 283
5th paragraph (4th complete paragraph)

Section on the Overflow Property states that "none of the currently popular browsers supports the overflow

This would seem to be outdated information, perhaps left from an earlier addition?
Safari, Firefox, IE 6 (with some issues) and IE 7 all support overflow.

Author reply"
The URL given allows me to test and confirm that this is supported in IE and Firefox. We're removing that sentence.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
5th paragraph (4th complete paragraph)

Section on the Overflow Property states that "none of the currently popular browsers supports the overflow

This would seem to be outdated information, perhaps left from an earlier addition?
Safari, Firefox, IE 6 (with some issues) and IE 7 all support overflow.

Author reply"
The URL given allows me to test and confirm that this is supported in IE and Firefox. We're removing that sentence.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 284
line 5 from bottom

Change "Figure 8-8" -> "Figure 8-14"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
line 5 from bottom

Change "Figure 8-8" -> "Figure 8-14"

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 287

End of first paragraph: The cross-reference should refer to

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version

End of first paragraph: The cross-reference should refer to

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 321
4th paragraph

The book says:

You can use a mailto URL as the value of the form's action attribute. The latest browsers automatically email the
various form parameters and values to the address supplied in the URL.

I tried the following form (with the right email address) and my IE 6.0 brings up my email client - the browser doesn't
email the form.

<form method=POST action="mailto:email_address">
<input type=submit>

The issue is also described and discussed at -

Author reply:
Here an email is composed for you, but the user must actually click the send button to send it. This is a deviation
from early browsers, which silently sent the message on your behalf.

In any case, the sentence: “The latest browsers automatically email the various form parameters and values to the
address supplied in the URL.”

will be replaced by:

“Older browserswill silently email the various form parameters and values to the address supplied in the URL. For
security purposes, the latest browsers will instead use the default messaging client to compose the email, relying upon
the user to click the “Send” button to transmit the message.”.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
4th paragraph

The book says:

You can use a mailto URL as the value of the form's action attribute. The latest browsers automatically email the
various form parameters and values to the address supplied in the URL.

I tried the following form (with the right email address) and my IE 6.0 brings up my email client - the browser doesn't
email the form.

<form method=POST action="mailto:email_address">
<input type=submit>

The issue is also described and discussed at -

Author reply:
Here an email is composed for you, but the user must actually click the send button to send it. This is a deviation
from early browsers, which silently sent the message on your behalf.

In any case, the sentence: “The latest browsers automatically email the various form parameters and values to the
address supplied in the URL.”

will be replaced by:

“Older browserswill silently email the various form parameters and values to the address supplied in the URL. For
security purposes, the latest browsers will instead use the default messaging client to compose the email, relying upon
the user to click the “Send” button to transmit the message.”.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 337

The text of this section refer to 'virtual' and 'physical' as valid values for the wrap attribute. 'soft' and 'hard'
should be used instead.

Author reply:
True enough. Netscape 3.0 tried to make the virtual/physical values a standard but gave up. All occurrences
of “physical” will be replaced by “hard” in this section, and all occurrences of “virtual” with “soft.” In addition,
the following paragraph will be included at the very end of the section:

Note that early versions of the Netscape browser used virtual and physical in place of soft and hard for this
attribute. These values are generally not supported today; we mention them here only to provide clarity should you
stumble across some ancient bit of HTML in your web wanderings.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version

The text of this section refer to 'virtual' and 'physical' as valid values for the wrap attribute. 'soft' and 'hard'
should be used instead.

Author reply:
True enough. Netscape 3.0 tried to make the virtual/physical values a standard but gave up. All occurrences
of “physical” will be replaced by “hard” in this section, and all occurrences of “virtual” with “soft.” In addition,
the following paragraph will be included at the very end of the section:

Note that early versions of the Netscape browser used virtual and physical in place of soft and hard for this
attribute. These values are generally not supported today; we mention them here only to provide clarity should you
stumble across some ancient bit of HTML in your web wanderings.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 344

Setting the tabIndex to 0 does not always exclude the element from the
tabbing order. In my IE version 6.0 setting tabIndex to -1 works fine, though.

Author reply:
This is true. Positive integers create a tab order, -1 removes an element from the tab order, and 0 leaves the item in
the order after numbered items, in the order declared in the file.

