Chapter 5. Analysis and Visualization

So far we’ve only talked about audio synthesis and processing, but that is only half of the functionality that the Web Audio API provides. The other half, audio analysis, is all about understanding what the sound that is being played is like. The canonical example of this feature is visualization, but there are many other applications far outside the scope of this book, including pitch detection, rhythm detection, and speech recognition.

This is an important topic for us as game developers and interactive application builders for a couple of reasons. Firstly, a good visual analyzer can act as a sort of debugging tool (obviously in addition to your ears and a good metering setup) for tweaking sounds to be just right. Secondly, visualization is critical for any games and applications related to music, from games like Guitar Hero to software like GarageBand.

Frequency Analysis

The main way of doing sound analysis with the Web Audio API is to use AnalyserNodes. These nodes do not change the sound in any way, and can be placed anywhere in your audio context. Once this node is in your graph, it provides two main ways for you to inspect the sound wave: over the time domain and over the frequency domain.

The results you get are based on FFT analysis over a certain buffer size. We have a few knobs to customize the output of the node:


This defines the buffer size that is used to perform the analysis. It must be a power of two. Higher values will result in more fine-grained analysis of the signal, at the cost of some performance loss.


This is a read-only property, set automatically as fftSize/2.


This is a value between zero and one. A value of one causes a large moving average window and smoothed results. A value of zero means no moving average, and quickly fluctuating results.

The basic setup is to insert the analyzer node into the interesting part of our audio graph:

// Assume that node A is ordinarily connected to B.
var analyser = context.createAnalyser();

Then we can get frequency or time domain arrays as follows:

var freqDomain = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);

In the previous example, freqDomain is an array of 32-bit floats corresponding to the frequency domain. These values are normalized to be between zero and one. The indexes of the output can be mapped linearly between zero and the nyquist frequency, which is defined to be half of the sampling rate (available in the Web Audio API via context.sampleRate). The following snippet maps from frequency to the correct bucket in the array of frequencies:

function getFrequencyValue(frequency) {
  var nyquist = context.sampleRate/2;
  var index = Math.round(frequency/nyquist * freqDomain.length);
  return freqDomain[index];

If we are analyzing a 1,000-Hz sine wave, for example, we would expect that getFrequencyValue(1000) would return a peak value in the graph, as shown in Figure 5-1.

The frequency domain is also available in 8-bit unsigned units via the getByteFrequencyData call. The values of these integers is scaled to fit between minDecibels and maxDecibels (in dBFS) properties on the analyzer node, so these parameters can be tweaked to scale the output as desired.

A 1,000-Hz tone being visualized (the full domain extends from 0 to 22,050 Hz)
Figure 5-1. A 1,000-Hz tone being visualized (the full domain extends from 0 to 22,050 Hz)

Animating with requestAnimationFrame

If we want to build a visualization for our soundform, we need to periodically query the analyzer, process the results, and render them. We can do this by setting up a JavaScript timer like setInterval or setTimeout, but there’s a better way: requestAnimationFrame. This API lets the browser incorporate your custom draw function into its native rendering loop, which is a great performance improvement. Instead of forcing it to draw at specific intervals and contending with the rest of the things a browser does, you just request it to be placed in the queue, and the browser will get to it as quickly as it can.

Because the requestAnimationFrame API is still experimental, we need to use the prefixed version depending on user agent, and fall back to a rough equivalent: setTimeout. The code for this is as follows:

window.requestAnimationFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame  ||
  window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
  window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    ||
  window.oRequestAnimationFrame      ||
  window.msRequestAnimationFrame     ||
  window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);

Once we have this requestAnimationFrame function defined, we should use it to query the analyzer node to give us detailed information about the state of the audio stream.

Visualizing Sound

Putting it all together, we can set up a render loop that queries and renders the analyzer for its current frequency analysis as before, into a freqDomain array:

var freqDomain = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
for (var i = 0; i < analyser.frequencyBinCount; i++) {
  var value = freqDomain[i];
  var percent = value / 256;
  var height = HEIGHT * percent;
  var offset = HEIGHT - height - 1;
  var barWidth = WIDTH/analyser.frequencyBinCount;
  var hue = i/analyser.frequencyBinCount * 360;
  drawContext.fillStyle = 'hsl(' + hue + ', 100%, 50%)';
  drawContext.fillRect(i * barWidth, offset, barWidth, height);

We can do a similar thing for the time-domain data as well:

var timeDomain = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
for (var i = 0; i < analyser.frequencyBinCount; i++) {
  var value = timeDomain[i];
  var percent = value / 256;
  var height = HEIGHT * percent;
  var offset = HEIGHT - height - 1;
  var barWidth = WIDTH/analyser.frequencyBinCount;
  drawContext.fillStyle = 'black';
  drawContext.fillRect(i * barWidth, offset, 1, 1);

This code plots time-domain values using HTML5 canvas, creating a simple visualizer that renders a graph of the waveform on top of the colorful bar graph, which represents frequency-domain data. The result is a canvas output that looks like Figure 5-2, and changes with time.

A screenshot of a visualizer in action
Figure 5-2. A screenshot of a visualizer in action

Demo: to see the above visualizer live, visit

Our approach to visualization misses a lot of data. For music visualization purposes, that’s fine. If, however, we want to perform a comprehensive analysis of the whole audio buffer, we should look to other methods.

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