
Note: Page numbers in italic indicate figures.

Actor Network Theory (ANT) 1314, 31, 7576, 110

Adam, B. 106

agency: collective enactment of meaning and 46; communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) theory and 20, 22, 48; Critical Sensemaking (CSM) framework and 40, 48; cue selection process and 100; future work on question of 110; identifying sites of 7677; non-human 14; power and 19; reconceptualization of human 106; relationship between the individual and 48; sensemaking and 28, 32, 108; sharing of 45; textual 15, 16, 17

Alavi, M. 3

Albu, O. B. 2

Alone Together 20

Appbacker 58

authenticity 4345, 70, 105

authorization 67

authorizing, discursive 69

Awesome Foundation 6265

Bannerman, S. 58

Barger, J. 44

Barros, M. 8889 ...

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