
Even a trade, the pride and security of every worker, no longer lasts a lifetime. Our largest single labor union is the Teamsters. How many of their members still drive a team of horses?1

—J.M. Juran

Paradigm—from the Greek paradeigma—the ability to see resemblances between apparently disparate problems.2

—Thomas Kuhn

This chapter spotlights key sources Thomas Kuhn and J.M. Juran, on the nature of breakthrough. Seeing how it forms up sheds light on behaviors and reactions that beset and undo it.

In Managerial Breakthrough, Juran notes how 98 percent of species that have shared earth are now extinct. Entropy is a bear. Products, services, and ways are mortal.3 Some orders are good. But none is permanent. Heraclitus put it, ...

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