
If it takes a village to raise a child, so too, a book.

To my family—Donna, who tirelessly read and proofread excerpts and chapters, and Brandon, who helped research key points and pushed me further. And to my mother, and my father now passed on, who raised me in the back of a Chinese restaurant and taught me resilience and to see the good in everyone and everything.

The good thing about a printed book is unlike an awards speech, there is no orchestra or mike drop to cut me off. So, to my mentees, colleagues, and friends, Alex Pozidis, Atin Gupta, Chris Bryce, Dave Altomare, Harold Gerlach, Halcyon Tan, jc Molina, Jerry Philip, Joe Lu, Michelle Flynn, Pam Panesar, PY Chu, Sarbjit Kaur, Scott Boumeester, publisher Scott Isenberg, ...

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