Chapter 10. Storage Engines
In this chapter we will discuss the most prominent storage engines within MySQL in more detail. Unfortunately, due to the large number of different storage engines and the complexity that some possess, we are not able to examine each one in sufficient detail on the code level. Indeed, storage engines like MyISAM and InnoDB each deserve their own thousand-page book. However, I will provide pointers to the source for those who would like to learn more.
Different storage engines have different capabilities. Table 10-1 contains a comparison of different storage engines.
MyISAM | InnoDB | Memory | Merge | NDB | Archive | Federated | |
Transactions | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | No |
Indexing | B-tree, R-tree, full text | B-tree | Hash, B-tree | B-tree, R-tree | Hash, B-tree | None | Depends on the remote table engine |
Storage | Local disk | Local disk | RAM | Local disk | Remote and local duster nodes | Local disk | Remote MySQL server instance |
Caching | Key cache | Key and data cache | N/A | Same as MyISAM | Key and data cache | None | Depends on the remote table engine |
Lacking | Table | Row | Table | Table | Row | Row | Relies on the remote table engine |
Foreign keys | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | Depends on the remote table engine |
Shared Aspects of Architecture
While there is a great degree of freedom in the implementation of a storage engine, all storage engines must integrate with the main MySQL server code. As a result they have a few things in common. Aside from having to support the basic concepts of tables residing in a database, records, columns, ...
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