UDDI Data Model

UDDI includes an XML Schema that describes four core types of information:

  • businessEntity

  • businessService

  • bindingTemplate

  • tModel

These core data elements are described in the following sections. Figure 7-1 illustrates the containment hierarchy. (This diagram is based on Figure 1 from the “UDDI Data Structure Reference V1.0”, available at http://www.uddi.org/pubs/DataStructure-V1.00-Open-20000930_2.doc.) You may be tempted to rush ahead and try the web-based UDDI interface, but taking the time to understand these core elements now will help immensely when you’re trying to make sense of both the web-based interface and the programmatic API.


The actual UDDI XML Schemas are available online at the following URLs: http://www.uddi.org/schema/2001/uddi_v1.xsd (UDDI 1.0) and http://www.uddi.org/schema/uddi_v2.xsd (UDDI 2.0).

The UDDI data model
Figure 7-1. The UDDI data model

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