Chapter 5. Production-Ready Deployment

Following the installation of Trino from the tar.gz archive in Chapter 2, and your new understanding of the Trino architecture from Chapter 4, you are now ready to learn more about the details of installing a Trino cluster. You can then take that knowledge and work toward a production-ready deployment of a Trino cluster with a coordinator and multiple worker nodes.

Configuration Details

The Trino configuration is managed in multiple files discussed in the following sections. These files are all in the etc directory located within the installation directory by default.

The default location of this folder, as well as of each individual configuration file, can be overridden with parameters passed to the launcher script, discussed in “Launcher”.

Server Configuration

The file etc/ provides the configuration for the Trino server. A Trino server can function as a coordinator, or a worker, or both at the same time. A cluster must be set up with only one coordinator. Dedicating a single server to perform only coordinator work, and adding a number of other servers as dedicated workers, provides the best performance and creates a Trino cluster.

The contents of the file are critical, specifically since they determine the role of the server as a worker or coordinator, which in turn affects resource usage and configuration.


All worker configurations in a Trino cluster should be identical.

The following are the basic allowed ...

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