
Page numbers in italics indicate figures and in bold indicate tables on the corresponding pages.

Abbott, T. 80

accounting standards 174–175

Air Malaysia 80

Alipay 203

America First policy 4, 49, 65, 67–68, 87, 91, 93, 94, 194, 221–222; American soft power and 119; COVID-19 pandemic and 118–119; deregulation and 115–117; versus expert-led process 117; Financial Stability Board and 113–115; future of 120; G20 adjustment to 108–110; Germany and 109–110; impact of 103–106; leadership of international financial institutions in response to 111–112; rhetoric and action of 106–108, 107; Twitter and 114–115; United Nations and 106; World Bank and 112; World Trade Organization and 111; see also Trump, D.

American Conservative 105

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