Interpreting Your Answers
Organizations are multifaceted and extraordinarily complex. It’s entirely possible for the majority of an organization to be quite healthy, at the same time a department or two is massively dysfunctional. Or, conversely, an organization may have strong leadership but poor team dynamics within groups. To sort through this level of complexity, we’ll look through two different lenses to help you interpret your answers to the quiz questions. Each lens provides a slightly different perspective, to help you identify areas for improvement.
Lens 1: Organizational Layers Analysis
As you no doubt surmised, the answers to all the questions are in the rough order of best (the A answers) to worst (the D answers). To begin this analysis, look at each section separately and do a quick calculation, tallying up the number of A answers, as well as B’s, C’s and D’s. Next, make note of the distribution in Table 2.1.
Now look for trends in your answers. For example, perhaps you have mostly B’s in the Your Organization’s Philosophy section, but were heavy on the C’s and D’s in response to questions about Your Team and Coworkers. Here are some hints about what your answers in each section can tell you:
Your Organization’s Philosophy
- Mostly A’s: Organizations scoring mostly A’s have clear goals and the right people in place to achieve ...
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