A special case of high-level synthesis is the synthesis of bit-serial architectures. In bit-serial systems, no allocation is performed, i.e., each algorithm operation is mapped to a unique bit-serial functional unit. In bit-serial architectures, a complete word is not computed in a single clock but is computed over a series of clock cycles. Therefore the task of scheduling bit-serial architectures is important to ensure the inputs and outputs are synchronized correctly. This appendix presents an algorithm for optimal resource-constrained scheduling of bit-serial architectures. In this algorithm, it is assumed that a one-to-one mapping of operations to hardware functional units exist and that there is no need for functional unit allocation. The goal of the bit-serial scheduling algorithm is to assign the operations to time steps while minimizing the number of required synchronizing registers.
A bit-serial architecture is often represented by the timing model shown in Fig. F.1 and is used in the bit-serial scheduling algorithm. This model represents the necessary relative timing of the inputs and outputs of a bit-serial operator. In Fig. F.1 a functional unit (or operator) i scheduled to begin computations at time step Ti expects to see the first bit of input x1 at time Ti + t(x1), input x2 at time Ti + t(x2), …, and input xm at time Ti + t(xm). Operator i produces the first bit of output y1 at time Ti + t(y1), output y2 at time Ti + t(y2), …, and output yn at ...
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