PART 2Mindshift: Free Your Voice

In Part 1, we identified the mindtrap(s) that keep us from letting our own voice shine through. We've pulled them from the shadows and into the light of our consciousness. We can see their shape, why they emerged in the first place, and how they now keep us trapped. We understand whose voice they speak—a voice that is not our own.

Part 2 is about how to shift our mindtraps out of our way, so our path of roses emerges. How do we operate this mindshift? We do it in five steps. First by understanding how our brain can change and embrace a new perspective (Chapter 4), then by tapping into the empathy of others who see us from a different perspective (Chapter 5), and third by asking several simple but powerful questions to pull out the roots that our mindtraps have grown in our mind (Chapter 6). Step 4 is making the decision to let go of our mindtraps, as well as the voices and behaviors that go with them (Chapter 7). Only then can we take the fifth and final step: to sever the unconscious attachments associated with our mindtraps (Chapter 8).

With this mindshift, we create space for a truer, bigger, more authentic version of ourselves to emerge, which in turn transforms how we connect with ourselves and with others, becoming a human leader who shines a bright light in the world—the mindbuild covered in Part 3.

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