
active addresses, 42, 5052, 113

Altcoins, 64, 69, 88, 99103, 108110, 112, 113, 116, 120

“Anti-Fragile Portfolio,” 105, 106

Bancor Network Token, 102

Bank for International Settlements, The, 37

Basic Attention Token (BAT), 101

Bitcoin, 1, 74, 7879, 84

digital gold, 35

and disgruntled populists, 77

distribution of probabilities, 13

energy consumption, 73

liquidity waterfall, 115116

mining, 48, 56, 6971, 8285

money, 58

network, 13, 6366, 68, 71, 77, 7883, 95, 98, 115

peer-to-peer cash, 13

populism, 74

scarcity, 4

S&P and, 109

vs. Ethereum, 9499

see also investment; portfolio management; value of Bitcoin

Bitcoin Cash, 6365, 99, 100

Bitcoin GitHub, 79

Bitcoin Improvement Proposal, 79

blockchain technology, 2, 27, 35, 37, 38, ...

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