24. What Do I Write About?
Getting inspired to write about something can be one the hardest things to do (see Figure 5-1). Sometimes you have to be in the right mood and right place to let that blog post come out. You can create a new post in several ways. The inspiration for these posts might come by responding to something elsewhere on the Web. The best way to start blogging is to simply link to something elsewhere that you feel is interesting or maybe something that you disagree with. If you make a constructive criticism to what someone else has posted, you can start a useful dialogue.
In this response post, you can add links and endorse your point of view and stance.
A hyperlink is a graphic or a piece of text in an Internet document that can connect readers to another web page or another portion of a document. Web users can usually find at least one hyperlink on every web page. The simple form of these is called embedded text or an embedded link.
When creating a post, present an idea for a different way to do things. Then invite people to present their reactions and suggestions to it. You cannot expect people to come to you. ...
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