Using the System Configuration Tool to Control Startup

One tool that has existed in multiple versions of Windows that lets you control program startup is the System Configuration program. That program is also available in Windows 8. To open System Configuration, open the Control Panel, click Large Icons or Small Icons from the View By drop-down list, and click Administrative Tools. Double-click the System Configuration shortcut.

If you are at the Windows Start screen, type MSCONFIG. Click the Msconfig icon in the Apps window.

Figure 15.6 shows the System Configuration program window.

FIGURE 15.6 System Configuration program window


The General tab, shown in Figure 15.6, offers three options for controlling startup:

  • Normal Startup: Start Windows normally. All items that normally start automatically are started.
  • Diagnostic Startup: Load only basic device drivers and operating system services but not other services or programs. Use this option to troubleshoot problems with Windows startup that might be caused by a third-party service, device driver, or program.
  • Selective Startup: Choose which types of items to start automatically. Start Windows with basic devices and services, and optionally other system services and startup programs.

The Boot tab, shown in Figure 15.7, lets you control how Windows boots. The large list box lists all the operating system boot selections. If Windows ...

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