Inserting Images into Your Blog Posts

You can add images to a post pretty easily by using the WordPress image uploader. Jump right in and give it a go by clicking the Upload an Image icon on the Add New Post page. The Add an Image window that appears lets you choose images from your hard drive or from a location on the Web (see Figure 3-1).

image The interface that WordPress uses for file uploads is based on Adobe Flash. Flash is a specific set of multimedia technologies programmed to handle media files on the Web. Some browsers and operating systems aren't configured to handle Flash-based applications. If you experience difficulties with the Add an Image window, WordPress gives you an easy alternative: Click the Browser Uploader link in the Add an Image window to use a non–Flash-based uploader to transfer your files.

Figure 3-1: The WordPress Add an Image window.


Adding an image from the Web

To add an image from the Web after you click the Add an Image icon, follow these steps:

  1. Click the From URL tab in the Add an Image window.

    The Add Media File from URL window opens.

  2. Type the URL (Internet address) of the image in the Image URL text box.

    Type the full URL, including the http:// and www portion of the address. You can easily find the URL of any image on the Web by right-clicking (PC) ...

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