
On Dec 23 John Arroyo wrote: Make Magazine: DIY Music
I’ve been reviewing O’Reilly publications all week. I got ahold of Make Magazine: DIY Music (Technology on Your Time Volume #15) this time. It was fun reading about the various music hacks, brought me back to my hardware hacking days of undergrad and more recently Dartmouth Digital Musics. There is… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Dec 22 Aaron Mitchneck wrote: Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 15 By Mark Frauenfelder
First off, I received a free copy through the O’Reilly Blogger Review Program. I remember seeing this in my local bookstore but decided to not purchase it. Well, that was a big mistake. This volume was for musicians and being a part time musician, I was able to get tons… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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Functional JavaScript

Nitin K Sookun wrote:
Functional JavaScript by Michael Fogus
I started reading Functional JavaScript a few days back. It started with my quest for… Full Review >

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