This paragraph will be replaced:

The value of the tabindex attribute is a positive integer indicating the position of the tagged contents in the overall
tab sequence for the document. The tabbing order begins with elements with explicit tabindex values, starting from the
lowest to the highest numbers. Same-valued tags get tab-selected in the order in which they appear in the document. All
other selectable tags, such as the various form controls and hyperlinks, are the last to get tabbed, in the order in
which they appear in the document. To exclude an element from the tab order, set the value of tabindex to 0. The
element is skipped when the user tabs around the form.

with this:

The value of the tabindex attribute is a positive integer indicating the position of the tagged contents in the overall
tab sequence for the document. The tabbing order begins with elements with explicit tabindex values greater than zero,
starting from the lowest to the highest numbers. Same-valued tags get tab-selected in the order in which they appear in
the document. All other selectable tags, including those with tabindex set to 0, then get tabbed in the order in which
they appear in the document. To exclude an element from the tab order, set the value of tabindex to -1. The element is
skipped when the user tabs around the form. Finally, in the next paragraph, replace “while notab is equivalent to
tabindex=0” with “while notab is equivalent to tabindex=-1”.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version

Setting the tabIndex to 0 does not always exclude the element from the
tabbing order. In my IE version 6.0 setting tabIndex to -1 works fine, though.

Author reply:
This is true. Positive integers create a tab order, -1 removes an element from the tab order, and 0 leaves the item in
the order after numbered items, in the order declared in the file.

This paragraph will be replaced:

The value of the tabindex attribute is a positive integer indicating the position of the tagged contents in the overall
tab sequence for the document. The tabbing order begins with elements with explicit tabindex values, starting from the
lowest to the highest numbers. Same-valued tags get tab-selected in the order in which they appear in the document. All
other selectable tags, such as the various form controls and hyperlinks, are the last to get tabbed, in the order in
which they appear in the document. To exclude an element from the tab order, set the value of tabindex to 0. The
element is skipped when the user tabs around the form.

with this:

The value of the tabindex attribute is a positive integer indicating the position of the tagged contents in the overall
tab sequence for the document. The tabbing order begins with elements with explicit tabindex values greater than zero,
starting from the lowest to the highest numbers. Same-valued tags get tab-selected in the order in which they appear in
the document. All other selectable tags, including those with tabindex set to 0, then get tabbed in the order in which
they appear in the document. To exclude an element from the tab order, set the value of tabindex to -1. The element is
skipped when the user tabs around the form. Finally, in the next paragraph, replace “while notab is equivalent to
tabindex=0” with “while notab is equivalent to tabindex=-1”.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 370
2nd line below figure 10-3

The cross-reference to section is a self-reference (this is section It should be a reference to

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
2nd line below figure 10-3

The cross-reference to section is a self-reference (this is section It should be a reference to

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 382
end of 1st paragraph in 10.3.5

The cross-reference should point to

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
end of 1st paragraph in 10.3.5

The cross-reference should point to

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 400
2nd line

The cross-reference should point to

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
2nd line

The cross-reference should point to

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 420
4th line

The cross-reference should point to section

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
4th line

The cross-reference should point to section

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 463
last line

"<dfn>" should be replaced by "<dl>" (and "<dl>" removed from the first line on page 464)

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
last line

"<dfn>" should be replaced by "<dl>" (and "<dl>" removed from the first line on page 464)

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Page 498
Section 16.2.3

The given xmlns element is wrong, and appears to be derived from the DOCTYPE element. It is rejected by the W3C
validation software version 0.8.2.

You have <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

But the "TR" should be "1999"
And the "xhtml1" should not have the '1': "xhtml" is correct

These appear twice near the end of section 16.2

Author reply:
Correct. Both occurrences of “/TR/xhtml1” will be replaced with “/1999/xhtml” in this section.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
Section 16.2.3

The given xmlns element is wrong, and appears to be derived from the DOCTYPE element. It is rejected by the W3C
validation software version 0.8.2.

You have <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

But the "TR" should be "1999"
And the "xhtml1" should not have the '1': "xhtml" is correct

These appear twice near the end of section 16.2

Author reply:
Correct. Both occurrences of “/TR/xhtml1” will be replaced with “/1999/xhtml” in this section.

Anonymous    May 01, 2008