
On Jul 29 Nitin K Sookun wrote: Functional JavaScript by Michael Fogus
I started reading Functional JavaScript a few days back. It started with my quest for expanding knowledge of JavaScript and making out the most from the wonderful libraries/frameworks available on the web. The author, Michael Fogus, starts the book by giving a short introduction to Underscore.js which is a JavaScript… Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 21 Przemysław Dąbek wrote: JavaScript more functional
Functional JavaScript is nice mindshift and exploration into functional world when reader can write software with elegant API using functional approach... Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jul 17 Blaize Kaye wrote: Functional programming with JS and the underscore library.
In his new book, Fogus attempts the twofold task of introducing his audience to functional programming in general, and demonstrating how one can achieve a functional style using Javascript and the underscore.js library in particular. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Jul 16 Rob Friesel wrote: the canonical text for applying functional programming to JS
Just like it says on the tin, Functional JavaScript is just that: a book about writing JavaScript in a functional style with Underscore.js as the foundational library to give you some of the higher-order functions you need to get started. What Fogus has written here is an outstanding introduction to functional programming as a style/paradigm, but he has also written what I consider to be the authoritative text on applying that style to JavaScript. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0


On Aug 28 Chris Webb wrote: Functional JavaScript
Functional JavaScript by Michael Fogus (O'Reilly Media) is a wonderfully insightful book. It introduces functional programming concepts and shows how they work within the context of JavaScript. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jul 10 Hernan Garcia wrote: Great book to write clean and composable JS applications
This book has something for every body. If you are a functional person you may learn the way of JavaScript and how to achieve most of the functional idioms with the language. Functional JavaScript - book cover If you are a JavaScript person you will learn how to use your tool of choice in a functional way. Even if you are familiar with JavaScript and functional programming, the book serves as a good resource to refresh and update your knowledge on both fields. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jul 7 Dylan Scott wrote: Practical Functional JS
Fogus presented the sometimes tricky concepts of functional programming in clear language. It was also refreshing how Fogus explained that functional programming was not the only way to complete a task (and not a mandate that had to be the best solution)-but one way that can work in many situations. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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